Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by ARTzuza »

Hi Fahim,
This message is for to give you a sugestion about one thing i Think it can improve or enhance next version of Anime Studio Pro. THE target bone is a really good improvement, and actaully i am using it in all my characters, but i (and some fiends users of ASP) see a great trouble with the Target, and it is I have not control over the direction of the knee. Hyvern (a expert user of AS) says it very clear in this post:

"This works quite well and is simple to set up, however it does have some limitations. One of the issues is moving the knee or joint location. With the simple set up and one target for the foot the leg can only bend in one direction. To force the leg to bend in the opposite direction, you must force a rotation key on the shin bone. This works but causes the bend to "pop" instead of smoothly animate.

Another limitation is that both the thigh and shin bones will always scale the same amount to reach the foot target. In many situations this may be good enough, but doesn't allow for "foreshortening" or independent scaling of the thigh and shin bones for front walk cycles or perspective, when the shin bone is bent from a front view it would appear shorter."

POST: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=25729&p=148998&hilit=pole#p148998

I hope it was helpful.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by ARTzuza »

Another suggestion is to can to animate Parents constraints, so I could ON/Off Parents for to have more control over some common actions in animation. For example, I need my character hold in his hand an object, manipulate, walk a while with the object in his hand and then released. Currently I would have to animate the character and then animate the object to fit the hand movements. Or else I can "parent" object to the hand bone at frame 0, and so only have to animate the character and object fit with the movements of the hand, but then I have no way that at frame 50 (for example) when the character release (shot it) the object, this is off hand (removing the relation "parent" contraint).
This is a common action in animation, it would be useful to make it easier and possible. Currently i have to do many "not otrodoxe" things for to release the object from the hand.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Equalrights4animals »

New features AS needs:
. Ability to have multiple images in one layer
. Ability to lower the opacity of an image texture
. Ability to move bones and points in the Z axis.
. Ability to add points in the actions timeline.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Equalrights4animals »

Also, you should be able to duplicate and reorder multiple layers at once, like you can in Photoshop.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by braj »

How about separate necks, styles support, and clear custom templates for the character wizard? some head turn option would be wonderful, or at least an option to have head turns use switch layers with all the heads the wizard creates.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Equalrights4animals »

2 more features AS needs.
Currently, switch layers can only interpolate their direct sub layers, and can't interpolate sub layers if the sub layers have their own sub layers. I wish that was no longer the case, and that switch layers could interpolate sub layers within their sub layers.

This next request is really important. Currently, if you have a group/bone/switch/particle layer with sub layers, layers cannot be above some sub layers and below others without being in the Bone/group/particle/switch layer. I wish layers could be above some sub layers and below others without being in the Bone/group/particle/switch layer. The system of dragging layers into other layers could still work the same, but in the layer settings for the sub layers there is a "remove from parent layer" option that makes the layer no longer part of the parent layer but the layer order stays the same.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by KuzKuz »

Add option, for display stroke in intersection areas, in mask.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Lychee »

Same request as KuzKuz, but i dont understand why options are in gray sometime, like "expand mask by a pixel"?
I use Actualy in a project, "Subtract from mask" and it cause a little line around my shape who cant be solved because of this unactivatable option.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by KuzKuz »

Smooth points position tool.
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Character Generator

Post by sceech »

I am using Anime Studio Pro 9, I am producing a series that has regular Characters, and non-regular "one-time" Characters, that appear in only one episode. I don't want to lose too much time creating "single use" characters, so I've been trying to use the Generator as a fix. One thing that would help greatly is if the Character Generator had more editability when creating Characters.

It's nice to be able to "sculpt" the body proportions with the sliders, and the same with the head, but when editing the head, if "generic" is selected, you don't get any hair or ears on the character, so if you want hair and ears, you have to go in after and put hair and ears on all the Layers in the various views, a time taker.

Generator Content - it would be nice to have a few more mouth types, shoes, ears, eyes, perhaps a little more detail in clothing options. In terms of initial body types, it would be nice if there were women and men bodies to start with (no just Boy or Girl, which take a lot of work to turn into a believable woman or man. Having a few choices to start with a woman/man to be an adult mom/dad, grandma/grandpa body type would help a lot. Being able to quickly pick an age-appropriate body type, hair style, long or short skirt, heels or dress shoes, would be a big upgrade. I know this is a lot of dreaming, but I think a lot of users face similar "corrections" to adjust exported Characters to their needs.

Another Global question-It would be really helpful to be able to re-upload a Character exported back into the Generator to edit the views quickly, I don't know if that is something even do-able, but just wondered if it has ever been considered.

Thanks for the chance to give feedback.
All the best,

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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Seifo »

Ooh! Ooh! Maybe this has been mentioned, but totally independent x, y, and z keyframes for the motion graph would be great -- for instance, if you want to fine-tune the x and y movements of a translated layer and add only a y keyframe as opposed to always placing x, y, and z keyframes on the motion graph.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Undiscovered »

Please can we please fix the audio exporting bug.
(I understand people usually export only the video then put it in another video editor like final cut then export.)

But I only like to use Anime Studio for everything. I make short vids and upload on a daily basis.)
But the audio comes out all distorted with pops and crackles when exporting from Anime Studio.

So then I have to export it out in super high quality. ... then open it up in iMovie then export it again with music.

This takes a lot of time and space on my computer.

Please Please fix this audio error.

Thank you,
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Equalrights4animals »

What file format are you using to export?
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Undiscovered »

I tried exporting with WAV and then again MP3. Both are distorting and crackling. :(
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by dkwroot »

Follow Path for bones would be really useful. Basically, we could bind points to bones and then use a smart bone to drive those bones on a path.
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