Moho 13 minor features/bug fixes?

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Moho 13 minor features/bug fixes?

Post by jayfaker »

Is there a list of minor feature additions and bug fixes anywhere? Like one of those development report things even? I don't really need the new raster tools right now (or the 3D stuff) but I am curious to see if there are any small things I might want to upgrade for.
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Re: Moho 13 minor features/bug fixes?

Post by alanthebox »

This is from the ReadMe.txt file that comes with 13:

New Features

Bitmap Freehand Brush Tool
Moho now has bitmap drawing capabilities! Texturize your characters and objects right in Moho using one of Moho’s default brushes or create a custom brush using the new Brush Manager if you’re a Moho Pro user.

Custom Bitmap Brush Creation (Pro Only)
Give your animation the style you want right in Moho by creating custom bitmap brushes. Create brushes with the look and behavior you need for your project by editing a variety of brush settings within Moho Pro’s bitmap Brush Manager.

Exporting/Importing Bitmap Brushes
Share your custom bitmap brushes with others and across devices. Importing/exporting is done using the Brush Manager if you’re a Moho Pro user, or manually placing the brush files in your Custom Content folder if you’re a Moho Debut user.

Bitmap Fill Bucket Tool
Quickly fill and color large areas of pixels for a speedy workflow when creating backgrounds or altering the color of an image layer texture.

Blending Modes for Bitmap Tools
Create unique textures and effects while using the new bitmap Brush or Fill Bucket tool by changing their blending mode. Choose from a selection of over 15 modes.

Bitmap Frame by Frame Capabilities
Create traditional style animations directly in Moho by combining the new Moho bitmap tools and image-based Frame by Frame layer. Speedup your workflow by creating a storyboard or animatic right in Moho.

New Actions Window (Pro Only)
Quickly cut through the clutter of a complex project by using the new Actions window. Search for actions using keywords, create tags for your actions, and organize your actions in groups.

3D Objects Light Manipulation (Pro Only)
Bring greater cohesion between your 2D and 3D assets within Moho by adjusting your imported 3D object’s lighting source, ensuring both 2D and 3D objects have a matching perspective.

3D Objects Material Properties (Pro Only)
Get the look that fits your project best out of your imported 3D objects with new material editing options and toon shading controls.

New Professional Quality Characters
Kickstart your project by using one of Moho’s new characters made by animation industry professionals. Explore their rigs, movements, and surrounding scene to learn new techniques and get inspiration.

Bug Fixes

MOHO 13.0.0

• Exiting full screen mode no longer forces the Action window to redock
• Moho no longer crashes if you have Action window docked and you enter & exit full screen mode
• Moho no longer crashes when you connect a Wacom tablet without having the Wacom drivers installed.
• Moho no longer crashes when a Frame by Frame layer is expanded and you use the Delete Frame button to delete the first frame
• Scripting, if you call the CountSelectedLayers function with a group as argument, it now returns the number of selected layers present only in that group (Mantis 39806)
• Re-linking an image sequence that was moved to another directory now works (Mantis 39584)
• Switch layers nested in a main bone layer now work when the main bone layer has motion blur with sub-frame turned on.
• An image sequence that has been moved to another directory can now be re-linked. (Mantis 39584)
• When you have a single vector point selected that has an animation along the “Select Point Curvature” timeline channel,
double clicking the “Select Point Curvature” channel icon in the Motion Graph now displays associated keyframes
• When you have a single vector point selected, you can now unmute any muted timeline channels associated with it in the Motion Graph
• In a multi display setup alerts, warnings, and dialog boxes now display on the same screen that the main Moho window is on
• Ctrl/Command + A now selects all text in a text boxes
• Text cursor no longer randomly jump out of text boxes – this was caused by the text boxes losing focus during autosave
• Using Ctrl + Up/Down arrow now stops at the bottom or top of the shapes stack (Mantis #39808)
• Bezier handles now flip when attached to a pin bone after the pin bone is flipped (Mantis #39803)
• When using multiple screens, File menu now displays on the same screen that the Moho window is on
• Muting the “Audio Level” timeline channel of an Audio layer now ignores any keyframes on that channel (Mantis 39801)
• Artifact keyframes no longer appear in the timeline when an animation automatically restarts, and the timeline cursor jumps back to frame zero

Additional Notes

Moho 13.0.0

• New dockable Bitmap Color window has been added to control the color of bitmap tools, the color of bitmap tools is not controlled by the Fill or Stroke color within the Style window.
• Creating a new image layer now has a new workflow, you have the option to import a file or create a blank image layer. If you create a blank image layer Moho creates an associated PNG.
For an unsaved project the PNG is a temp file, for a saved project the location of the PNG is in the same directory that the project is saved in – temp file PNGs are moved to the directory.
When the project is saved, the content of the PNG file is updated to match up with the content of the image layer.
• When you use the Duplicate Layer button on an image layer, the duplicate layer will reference the same PNG as previous version of Moho do.
Due to the new bitmap drawing capabilities, Moho now also allows you to duplicate certain image layers and the associated PNG.
This can be done via the new “Duplicate as PNG” option in the right-click context menu of certain image layers.
• Added a “Layers to PNGs” option when importing a PSD, which converts the layers of the PSD being imported into a set of new PNGs that Moho will use instead of the source PSD project.
• Image layers that are referencing a PSD now have a “PSD” icon.
• Default bitmap brushes cannot be edited, but their duplicates can be edited.
• New Custom Content sub-folder has been added to store custom bitmap brushes, “Bitmap Brushes”. Previously existing “brushes” sub-folder has been renamed to “Vector Brushes”.
• When you have an image layer the command Edit > Clear now clears the content of the image layer.
• GPU Acceleration is now OFF at default and has been labeled an “Experimental” feature.
• Ability to import a Poser scene has been removed.
• Removed the “Masking” tool from the Special tools section of the Tool Bar.
• Removed the “Trace Image” (Draw > Trace Image) capability.
• Removed ability to directly upload to Facebook and YouTube from Moho.
• MOV video importing and exporting is now only available on Mac.
• Updated to Wacom Multi-Touch API 4.0.
• Updated to OpenGL 4.1.
• Importing 3D objects has a new workflow, it’s done by creating a the newly added 3D Object layer.
• The ability to manipulate 3D objects directly with bones has been temporarily removed. You can still use a combination of Smart Bones and Layer tools to manipulate the new 3D Object layer.
• Moho Debut does not accept 3D objects when a Moho Pro project is being opened or imported in Debut.
If the Moho Pro project only has 3D Object layer it will be considered an invalid project, if the Moho Pro project also has other types of layers they will be loaded.
• File > Gather Media now collects OBJs, material files, and texture files.
• Default settings for Draw Freehand tool have been changed to
o Auto-weld: OFF
o Trim Start: Checked but disabled
o Trim End: Checked but disabled
o Weld Ends: ON
o Auto close: OFF
o Auto-fill: OFF
o Auto-stroke: ON
o Merge strokes: ON
o Hide auto-closed segments: Checked but disabled
o Variable line width: Use pen pressure
o Width variation %: 75
o Taper start: OFF
o Taper end: OFF
o Smoothing: 1
o Point reduction: 50
• Changed default shortcuts to help create consistency between key combination for opening/closing a window and docking/undocking the same window.
Key combination for docking/undocking windows that can be docked is now Alt + the key combination to open/close that window. New open/close combination are:
o Layer Comps: Ctrl + Shift + J
o Timeline: Ctrl + Shift + W
o Styles: Ctrl + Shift + Y
o Actions: Ctrl + Shift + M
o Library: Alt + L
• Other shortcut changes include:
o Refresh Media: Alt + Ctrl + M
o General Import: Alt + Ctrl + Y
o Use Selected Bones for Flexi Binding: Alt + Ctrl + F
o Reload Tools and Brushes from: Alt + Shift + Ctrl + R
o Show Documents Tab: Alt + Ctrl + J
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Re: Moho 13 minor features/bug fixes?

Post by Greenlaw »

• Exiting full screen mode no longer forces the Action window to re-dock

Thanks goodness for this one! For years, this behavior made me nuts in ASP/Moho. I prefer working with Actions Window un-docked but when I reach for the Esc key to drop selections, it's way too easy to hit the tilde key instead, which always re-docked the Actions window. FINALLY, it no longer does this in Moho 13.

• Re-linking an image sequence that was moved to another directory now works

Pleased about this one too.

For me, it's usually the 'little' things that make me happy. Also happy to see more of the little things getting addressed. :)

The improvements to the Actions window have been even more significant, especially as production rigs grow in complexity. Now we need to see similar workflow improvements to the Styles window, and maybe even get a Bones management window.

I hope the developers continue to focus on fixing minor annoyances in the program. I love using Moho and I think it's a great program but there are quirks and misguided default settings that can sometimes make it harder to use than it should be. For me, optimizing the existing tools and workflow is generally more important than getting brand new features.

That said, I do appreciate the beginning of Moho's bitmap painting tools. Looking forward to more updates on this.
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Re: Moho 13 minor features/bug fixes?

Post by jayfaker »

• An image sequence that has been moved to another directory can now be re-linked.

This one really killed me on a previous project. Glad it's been fixed!
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Re: Moho 13 minor features/bug fixes?

Post by jlgroff »

Speedup your workflow by creating a storyboard or animatic right in Moho.
How is this new capability for making a storyboard in Moho 13? I'm guessing that it is fairly basic compared to a dedicated program for that purpose. But I'm curious to know how useful it is in its current version? It would be an awesome feature if it could compete with something like Toonboom's $toryboard program...
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Re: Moho 13 minor features/bug fixes?

Post by obtusity »

jlgroff wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:14 pm
Bitmap Frame by Frame Capabilities
Create traditional style animations directly in Moho by combining the new Moho bitmap tools and image-based Frame by Frame layer. Speedup your workflow by creating a storyboard or animatic right in Moho.
How is this new capability for making a storyboard in Moho 13? I'm guessing that it is fairly basic compared to a dedicated program for that purpose. But I'm curious to know how useful it is in its current version? It would be an awesome feature if it could compete with something like Toonboom's $toryboard program...
I've expanded the text you've quoted so it is more in context i.e. the feature is under Frame by Frame Capabilities.

From this, I assume it's referring to something as simple as using the new bitmap painting tools to create a "storyboard" by sketching each frame as a storyboard page, rather than as an animation frame. Nothing particularly specialised or detailed as far as storyboarding goes, just an alternative use concept for the same feature. Export to PNG for a set of separate images.
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