Small Animation, small budget

Want to hire an Moho animator? Post your job listing here.

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Small Animation, small budget

Post by zzGreg »

Hello Everyone,

I have a desire to get a video created for a small software company. The video needs to be relatively short: 90 seconds to maybe as much as 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Content-wise, we need to show a business person getting inundated with emails, IMs, phone messages meeting requests, etc. Then we want to share some ideas (common sense) on how this person could deal with this information overload issue.

I bought AS 7 a few months ago. So far I haven't done anything other than watch tutorials, so I don't think my personal skill set with AS 7 is anywhere close to the point where I could do this in a reasonable amount of time and finish with a good looking animation.

So what I am looking to find out if anyone out there who is proficient with AS 7 would be interested in talking to me about doing this animation. With respect to payment, I think I could get $200 to $250US paid to whoever did this. Candidly, I am so new and ignorant of the amount of time that animations might take, I have no idea if this would represent a fair payment or not, but I think it is best to be up front with anyone that might be interested. The people that I am working with to get this done are flexible: they are more concerned (as I think they should be) about the message in the video then exactly how it is animated.

If you would like to take 5 minutes with me to speak about this further, please post below, or send me a PM with how to get in touch with you. I am happy to talk to you on Skype, or I can call you via telephone. Thanks for reading this; thank-you-more, if you are interested in finding out more.


Edit: Poor Grammar fixed.
Last edited by zzGreg on Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sbtamu »

I do not see any way anyone could do even a 3 second animation for $200. What you are asking is impossible to do for that amount.

Maybe if you had the character drawn and rigged and all the props drawn and a really fast experienced animator might get 90 seconds done in a day but that kind of talent is not going to work for this amount.
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Post by slowtiger »

I wouldn't start animation on a 2,5 min clip for under 3000 $ - at least. The proposed action even asks for more money. For 250 USD you'd get 2 - 3 hrs of phone support, no more.

Taklking somebody through it who has absolutely no experience in this field is a no-no. I would end up wasting 4 months on the phone and in email while I could've done the actual film in 1,5 months myself. It's not possible to teach animation, or the use of any animation software, via phone.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but it's not doable. Even if I trust you with designing nice characters and have a strong storyboard, there's still all experience missing on your side about how to translate this into AS (or any other software), especially about which ideas are not possible to do that way. I had clients who asked for "just a simple scene, not long", which turned out to be a 90 sec segment of what even in a big 3D software would be months of work.
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Post by ruscular3d »

the cheapest that I have seen 3D animation go for would be $40 per second of animation.
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Post by Darkmatter2D »

slow tiger I see you are a skeptic here or maybe you prefer realist snapping dreamers into the reality.I would like to be your apprentice.
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Post by Darkmatter2D »

I would understand why you wouldn't take students I'm not really looking to learn only about animation cause ive been studying it for quite some years now I'm looking to expand my network
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Post by mimer »

just find that i can get a job here :oops:

if yr budget is around $800-$1000 and i think i can do it in my holidays

of cos i wish i have chance to preview yr script b4 we start anything

here is my reel

call me if u like that
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