Duplicate action and reassign smartbone

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Duplicate action and reassign smartbone

Post by S0PH »

I'm trying to find a way to quickly make head and body turn arounds really fast. One idea was to make a full body turnaround smartaction (including the head) first, duplicate the action, remove influence from every other part of the character except the head layers, and then set a different bone as the controller for the new duplicated action i.e headturnaround.

So my questions are:
1. Is it possible, to duplicate an action in moho?
2. Is there a way to assign a different control bone to a smartaction that was created for another bone in moho?
3. Does anybody know of or have a script that allows you rename a smartaction without breaking its link to the controlling smartbone?
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Re: Duplicate action and reassign smartbone

Post by Greenlaw »

Maybe this helps: When I want a mirrored version of a limb with its own actions, I would break the limb out into it's own project along with the Smart Bones. Note that it's import to maintain the hierarchy because changes in rotation angle can break the Smart Bone. To do that, I just remove anything I don't need in the rig.

Then, I'll change the action and bone names to reflect what I want in the second version of the limb (for example, changing _L to _R). Finally, I copy and paste this setup (using Copy Layer/Paste Layer, not Copy/Paste) to the original rig, and attach the bones. (You'll probably need to do this in multiple steps to preserve the hierarchy.)


You can use Mult Rush's Transform Rig tool. This tool has the above capability without having to save a separate project file. I don't have enough experience with this tool to explain it accurately, but there is a great descriptive video at the link.
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