Can i get a refund for moho debut?

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Can i get a refund for moho debut?

Post by TheMacintoshOnLegs »

Hello there moho users, i am TheMacintoshOnLegs (even tho i use windows), and im asking if i can refund moho debut 14, i wasn't very satisfied and i bought it because i heard its a "one-time purchase vector rigging animation software" and i wasn't very satisfied due to it being too complicated :( and i want a refund to get adobe animate, so in the end, help me if you want to because i want to reach my dreams to be a animator
cheers, the walking macintosh :D .
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Re: Can i get a refund for moho debut?

Post by Daxel »

Hi! We are mostly users, but you can open a ticket to contact Moho support directly here:

I don't know your age or your level of experience, but I think most begginers are overwhelmed by the complexity of most rig based animation programs when they try to make complex rigs too soon, instead of starting from BFB for example, which is very simple, and then start adding rigging features as you get comfortable.

I don't think Adobe Animate or Harmony are simpler than Moho. Rig animation is complex by nature, it's the tradeoff you have to pay to be more time efficient than just FBF.

I wouldn't recomend Moho Debut to learn Moho to be honest. It's too limited in my opinion. I would use the free 30 days trial of Moho Pro. Maybe Adobe has a trial too, so you can try it to make a decision.

Good luck!
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Re: Can i get a refund for moho debut?

Post by Greenlaw »

I agree with Daxel: I don't think you'll find Adobe Animate easier to use than Moho. At my workplace, I use Moho, Adobe Animate, and Harmony, and to me, Moho is by far the easiest and fastest way to rig and animate 2D puppets. However, the other two programs are more robust for frame-by-frame animation, so it really comes down to the type of animation you want to create: poseable puppets or drawn FBF.

I mostly work with 2D puppets with some FBF elements, so the choice is clear for me. :)

I will say that Moho Debut has many limitations compared to Moho Pro, which could make it harder to use for certain types of animation. Before you move on, you might want to install the trial version of Moho Pro to see if this version meets your needs/expectations. If Moho Pro works better for you and you're looking to save money, I would take advantage of the Black Friday sale going on right now. But first, see if LM will refund your Debut purchase or give you credit towards the Pro purchase.

For FBF animation, I like using Adobe Animate but be aware that Adobe's pricing structure can make it a lot more expensive than Moho. IMO, an Adobe CC subscription is only worth it if you use several of their programs regularly (which I do.) Also, while Adobe Animate does feature rigging tools, they're not as advanced as Moho's. For example, there's no equivalent in Animate for Moho's Smart Bones or Mesh Warp system. I also use Harmony at my workplace, which has FBF tools and puppet rigging tools, but I don't use Harmony in my personal work because it's too expensive for me, and I think Moho Pro is easier and faster for rigging and animating 2D puppet setups. I also like using TV Paint for FBF in my personal work, but this program is not used for puppet animation at all.

That said, with the recent Freehand tool improvements in Moho 14, I've started using Moho to draw 'simple' FBF sequences and elements and will probably use Adobe Animate less now, especially as Lost Marble keeps improving FBF for Moho. Traditionally, FBF hasn't been one of Moho's strong areas, but it's gotten better and more usable lately. I may still use a dedicated FBF program for more complex FBF tasks, but that's actually a rarity for me.

I hope this helps.
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