Global Style Referencing + more style slots per shape!

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Global Style Referencing + more style slots per shape!


We already got layer referencing, so here's my pitch:

We need a utility set that allows us to point styles to face a specific point or multiple points in a direction globally, so when for example, you have a character walking under a brightly lit torch, they can point to the torch as a sort of beacon for brighter color changes that fade outwards, akin to a pseudo-raytracing element in 2d. if you had a point to reference to it among all layers, or have an option to set specific ones as child ("Tracers" will be the example name.) and parent (Remember these as "Target Lights"

The way i see it, it could either be parent and child, or sub and master layers (like there could be a new folder type layer called "clip lights") and you point up to a certain amount of lights in the settings and move them like icon targets, with the option for things like gradient based spotlights, plume lights (or targets that push light outwards in all directions) and all layers will be designed to change the settings in all related layers to match the movements done in this, it could be a global frame zero setting, or animated by choice so they communicate directly.

An example of this in use is Photoshop's global lighting system, only think multiple layers and things will slowly adjust as you make changes. While i don't know the technical specs, i know styles can change globally, so you could create or use a custom global styles setup for that.

Just an idea, tell me what you think!
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Re: Global Style Referencing + more style slots per shape!

Post by synthsin75 »

You should be able to do something similar with smart bones and shape effect handles. You'd just need a rig to make the vertical and horizontal motions controlled by one bone's translation.

You could also use a gradient for layer blend mode to have brighter colors fade away from one spot. Then you could just animate the blend mode gradient layer to move the focus.
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