The return of MotionArtist!

A place to discuss non-Moho software for use in animation. Video editors, audio editors, 3D modelers, etc.

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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by jezjones29 »

I like what you've made fishless. I'm trying to work out if MotionArtist can output video with the HTML 5 setting - I know how to import video and use it if I output to video - I guess using video with HTML5 would be tricky with loading etc.
I wonder if Anime Studio 9 will have HTML5 output - I do hope so!
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by heyvern »

Flash is basically dead on mobile (who knows how long it has on the desktop browser). Adobe has finally dumped it on android which was the only mobile platform that supported it for a while. HTML5/CSS3 is the future. Most web mobile content is based on it. There are programs popping up left and right that do HTML5/CSS3 animations. Adobe Edge is getting better all the time but doesn't seem to use canvas much yet, basically moving around DIVs. I like that MotionArtist is using the canvas which is suppose to be what HTML5 is all about and it looks like there could eventually be some SVG support in there possibly. Fingers crossed. I look forward to see how far MotionArtist goes. The one big thing missing for HTML5 development so it could take the place of Flash is "really good" vector drawing and animation, SVG looks like the main contender and the W3C is supporting it.

There are a few ways to animate SVG "by hand" but none of them are much fun :), and there aren't a lot of apps out there for SVG animation. Inkscape does some SVG animation, but I haven't used it in a while. Most solutions involve "frames" of single SVG images. We need more choices, a killer SVG animation tool. Once we have solid and well supported animated SVG (it's getting better) then we have a totally open source web vector format and the sky's the limit. SVG should eventually be a perfectly suitable vector animation tool. I mean you can animate points. I've experimented with this "by hand" but it's a real chore. I attempted to animate my company logo by moving around the position of the points directly. Not fun (I was typing in point location changes by hand directly in the SVG xml... ouch), but the format itself is familiar.

Anyway, I was real excited about MotionArtist specifically because of HTML5. That is key. There are bazillions of programs to pump out video format. HTML5 is what I want. I want a program that pumps out usable HTML5 so I don't have to read that code :).
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by slowtiger »

Flash is dying, and my 15 yrs of knowledge go down the drain with it. Imagine how I feel. As clumsy and uncomfortable the Flash UI always was, it worked, and some great stuff was done with it. Now there's nothing to fill its place, no animation tool for HTML5, no framework to program good-looking games yourself.
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by heyvern »

Flash PLAYBACK on MOBILE is dead, but Adobe Flash is not. Adobe Flash and Actionscript isn't going anywhere. It could be a while before HTML5 kills flash in the browser on the DESKTOP, and that means there is either time to learn something new or hope Adobe will do something with Flash to move it forward. Flash CS6 has that cool "Save for Mobile" menu. That should be useful. I have yet to try that out because it requires all the Apple iOS licensing and developer stuff and I just haven't had the time.

Apple and Adobe have finally stopped fighting. Adobe Flash can create apps for android, iphone, ipad etc. It doesn't do vector yet.
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by foundmarble »

Okay, I downloaded the program and played around with it for an hour or two. I don't get it. It seems really limited (even for the targeted audience). Why not just buy AS debut?
The camera seems a little faster to work with, however, not too much faster than AS.

It makes dialog bubbles really fast, however, I can make a template for this in no time in AS.
Also, placing and moving audio files really is a major pain in this program.

I have been wanting to get into the motion comic I missing something special with this program??

If so, please tell me.

I think instead of MotionArtist, they should maybe call it..Slideshow Studio

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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by InfoCentral »

There is going to be a webinar on MotionArtist this Wednesday. :D
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by ruscular3d »

I tried creating a animation with motion artist, and export it to html and was only able to see it with google version of Chrome. Internet explorer 9 and 10 did not work for me. But I think it will eventually. I was able to reduce file size of the avi format from 80 mb to 18 mb with motion artist. This is just a simple 39 second animation.

I render out the animation to half frame and half size then brought them in as sequence image into motion artist, then scale it bigger back to normal size. took about 30 second to load the animation before being able to play
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by producerism »

I've been using Adobe Edge for various projects for the last six months, and really hate how it doesn't target canvas. Sign me up! This looks awesome.
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by ruscular3d »

It was very easy and intuitive, I only got the program last week. They said they are working on the way to support animated vectors and bone character animation into motion artist.

My sister has explorer 10 and could not see it, with window 8 installed. So far its just Google chrome. I would like to get feedback on others if anyone can see it on explorer 9 or 10?
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by chucky »

Yeah I'm a big fan of ASP and Manga Studio 5 both awesome programs.

If there was a really good way for MS and AS to meet I would be overjoyed.
Imagine having full animation control over Manga Studio vector art in ASP!

Motion Artist is just some compositing half measure.
I just don't see the point .. YUK .
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by heyvern »

chucky wrote:Motion Artist is just some compositing half measure.
I just don't see the point .. YUK .
I have to strongly disagree with that statement. It's actually a very powerful html5 css3 content creation tool. The potential for this application is amazing. This is where the internet is headed. Many apps are simply scripted html and css controlled with javascript. Motion Artist is very good at creating interactive content that will run on desktop or mobile devices. Anyone creating content for the internet or mobile should take a look at MA. I think it's pretty darn cool.
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by chucky »

Html 5 is cool yes, ASP could do well to utilise it.
Doesn't make MA any good though, it is flawed at it's root.
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by jahnocli »

ruscular3d wrote: ... taste.html

I tried creating a animation with motion artist, and export it to html and was only able to see it with google version of Chrome. Internet explorer 9 and 10 did not work for me. But I think it will eventually. I was able to reduce file size of the avi format from 80 mb to 18 mb with motion artist. This is just a simple 39 second animation.

I render out the animation to half frame and half size then brought them in as sequence image into motion artist, then scale it bigger back to normal size. took about 30 second to load the animation before being able to play
Tried it with Firefox. After more than 2 minutes of the Loading icon I gave up...
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by dueyftw »

I bought motion artist for a project. I'm finding that is very short coming.

The problems are:
The cut tool only dose straight lines only.
The import of images are hard to re-size when they are large.
Imports are on top of the last import, should have an option the layer is under the last. I'm doing panels that get reviled.

Export to anime studio would be nice

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Re: The return of MotionArtist!

Post by jhbmw007 »

Does motion artist support audio in html5 at all?
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