Add x points / Save Selection

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Add x points / Save Selection

Post by bupaje »

This is a small 'ease of use' suggestion.

It would be useful to be able to select a segment -like one of the 4 segments in a standard Moho circle shape- and create multiple points without having to click 'add point' each time and then try to pull it back into the circle shape; in other words be able to divide the line segment multiple times without single clicks and the resultant deforming and readjusting.

For example if I dragged a circle and wanted to make a head with hair I could create the circle, rotate it so one segment was on top, click it and select 'add 20 points' then I could select every other point resize and instant hair. Or I might take a rectangle and select one side and do the same to quickly turn it into a row of teeth in a monsters mouth or on a saw blade.

You can do this now but lots of clicking and adjusting; I know this may seem worthless for adding say 4 or 5 points but I played with a shape I created in Expressions with lots of points and found it useful for spikey stuff like hair, beard and a few similar shapes.

Might also be good to be able to select several points and name and save that selection so you could activate them again without going out and picking them individually again. This might be especially useful when you overlap shapes on the same layer and want to move points that are covered by another shape; if you know you might want to move them again you can save the points and name the selection to be able to activate them and move them without having to drag off the shapes on top.
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