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Post by Hiddicop »

I agree with Rylleman. Everything sounds great except the name. The name Moho was great in my opinion, and I see no reason to change it. If I were to check out some new software I would definitly go for a product called Moho rather than something called Anime Studio. It would probably be one of the very last softwares I checked. Not only because I really dislike anime style animation, but also because it doesn't sound special in any way. Just yet another software in the crowd. But perhaps there is a point in letting the name suggest that it's a animation software. But that can be accomplished by simply adding "ani-" or "animation" anyware in the name. AniMoho Studio, Moho Animations, Moho Animation Studio. Or simply calling it Moho Studio would be enough, in my opinion. But well, well, I guess I'll get used to it.

Anyway, congratulations! This sounds very promising for the future of Moho/Anime Studio!
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Post by DarthFurby »

I'm really disappointed by the name.

Not because I hate anime or anything(I love watching anime), but it clearly shows the marketing is aimed at the hobbyist and not the professional. That's not to say Anime Studio won't be successful, because Poser is a good example of a strong hobbyist market, but animation studios will dismiss it based on the name alone.

Is the name really that important?


In the west, artists who draw in an anime style lose credibility amongst professional animators and are actively discouraged by college professors. I don't know why this stigma exists, but it means that Moho is sure to be branded an amateur's toy.

That's a real shame because I've used After Effects, Maya, and Flash, and Moho absolutely belongs in the same company, but without major support from the professional community, it'll miss out on the respect and free publicity that comes from a studio production, and the potentially huge market that comes with it.

If it's not too late to change the name to something like "Moho", which is a unique name that comes up easily on a search engine(unlike Anime Studio), then I hope you'll give it serious thought.

Still, I'm hoping for the best because in spite of the name, the product itself has no equal.
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Post by Haki »

@DarthFurby: I quite agree with you. Anime Studio sound more like a cheap hobbiest programm for people who want animate their anime-style Characters.

I would also prefer Moho or Animation Studio.
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Post by Rhoel »

Changing the name is a worry - some people in the industry already know it - like my boxx ... If I now advise an upgrade to Anime Studio, his first question is what is wrong with Moho. If it has Moho in the title, he isn't going to throw a hissy fit.

I'd vote for the simpler Moho Studio, for three reasons. It still fits in with the e-Frontiers "product-name Studio" convention, will definately be quicker to be associated in the (new intelligent) search engines and has legacy. Legacy is important - if it has the Moho name included, then it can clearly be identified with version 5: The marketing guys can legitimately point out htat the new release is not Moho 6 but the newer better Moho Studio. i.e, this product has legacy. Anime Studio, coming from E-frontier, will not have legacy.

From a costing point of view, there is a budgetry reason for avoiding a name change: Poser 6 retails for 200 euros. Looking back, I'm sure Poser 1 didn't retail for the same high figure. It was seen as a Mark 1 version and therefore potentially bug-ridden ... Mark 1's are escentially beta products. Release Moho as Anime Studio 1, and the price will have to be lower.

The good news for many potential users outside US and Europe is E-frontier accept Paypal as an option. This will please my chief accountant since he was considerably miffed when the old Moho credit card processing system turned doen his personal (gold) credit card as unacceptable.

Look forward to the first shipping.

Last edited by Rhoel on Sun Jul 30, 2006 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Postality »

Well, the name doesn't 100% fit, no because anime isn't exactly what the users have been striding for.

However, it like picking up a movie at the video store. if it says contains sex and violence then you may rent it if it sounds good.

If the movie said it has old people in wheelchairs wearing depends, I doubt it would sell or rent very well.

It's about sex appeal and what sells. Anime is BIG and moho CAN do anime so I'm sure the number of sales will go up. Then again, it's going under a well known company now and people WILL look at it on thier webpage even if it were called Moho.

Anime Studio would just get a bigger appeal for the japanese cultural animation as well as other animation styles.

In all honesty, Moho doesn't mean anything to most people. So changing to a name that has something to do with a style is the right thing to do.

It's definately a better name than Solo or Harmony...
Anime Studio - Ultimate Game Graphics
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Post by J. Baker »

I like "Moho" myself. When I think of Anime, I think of low framerate animation with terrible lipsyncing and a bad story line. I have never seen a good quality anime animation before. Although I stay away from it.

Also, as a active 3D user (Hexagon, Wings3D, Blender, ex. Hash A:M). EFrontier is the last 3D company on my mind. I find there software for those who don't like to create their own 3D models and just like to pose other peoples models in pointless software.

Anyways, it's not my choice. I just hope Moho doesn't change. At least not to the ways that eFrontier has done with their software.
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Post by CartoonM!ke »


Keeping the name as Moho Studio would be good for the reasons already descibed.


Changing the name to Anime Studio would be, actually, more in line with the name of what I think will be a great companion program: Manga Studio. I've been a very happy user of Manga Studio to create my (western-style) comics. While using the terms "Manga" and "Anime" may connote "fannish" "hobbyist" or "amateur" to some, I think that if one steps back from the western mind-set -- these names are very apt in describing sequential and motion art for the world at large. It'll be up to the User Base (that's the collective "us") to show that the stereotypes that pop into people's mind will not stick.

I'm attending an art college here in California and Anime and/or Manga is not a dirty word or anything that's discouraged; with the caveat that one should know how to draw before drawing in a specific stylistic way.

I also feel that the people behind e-frontier are very smart, savvy and want to do right by the users they're inheriting. I don't think that they will "hide" the fact that Anime Studio is Moho v.6. I may be wrong, but looking at Manga Studio -- it was released here as Manga Studio 3.0 and is known as ComicStudio in Japan, so I think my train of thought is on some pretty sturdy rails.

All IMNSHO, so take with liberal amounts of salt :D
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Post by CHIO »

Hi all!!
Really there was good news last weekend. I am a register user, but I didn´t receive an e-mail send by Mike. But all this sound like true for this reasons:

1. ¿Do you remember this forum article send by LM?
Welcome Fahim and Andrew
"Fahim" is really Fahim Niaz Product Manager, e frontier America, Inc.

2. Look this "Anime Survey" at this link (e-frontier web page)
http://www.e-frontier.com/article/artic ... 1851/1/279
Once you have completed the survey, you will receive the a download link to your free version of MotionArtist 2.0!

I think "ANIME STUDIO" give idea to JAPANESE STYLE, and not "2D CGI Animation System".

I vote for




idem ADOBE PREMIERE when they move version 6.5 to 1.0/1.5/2.0 Pro

What do you think ?


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Post by slowtiger »

Just to add my vote:
As others already pointed out, "Anime studio" sounds like a cheap toy for children - I've seen quite a lot of bad software packages with pre-drawn characters to be put into limited motion, and they were all named in this fashion. It would be a shame to market Moho under its possibilities.

Second, "Anime" stands for a certain style. While it may be possible to do that style in Moho, I'm afraid limiting its name to that direction will drive artists with other intentions away. Especially the Flash crowd of internet designers will not touch it anymore.

Well, that's up to the marketing department. I just want the software to be fully functional, which in the moment it is not (see bug forum: no quicktime export, and the recent Papagayo doesn't run at all (Mac OS)).
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Post by Haki »

"Anime" stands for a certain style. While it may be possible to do that style in Moho, I'm afraid limiting its name to that direction will drive artists with other intentions away. Especially the Flash crowd of internet designers will not touch it anymore.
INDEED!!!!!! I think the name has to be neutral!" Anime "would restrict the possibilities of the software for everyone!
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Post by heyvern »


What planet are you guys from?

Is it just me or is "Anime" like... I don't know... the hottest animation topic on the planet?

All I hear about is anime this and anime that. A lot of new animation software users of any sort seem to want to do their favorite Anime characters.

When I bought Moho... I didn't actually think it was for creating... uh... er... Mohos... (what is a "Moho" anyway?).

I really like the look of that Manga Studio thingy... even though I probably wouldn't use it to create "Mangas"... whatever they are. ;)

At this stage (with the email announcement) there is probably very little chance of changing the name... if they announced it... probably has a new box somewhere... or at least it's at the printer. ;)

If only "Anime" animators buy it... YIKES! It will fly off the shelves... make a fortune.

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Post by CartoonM!ke »

Vern nailed it just as good as Colbert :lol:

I don't use flash to run around nekkid
I don't use Photoshop to shop for photos
I don't use Illustrator to illustrate

However, at one point those programs got the mindshare/branding that made them synonymous with Web Animation, Digital image creation/manipulation and Vector drawing/typsetting.

Like I said earlier, it's up to the user base to show the world just what can be done with moho/anime studio.

I do believe that the name change to Anime Studio will open up this program to a world-wide audience more than it is now. Another thing a name change will do will generate a lot of buzz --concider that this announcement comes just before that little get together in Boston, I forget what it's called ;)

Besides, does a Moho by any other name still animate as sweet? (apologies to "Bud" Shakespeare)
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Post by Sequent »

I think e Frontier likes Anime Studio because there is a nice name parallel there with Manga Studio. Anime being the motion version of manga, if you will. So from that marketing perspective it makes most sense.

And it doesn't seem any more "fanboy" than say Animation Master... e.g., Animation Studio/Animation Master. THAT kind of sounds the same to me and might perhaps be another reason that e Frontier might have chosen not to use it.

As Mike and Vern said... it will ultimately be what we make of it. When I was researching TBS vs. Moho, one of the things that kept me coming back to Lost Marble was the quality of some of the examples that I saw you guys creating with Moho.

And at any rate it may be a moot point as I'm sure it's already being presented at Siggraph as Anime Studio. There is a "coming soon" tab already set up for Anime Studio at CP.

I would be more concerned with future development and "making things work" as was said by someone earlier. I would also like to see enhanced integration at some point between things like Manga Studio and Anime Studio. Whereby Manga Studio could perhaps be useful as a sort of storyboarding companion to Moho/Anime Studio. And for Anime Studio to also be able to handle Shade and Poser files natively the way it handles LW files now.

I can see a lot of exciting possibilities there at some point.

Alright, that's just my two cents... and I've only been officially a Moho user for a very short while and still very much learning, so I recognize that my opinion isn't going to be as important or informed as that of others who have been here much longer so please take it accordingly. :)
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Post by MarkBorok »

Glad about the move to e-frontier, not so much about the name change. Manga Studio is a great product, and contains many manga-specific features (being from Japan). Moho, so far, does not contain any anime-specific features, whatever those might be, and users who expect to be making that type of animation with it will probably be disappointed. Disappointed users does not equal good word-of-mouth.

There have been some excellent Japanese-style animations done with Moho, of course, as we've all seen, but those pretty much pushed the program to its limits. And those did not involve anything as complex as some of the action scenes you see in a Japanese animation.

The one thing I can think of that would help would be a version of Moho geared more towards frame-by-frame animation, like ToonBoom or the Tab. I've always wanted to see that (but in addition to the existing Moho, not replacing it). Otherwise, this feels like a marketing disaster to me. Sorry, I really hope I'm wrong, and I will continue evangelizing Moho (but not as an anime-making program, as a cut-out program). Besides, if it doesn't work, e-frontier can always rename it again and change their marketing approach.
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Post by GoChris1 »

My guess is that there will be plenty of anime style content that comes with it.

A lot of it might even come from Manga studio artists.
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