***Animation Team Wanted****

Want to hire an Moho animator? Post your job listing here.

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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by Droxon »

Don't take this the wrong way... but i advise you to get a little more experience before you even consider to lead a team of animators.

Otherwise no one is going to take you seriously.

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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by Sav84 »

More experience doing what? Animating? But I don't want to animate. Voice acting? I don't want to voice act. I just want to supply the ideas. I put the video together just to show off my ideas. That is a mental thing that cannot be learned. I have many ideas for tv series. I do not have skills for drawing and such. Some can draw and animate really well, but don't have the gift of coming up with good ideas. This is why I want a team each one containing a certain skill set that the other does not have. I would only "lead" in supplying the ideas. And I am confident that this series is a great idea if I can make it happen. It could be the next "Sailor Moon".

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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by dueyftw »

Sav84 wrote:More experience doing what? Animating? But I don't want to animate. Voice acting? I don't want to voice act. I just want to supply the ideas. I put the video together just to show off my ideas. That is a mental thing that cannot be learned. I have many ideas for tv series. I do not have skills for drawing and such. Some can draw and animate really well, but don't have the gift of coming up with good ideas. This is why I want a team each one containing a certain skill set that the other does not have. I would only "lead" in supplying the ideas. And I am confident that this series is a great idea if I can make it happen. It could be the next "Sailor Moon".

I have the skill set to animate, but will not help you. The Ideas you have are just like everyone, a variation of ideas that they have heard from other sources and made them their own. That includes me. Even if you have some fantastic ideas, the approach your are taking will not work.

Getting a 2d animator to help you is impossible, because one person can not animate fast enough to make your next sailor moon. I was involved with the http://www.projpossible.com/ for a very short time. They had the strange notion that they will do all the tough stuff, writing, voice acting etc. And leave the easy animating to me. They didn't like it when I started to tell them that they have to help out with the animation. Mostly grunt work. This was a team of people who just wanted to add another season to a well know show. Now its two years ago, I should go rag on them again.

My advice is to find someone on deviant art and you do the voice overs. Put together some amimatics and go from there.

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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by synthsin75 »

From craigslist ad wrote:I need others who are willing to work in their free time FOR FREE.
You know what creative writers who want to see their work made do? They generally either write an entire book/create an animation/film a student film and shop it around (being out all of their own time and effort if no one buys it), pitch an "idea" to producers to see if anyone will fund the project (being out their own effort and time, at least in footwork, if no one buys it), or they try to dupe others into doing all the really hard and time-consuming bits for free (in the vain hope that they can profit without taking any risk of their own).

Guess which one is least likely to succeed.
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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by Danimal »

It's a tough thing putting together a show and especially assembling a team who want to work together just in the hope that their product will "catch fire." There's some pretty disparaging comments here, but don't worry - you will find your team eventually. Probably not through a craigslist ad, but somehow. You might want to check out the Anime Studio page on Facebook as well as another possible lead.

I'm not much of an animator, but I can help with writing or voices.
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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by heyvern »

I hate to shoot down dreams, but I have to agree with most of the responses. I see an attempt to skip over the "hard work" that doing something like this requires. You claim that your ideas are so good, that you don't need to do anything else. You don't have the talent or skills to do any of the creative work. The "ideas" are easy. Everyone has great ideas for a story. You have to provide much more than that to inspire your volunteer talent.

If you don't have a reputation, don't have any "name recognition" or experience, but still feel your ideas are worth something, you have to work your arse off like a freaking dog to prove yourself or you are going to have to pay others to do it. Often things like this develop within groups of people who already know each other, have an existing relationship and are willing to work together for a common goal knowing full well that any "money" is not the primary goal. Projects like this either require money or total commitment by all involved.

Often these types of projects start out as something fun because it's a group of friends who know each others skills and expertise, have similar tastes and enjoy the process.

To be perfectly honest... nearly EVERYONE thinks they have GREAT IDEAS. EVERYONE thinks they have an idea that would make a great movie or tv show. I bet you could pick out random people off the street and most of them have an idea for a movie or tv show that they think would be huge hit. Many people think these ideas are so powerful that the idea itself will simply inspire people to work for nothing to be a part of it.

The ones who actually succeed are those who put 100% effort into getting it done. The ones who succeed make huge sacrifices in money, time, hard work, anything they can do to make their dream a reality.

You want to get people who don't know you to volunteer for what is 99% likely to never make them any return on the effort or to even get completed. These projects rarely make money. The dreams of success and expectations almost always exceed the reality. You have to start with inspiration and hard work. To get that kind of commitment from "volunteers" you need to inspire with more than just the ideas or story.

If you can't do the creative such as animation or voice over or even storyboards, then put your effort into getting a part time job to raise money. If you aren't creative but can still work with your hands, do whatever you can do to add to the project even if it's manual labor to raise money to pay your volunteer talent.

Another option would be to skip trying to produce your ideas and just write them down and try to get someone else to buy and produce it. Write a screen play or a pitch. It is rare, but success can happen if your ideas are as good as you think.
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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by Sav84 »

Omg some ppl can't read. My ad stated that I would write the scripts and I can even do story boarding. Heck, I bet you didn't even click the link to see that it started as a comic book series that I wrote illustrated and colored myself. Everyone would work an equal amount I would see to that. As I stated in another post too many unknown artists want to get paid upfront like They are Disney and Pixar or something. And that's why they will never be Disney or Pixar. And thanks Danimal for the encouraging words. If you are truly interested let me know. I am working on episode one script now. As for voices that wouldn't come till the end anyway . I might have an animator but he uses traditional methods mostly and anime studio allows you to skip all that frame by frame stuff but he is suppose to get back with me later today.
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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by dueyftw »

We can read. The post 'Please make me money' is old and tired here.
You have the cost of an animation that is outsourced correct. And you don't have that kind of money, neither dose 99.9% of the rest of us.

As I said before. Find an artiest that will draw for you. Make an animatic. And build from there.

One more thing, look at my animation.

I do have the skills to animate, but will not help you because you bring nothing. Have something and that could change.

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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by Sav84 »

dueyftw wrote:We can read. The post 'Please make me money' is old and tired here.
You have the cost of an animation that is outsourced correct. And you don't have that kind of money, neither dose 99.9% of the rest of us.

As I said before. Find an artiest that will draw for you. Make an animatic. And build from there.

One more thing, look at my animation.

I do have the skills to animate, but will not help you because you bring nothing. Have something and that could change.

No you can't read cause it's suppose to make the entire team money not just me. Plus how can you call writing scripts nothing? Without we writers you animator would only have silent films just like your speechless bobble head Thor clip. At least my clip had speech, music, sfx, and a flying space ship. It really doesn't take much to animate in anime studio. I just don't think my drawing skills are that great. But my bad I only just bought this software. I didn't know this forum was for money making professionals only. I didn't know that becoming a pro at using a $300 software for animation suddenly makes you a work for hire type only. Plus I already checked deviant art and not many of them even use this software. Why wouldn't I come to the official source? But whatevs, it's cool. I'm not begging anybody for anything. Did mark zuckerburg beg those guys to help him program? Did Steve jobs beg that dude to help him build a PC? No. You can't make something great on your own I don't care how good you are at animating. You need help but you also need those who believe in it and that's all I was seeking. If you don't believe then you are not who I was aiming for with my post. Geez didn't know it would take a chick to shake things up on these dusty old forums. It's practically a ghost town here. So many probably became disillusioned and left.
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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by funksmaname »

in (oddly) your defense, without writers we wouldn't even have silent films... writers (for comics and animation) don't HAVE to write 'dialogue' - there is still characters, worldbuilding, plot, story, etc.

However, since you plan to try and crowd funding and 'will not wait for funding to get the series made' - why don't you write the script for the season, in full, then put that out there for crowd funding? If it's as good as you think it is it will be funded and you can pay for it to be done professionally. If not, then you avoided wasting anyone's time. win win I suppose, except for the fact that you have to do the up front work for free but hey, it's YOUR dream, so YOU should invest the time to make it happen.

If you're looking for collaborators to do something purely for fun that's one thing, but if you are pitching this as a job with potential income etc then you probably don't WANT the sort of skills that might make themselves available to you for free at this point. Animators that have the time to do your work on spec are likely to be incredibly inexperienced, which will do nothing for making this a viable production.

If writing is your forte, then WRITE and PITCH. Then you won't have to ask strangers for anything, if you prove yourself worthy you will have the cash to get good people and give your project the best chance of success.

Good luck!
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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by dueyftw »

Sav84 wrote:
dueyftw wrote:We can read. The post 'Please make me money' is old and tired here.
You have the cost of an animation that is outsourced correct. And you don't have that kind of money, neither dose 99.9% of the rest of us.

As I said before. Find an artiest that will draw for you. Make an animatic. And build from there.

One more thing, look at my animation.

I do have the skills to animate, but will not help you because you bring nothing. Have something and that could change.

No you can't read cause it's suppose to make the entire team money not just me. Plus how can you call writing scripts nothing? Without we writers you animator would only have silent films just like your speechless bobble head Thor clip. At least my clip had speech, music, sfx, and a flying space ship. It really doesn't take much to animate in anime studio. I just don't think my drawing skills are that great. But my bad I only just bought this software. I didn't know this forum was for money making professionals only. I didn't know that becoming a pro at using a $300 software for animation suddenly makes you a work for hire type only. Plus I already checked deviant art and not many of them even use this software. Why wouldn't I come to the official source? But whatevs, it's cool. I'm not begging anybody for anything. Did mark zuckerburg beg those guys to help him program? Did Steve jobs beg that dude to help him build a PC? No. You can't make something great on your own I don't care how good you are at animating. You need help but you also need those who believe in it and that's all I was seeking. If you don't believe then you are not who I was aiming for with my post. Geez didn't know it would take a chick to shake things up on these dusty old forums. It's practically a ghost town here. So many probably became disillusioned and left.
You need to grow up. I'm 55 and got 10 more years to retire. I make a very good living and get good benefits. I'm in Florida for a my month vacation.
You on the other hand is some kid with no clue on how the real world works. Especially when it come to animation. I put out about 10 minutes a year. This is a hobby, but for a few here they make their living doing animation.

I will say it one more time, learn to draw or find someone who can. Keep the animation simple and work on the concept.

By the way South Park is done with Maya. So knowing the program isn't everything. Knowing the core basics of animation is the difference between bad crap and good animation.

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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by heyvern »

Here's something to think about...

You almost NEVER see an artist asking for "free stories" to animate because they don't have the skill to create a story. It's always the IDEA creators looking for animators and artists. By comparison, the animation and artwork is much more work than the story.

Don't get me wrong... the story is as important as the visuals, but not nearly as much blood sweat and tears and physical labor. The written word is limitless. You don't need a powerful computer and expensive software to create and write a story. One person can and usually does, write a screenplay for a successful film, but it takes hundreds of people to bring it to life.

Because of this difference in the two types of creativity, your ideas have to be FANTASTIC. You imply that your skills as a story teller and writer will be equal to the effort put in by the artists and animators who will draw and develop characters, create backgrounds, record and edit dialog and audio, lip sync, rendering, compositing, etc etc etc. The list goes on. Each of those skills requires more than just knowledge it requires PHYSICAL RESOURCES that your talent does not require.

In your description of the talent you require you even state clearly the main difference between the "artists" and "script writers":
"ASP10 software not needed. We can collab using Googledocs".

The artists and talent you are asking to work for free need to buy and learn complex applications. Spend hours and hours learning to use those tools on top of perfecting the skills required to do what you require.

There is a disconnect in how you value the skills and work required. If you aren't going to animate, then you could buy and offer copies of Anime Studio for animation volunteers. You could offer subscriptions for the Adobe Suite for a period of time, for the artists working for you. You could purchase studio time for dialog recording.

What about file storage? Hard drive space? Bandwidth? I would assume this will be done "in the cloud". This means that all of your volunteers would need high speed internet to transmit the HUGE files resulting from the project.

Basically all those skills you need to produce YOUR ideas require things that cost money and time for those doing it. All you need is Notepad or google docs. Put your "money" where your mouth is. Backup your confidence in your ideas with more than just a lot of talk.


I have not and will not say your ideas AREN'T good. The quality of your talent as a writer is not relevant. I will assume for the sake of this discussion that your skills as the writer are as good as the artists you need to do the work for you.

What I am saying is that your share of the work has VERY LOW OVERHEAD. You can write ANYWHERE... on the bus, at lunch, sitting in the park. The tools you need are minimal including a pencil and paper. Nearly all of the other work can't be done that way.
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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by neeters_guy »

You seem sincere and passionate about your project. That's a good thing.

Don't take the negative reactions too personally though. If you peruse this subforum, you'll see there's a long history of naive, ill-conceived, and flat out arrogant free work requests. At least you're getting feedback (some of it quite wise) which is more than most team requests.

Writer-artist collaborations are common. To repeat the other suggestions here, create something tangible such as a script or storyboards, even if they're rough. Show them around. You'll eventually find the right people. Some artists are inspired by "improving" other people art (maybe it's an ego thing or something :wink: ).

For what it's worth: Two "idea" guys, Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere, the creators of Recess, revealed that they can't draw at all.

I wish you luck.
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Re: ***Animation Team Wanted****

Post by AmigaMan »

Really you aren't doing anything other than what Ralph Bakshi advised artists and animators to do in his Comic Con talk that is posted elsewhere on this forum. After all, you aren't forcing anyone to work for you. I did look at your comics and your drawing isn't too bad at all. I do agree with others here though that your inexperience shows in the video you posted. The composition, for example, in the first shot, is way off. That tells me that you wouldn't be experienced enough to storyboard yet either. There's plenty of help and advice out there now via the internet so you can learn fast these days. It wasn't like that when I started out.

I wish you luck with your project too.
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