Masking and Particlelayers

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Masking and Particlelayers

Post by Hiddicop »

I'm not sure if I've just miss something, but I donät think there is a way to accomplish the following situation (at least not in a easy way).

What I wanted to do was to make a tree. I drew all the braches and then drew, in a seperat vetorlayer, a shape that shows where all the leaves should be. This was going to be the mask. Then I drew a couple of leaves and put them in a particlelayer and changed the particlelayer-options so they fitted my purpose. I put the particle layer and the masklayer in a grouplayer. But when you now mask it the leaves will just be shown within the mask, and that means that they will be cut off somewhere in the middle.

It would be great if there was a option that made it possible to make a mask that showed all the shapes that overlapped the mask. Then all the leaves that were partially in the mask would be completely shown. This might come in handy in some other situations too, even if I at the moment can't think of any. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, even if I'm not too good on expressing myself in english. After all I'm from Sweden. :oops:
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