Storyboarding, Scripting, Voices and *Trolls* agendas


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Storyboarding, Scripting, Voices and *Trolls* agendas

Post by Apple'E'ed2 »

Storyboarding, Scripting, Voices and *Trolls* Agenders.

1st~ "Lets make something very clear. I've spent over 2yrs popping in and out of this forum, only recently daring to contribute, and have seen & *heard* many very clever people *feel* they aught to, as well, make a contribution. * AND~ I APPLAUD THAT*.

Some of them have demonstrated inordinate ability with A/S as an app, Some have also proven to have had *actual* experience in the app, and others *actual* ……. out there…... *having Sold themselves* sort of experience.

2nd~ " I stand having done none of that, neither experience with app nor any *out there* successes.
I have however , a little bastard {in back of my head}~ telling me I'm a *genius* over and over again, with another little swine telling me ~ that it is a 100% *NO* 1000% certainty that each of you too has @least 1 such ~ telling you the same~ too. { Gainsay *ME*~ if *U*~ dare }

3rd~ " It was not until I told *both* to shut the *F… up* >AND< *look* with *ME* to see if either of the 3 in *actuality* was the case that 1] i got any peace and 2] got both *bastard & swine* to acknowledge that there be more than *just* me…. in this equation ….. ( *WE* all call *an 'animated' life* )

4th~ Storyboading & Scripting *both of them* is easy, 1 just stamps its feet, waves its arms, and utters *U~genius idiot* {A LOT} over & over again, T'other~ just gets its *prick* out, waves, prods, pushes and pokes, with *mirror* in T'other hand.
Voices easy too, one irate and the other~ ever so *weed-ling*

BUT,….. *actual* active, attentive and animated, Storyboarding & scripting with *other* voices…. is {as I'm sure ~Slowtiger , funksmaname and others with *actual* experience} will tell *U*…… is not quite so easy.}


SO~ i {& both of *them*} thought & caught the *fact* that *mono~sylabic* voices were, in the end, both tedious, boring and *fundamentally* a sad root down into… insanity >AND< came up with the *idea* that maybe just maybe *others-of You* may consider *added Voices* a better *root* to a *laugh & maybe even a- tear*…… or…. two.

And since, one side of me -knew very well, of the tedious *tedium* of repetitive *work* , the second side of me, of the *bone* & of its *flowering* attractions and I, the whole side of me, of the need to think ~ in *layers 'seconds'* >AND< anime needing a good dollop of all three in *U* as well as having all 3 as instrumental part of *its* requirements, BUT~ not ~any way to *teach* storyboarding or *preach* of the need for *it* in you ~ as a *funny or serious* animator, " I have *here* …… *U all* approached. With *that* & *it*~ in mind.

As for *trollish* behaviour ~ ever *serious* forum should have *such* as a*directed~option* for *it* is & has not only proven to be a fundamental part of *human~ behaviour* >BUT< is also *an excellent way*~ to "PRACTICE<> PRACTICE<>PRACTICE".{ and get -TOO- a good chuckle ….. "when practice~ proves itself"}

Regarding *rules & rulers* for such an idea, *this forum*~ has a number of them watching *RIGHT NOW* and I wouldn't and don't want that to change { not least of all due to the fact that *it* can be hard work as monitor *&* a chuckle or 2 - i feel sure, they would appreciate as well }
The 1st *rule* is to~ *ASK* ~ a} if such is possible and b} would they allow *me* and *u* to chew the cud over *it*.
2nd *rule* ~ *U* ~ know and understand *that* ~ bones, layers, flamboyance , and *colourful- contributions* is *its*~ order of day ! { 2nd~ proposed~ not insisted upon - a sub *rule* or *RULE 1*. }
3rd *rule* ~ all moderators *here* in writing, acknowledge~ *its* ~ sense. BEFORE~ any *agendas* other than this one are *put~to issue* { only polite * i think* }

THAT *IT*>>>>> for now >>>> any thoughts ?
Last edited by Apple'E'ed2 on Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by slowtiger »

I'm sorry, I can't read that because of your annoying habit of deliberately decorating your text with stars and whatnot. If you could get yourself to follow some more common punctuation, you might eventually get answers.
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Post by Apple'E'ed2 »

***** I KNOW *****

But~ that being the point~ Annoying and *decorative* annoyances A " PRACTICE< PRACTICE> PRACTICE ... learning excise.

{ AND~ good it is to both hear from you & see you still Both very much aware and active *HERE*.... thanks}

AND~ something~ even a/s not only acknowledges BUT~ also provides for {JUST LOOK AT ~ the side bar }

OH~ and I have had words *with* others who do Storyboard ~ AND ~ even they use such when doing so { although it's usually COLOURED PENCILS they use }
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Post by Dust »

Apple2ed, I am not in a habit of being negative and I imagine you are probably a likeable fellow if one were to meet you face to face, but your confusing way of posting really doesn't help anybody. I can for the life of me not understand what you are trying to say.
Sorry, but it just isn't cool and only downgrades the whole forum.
I suppose everyone is free to write as he wishes, but I would humbly suggest another way of posting.
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Post by Apple'E'ed2 »

Sorry to hear that,

BUT~ may i point out that~ you, as another voice, have just by answering ~proven *point*.

Sorry if that sound or comes over as factious, factitious, i really do not mean to be in way * of such a character *

{ and good it is too, to see you both aware & active *here*~ even if you find me and my modus op not to your personal taste. }

OH and apple 2 ed... proves another *point* ( very clever )
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Post by Imago »

Sorry to say this, but I think he is only a troll...

A normal-brained human being NEVER write like this...

So don't mind about him... or her!
Sorry for my bad english... Q_Q
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Post by Apple'E'ed2 »

Sorry to hear that too.

Even more sorry am I that *you* think there is such a thing as a *normal sized brain* ~ it's that sort of thinking that has led to so many wars and *todays*..... OH SO boring~mediocrity.

> AND < NO ! I won't excuse your english, Why should I. You're using it ( and like all other trolls I've ever seen *Possibly* using it as an excuse to be either negative or moronic.)

If you do not understand or do not like ~ either say nothing, get out OR~ preferably >>>>> ***** ASK *******

{ but~ it nice to see you too ~ having an interest in the trails and tribulations of both Script writer and Scripting } there~ @least ~ a positive response.

OH~ Use your mother tongue ~ and Goolge translator ~ they need the practice ! I want them perfecting *it* and you if you had any more sense than that child you so proudly display ~ wouldn't mind the Chuckle *I* or *WE* get.... trying to D'script their ( current ) efforts.
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Post by 2ner »

Hello Apple'E'ed2,

I just wanted to let you know that your creative abuse of grammar, punctuation, and even continuity conventions is not altogether unappreciated. I had a few chuckles reading your posts.

Most people consider these conventions to be sacrosanct, and rely on strict adherence in order to communicate easily and effectively. Language is the medium, like a flat piece of paper. One relies upon it's flatness and smoothness when writing or drawing upon it.

But you think outside that box and like to play with language. You're not the first. Dr. Seuss, Victor Borge, an old friend of mine named Jeff, and many others have had similar obsessions.

I think you want to shake people out of their conformity, and as a creative exercise, that has to be a good thing. I certainly don't mind.
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Post by Apple'E'ed2 »

I just wanted to let you know that your creative abuse of grammar, punctuation, and even continuity conventions is not altogether unappreciated. I had a few chuckles reading your posts. :twisted: :twisted:
@ 2ner
Why Sir, thank God for an *experienced* grammar abuser.

I am as you suggest indeed ~in deed ~trying to achieve some sort of *STAND UP* reaction to "grammer abusers" > AND < I'm not talking about those who, as I do here, stick * ~ ? >< OR :twisted: :evil: :roll: :lol: 8) :o :shock: :? that sort of thing.

Those are tools ~ i use and I wish, and think ~ others *here* would consider using toooooooooo !

For Scripting ~as I heard from those I've asked, is a difficult thing, { primarily because a *GOOD SCRIPT* is very rarely *A MONOLOGUE* } and use of *?* and :twisted: :twisted: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: 8) 8) is extremely useful in ordering *voices* arrangement and their timelin'd *placement*.

I also would like to have considered *the possibilty of shared* voice *HERE* . Not only as and or in written form BUT also something *i* know is very difficult to find. Namely *real voices ~ to act ~ a script.*. I'm sure as an am'E'mator yourself that *colourful voices with COLOURFUL VOICE* is something that plagues *U* Tooooooooo ?

{ and Yes 4 you too a big BIG thank you for both *here* being aware AND active. }
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Post by SvenFoster »

2ner wrote: But you think outside that box and like to play with language. You're not the first. Dr. Seuss, Victor Borge, an old friend of mine named Jeff, and many others have had similar obsessions.

I think you want to shake people out of their conformity, and as a creative exercise, that has to be a good thing. I certainly don't mind.
really? you cannot be serious.

1st my grammar and punctuation are pretty dreadful so I wouldn't take it upon myself to criticise that stuff.. Its just not important to me.

2nd there are a lot of people on this forum that are speaking 2nd or 3rd languages and I couldnt have more admiration for them if I tried. credit to anyone who is able to get the message across in a 2nd language.

So...if you join a forum, a community typically its because you wish to engage with other people with similar interests. In this case animation and specifically Anime Studio.
To do that there needs to be some level of common language else what is the point?

apple is not Dr Seuss. Nor is he some modern day forum poet fighting for creativity. He/she is simply someone that likes to type random characters and attempt to get a rise. Maybe they are spamming us with yantram too... all I know is, give them what they want.. ban them.
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Post by SvenFoster »

2ner wrote: But you think outside that box and like to play with language. You're not the first. Dr. Seuss, Victor Borge, an old friend of mine named Jeff, and many others have had similar obsessions.

I think you want to shake people out of their conformity, and as a creative exercise, that has to be a good thing. I certainly don't mind.
really? you cannot be serious.

1st my grammar and punctuation are pretty dreadful so I wouldn't take it upon myself to criticise that stuff.. Its just not important to me.

2nd there are a lot of people on this forum that are speaking 2nd or 3rd languages and I couldnt have more admiration for them if I tried. credit to anyone who is able to get the message across in a 2nd language.

So...if you join a forum, a community typically its because you wish to engage with other people with similar interests. In this case animation and specifically Anime Studio.
To do that there needs to be some level of common language else what is the point?

apple is not Dr Seuss. Nor is he some modern day forum poet fighting for creativity. He/she is simply someone that likes to type random characters and attempt to get a rise. Maybe they are spamming us with yantram too... all I know is, give them what they want.. ban them.
What *if* the Hokey cokey *is* what its all about?
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Post by JaMike »

It's perfectly simple - everyone who doesn't want to attempt to understand what AppleEed2 is going on about, just ignore his posts.

Those who find his writing style endearing (i.e. 2ner) can engage him in conversation.

Nobody is obliged to respond to any posts on here, so if you don't like it, ignore it and move on to the next post or thread. Just like you would on the Spanish or French threads (if you don't speak those languages).
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Post by dueyftw »

1) @don't care@
"3) look at" * 6 *
2) ___ find time to read _3_
4) return to <top>
5) go to up to #fore#
6) bump up one:)

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Post by F.M. »

It's the new Pig Latin? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Apple'E'ed2 »

*** My, my, my,my *** WOW~ go to sleep > AND < LOOK !

A} Sven~ Proving monologue , in him........ *** A PAIN ***
B} JaMike~ Feeling *need* to reiterate the most simplex'd of *COMMON SENSES~ ?senses? *
C} Dueyftw~ Doing >AND< taking time to do >AND< give "Storyboarding & Scripting { subjects purpose } a chance to *chuckle* with *HIM*
&D} FM.~ Proving *there* actually is some *colour*...... between his ears. { & the only one too " attempting to apply *Moron* to me ~ just as I asked in some of my other attempts to find *the genius >AND< weedling* in all of you.

SOoooo !
Sven ~ *GO BACK TO THE TOP AND LOOK @subject*.... point one
NEXT~ go back to 1st statement and *deduce *if you can* from the facts there that for *OVER* 2yrs I have been popping in & out of this forum *WITH BOTH ~GENIUS & 'ANKER* wondering if it *IS* in fact possible to find *THE MORON*.... in you too.
NEXT~ I am and have been fully aware of those others using *other~ Mother tongues*~ BUT~ Google really does need the *Pratice*, and I really do want them *practicing* >AND THEY< if they had more sense than you are currently showing *WOULD* also want *THEIR MOTHER TONGUE* not only applauded but also one continued to be used by *THERE MOTHERS* little ones, >AND< I know, as you seem not to that NOT EVERYONE OF THOSE WILL FIND IT EASY TO LEARN OR USE~ English. { nor would i want everyone of them doing so }..... point two.
NEXT~ Go back to the opening page of this forum ~and OBSERVE~ if you can *THE SPAM~SITE* ~ it too needs Practice (does it not)..... point three.
NEXT~every *troll* i've observed comes in one or two verities {BUT~ all ~ stuck in caves, much like you.} & the worst of them ...... use a *nod & dribble* approach to forums, With the very best of them @least *colourful* sign ~ of @least some spark of intelligence..... point *here* a ?.

AS for Dueyftw~ Man it's nice to find ~ someone who knows how to D'code *abysmal Times*... THANKS & glad it is too that I am, that you two, are both *here*> aware and active too.
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