How much can I charge pr second Anime Studio animation?

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How much can I charge pr second Anime Studio animation?

Post by Itogav »

I have won the right to make an animation for a company and now we shall negotiate about the price, how much is it possible to charge pr. second/minute? Is it a good idea to charge for the movie and then charge for the copies or is it best to make a cover all price?
If the price is to high they properly will find another solution, ie. drawings on paper.
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Post by slowtiger »

For a rough calculation you need to know how much time you spend on that job. If you need a whole month fulltime, you need to charge at least enough to pay your food & rent. Don't ever work cheaper than that.

I don't charge by the second - that's only really possible for a studio with an established workflow. Instead I calculate an overall fee.

Be clear in what you really deliver for the money: one master file, which format, on CD or DVD, a 35mm copy? This must be mentioned in the contract, as well as format (dimensions), FPS and so on. In your calculation you also need to think of voice actors, music rights, and maybe video transfer facility fees.

Prices always depend on the circulation of the finished product. A nationwide TV ad or a Superbowl ad is much more expensive than a spot for a local TV station.

It's also possible to straightly ask the client how big the budget for that film is. In return you could tell him what to expect for that, and in which time.

I can't tell you any numbers because I only know german prices. Have a look for an animator's union or some Variety report on studios, do some research.
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Post by tigax_pwned »

thanks tiger that is goin to be very helpful for me too!! :)
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Post by Itogav »

Slowtiger, I have searched high and low but nowhere do they put a price on their sites :cry: the only price I have found is for 3D and that say 2-300$ a second. I allmost live on a stone and that's too cheap for Them :roll: the Cartoon is for intern use only but in a great numbers. A's we are neighbors i think it will be a good indicator to know the prices in Germany so please share the Price with me.
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Re: How much can I charge pr second Anime Studio animation?

Post by Sempie »

Itogav wrote:I have won the right to make an animation for a company and now we shall negotiate about the price, how much is it possible to charge pr. second/minute? Is it a good idea to charge for the movie and then charge for the copies or is it best to make a cover all price?
If the price is to high they properly will find another solution, ie. drawings on paper.
Is it just the animation, or do you also need to design the characters, rig them, color them, do the background drawings, etc? What's your level of skill? How complex is the animation supposed to be? Best estimate the amount of time you think you need to produce the finished product, multiply it by two because people are always way too optimistic in their estimations. Then calculate a proper wage based on an hourly base.

Rigging a fairly complicated setup of a girl holding a dog in her arm, with a lot of masking issues, and highlights and shadows incorporated into the designs forcing me to use outlines that needed to be colored instead of black, cost me several days to set up and rig, the few seconds worth of very basic and simple animation for the pack shot I did in less than a day. It was for a TV commercial and I got around 2000 dollars out of it. But is was a fairly big budgeted commercial, so it could vary from case to case.

By the way, I'm German-based too.
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Post by Itogav »

thank You for given me the insight.
The only thing I don't need to do is the story and the colorpalette as I've their company colours to follow. They haven't ask for their own characters as it's "only" an internal information movie and I expect to use some characters and proops from ContensParadise white some tweaks so they fit to the story.
My skill level is average as I'm relative new to animation (one of the reasons for ContensParadise) but have been doing videos for years.
I expect to use 2 month for the 2-3 minutes and a month for the finish and editing in Final Cut Pro which I have estimated to 17.000$ total. Thats seem to fit your figures and when I said that to them and pointed out it was only an estimate they didn't look freighten :D

By the way, I'm Danish, it's Slowtiger which is from Germany.
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Post by Sempie »

Denmark? On several productions, I worked with former students from the animation school in Viborg, most of them very talented. In Holland, I worked with Holland-based Danish veteran animators like Per Lygum and Bjorn Frank Jensen, and I've met Borge Ring a couple of times. I animated on Help I'm A Fish, from within Munich Animation, and met a couple of the people from A-Film. (I used to be a pencil-pusher before the entire animation industry went digital). Denmark has quite a reputation in animation.

Good luck with your assignment!
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Post by Itogav »

thanks for the nice words, I was a Pencil pusher among other jobs before I went into the animation.
Pencil pushing can lead to much so it's best to stop in time :D .
I will do my best to live up to the reputation.
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Post by slowtiger »

This was linked by cartoonbrew today, it covers production budgeting in general. ... art-1.html
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lol look at this guy

Post by andromedawhat »

I need your help. I started a new fashion clothing brand online and invested a lot of money on it but it's not going well.
I'm assuming it's because no one really knows my brand exists yet??
So then I started thinking that maybe I need a publicist or PR firm to make my products look cool or more catchy.
So I looked around and found this guy:
But I NEED someone located in either LA or New York.
Can you refer me to anyone else or any info?
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Post by dueyftw »

You need to go to events.

You need to narrow you line for audience that goes to events.

You need not to sell junk.

I'm into motorcycles so I met the people from HardRider

You could do clothing for horses, golf, boats, cars, airplanes, anything where people get together for something they enjoy.

Just my opinion on how I would sell clothing.

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Post by madrobot »

I would actually love clothing for insects
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Post by dm » ... -50313.htm

Throw a rock in LA or New York-There's a good chance it will hit an ad agency.

What kind of budget do you have for advertising? That will have an effect on where to go. Why do you think they need to be based in LA or NY?
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