New 2D Animation Software to be released

A place to discuss non-Moho software for use in animation. Video editors, audio editors, 3D modelers, etc.

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Post by crsP »

Didn't say you were trying to convince me - more like you're trying to convince yourself, or give you an excuse for your procrastination.

You must realise that not many, if any, of us have read your autobiography, so, like myself, are not aware in the slightest of your long and illustrious experience with animation and software used to create it. Is me writing 'MAYBE the reason...', really an assumption of simply a posit? You made a clear statement that with TBS and ASP you were unable to make 'a simple movie' with either of them, and your reason being that 'They are overly complicated for someone who just wants to mess around with animation'. You were not 'merely sharing some information'. You had got past this part. No rebuttal was made from me when you shared your information. The problem I had is with that more recent post suggesting it was the software and not yourself which is barring you from creating a 'simple animation'. The fact that you now reveal you have more extensive knowledge and experience, not only in animation, but in software to create animation, shows even greater disingenuousness towards TBS and ASP. Regardless of quality [provided by the user's own talent], you can see many examples which refute your claim that either Anime Studio or Toon Boom Studio is too complex to create even a simple animation. Many of these made by children.

Your final paragraph is a bit baffling, what with the 'never mind' tenaciously squeezed in there as if you had come out with some gospel, but a heathen like me will merely dismiss it for no reason. No sir, I have to disregard it simply on the reasoning of your lack of understanding, pointed out by your statement '... but bitmap based, not sprite based'. Since when are sprites, in reference to computers, are not bitmaps? Go build my rigs and layers? Really? The program I obviously love?! HAHA, dude you got your heart broken. This and the previous post by me clearly shows me sticking up for both TBS and ASP , as you chose to use them as an excuse for your lack of productivity. So why imply some kind of fanboyism? Perhaps a lack of argument? I don't want to make assumptions... HAHHA
Carl Sagan
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Post by Carl Sagan »

Hey guys,

Enough with the bickering, everyone is posting their opinion and that is all it is.

CrazyTalk Animator is a new comer in the 2D animation world, and for all its worth. It has managed to approach things from a completely new light, which is new to many of us in 2D animation. To be honest, Im a bit tired of the same TB and AS interfaces. Sure, we need to draw and rig and put up with key-by-key animation, but who says this is the only way to approach animation ??

This softeware has just hit the market, and I am very pleased to see someone finally offer something different, albeit if its still new and seems like a novelty to most. Personally, i think it is only a matter of time before people start waking up and realizing that we now have the technology to do all the work for us and we dont need to put up with all the neck-breaking work that traditional animation demanded. You can try it for yourself if you wish >

Again, in my humble opinion I think its a great program that already has new patches that will allow you to export in Flash! Considering the headaches we get for Flash animation, now we have CrazyTalk animator to do all the work for us. And this is what Im getting at. Having teh software do the work for you and not the other way around.

Thanks for the post INFOCENTRAL.
Last edited by Carl Sagan on Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:49 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by b15fliptop »

And you're not a plant from REallusion, right? You were just so excited about this product that you decided create a profile and use your first post to resurrect a two month old thread.

I'm sold!
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Post by Mikdog »

Because you only have one post, Carl Sagan, I'm led to believe that you are affiliated with REallusion. Your post reeks of it.

Carl Sagan
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Post by Carl Sagan »

Mikdog wrote:Because you only have one post, Carl Sagan, I'm led to believe that you are affiliated with REallusion. Your post reeks of it.

Here we go again. (rolls eyes)

If Reallusion pays people, then please send me their contact info to claim my check cause I haven't received my 'cut' yet.

All I am saying is, if the software deserves credit for what it can do then people should state it. Don't you think? In the end, its all about how it benefits us the animators.

But its ok, say what you will. Its your right.
I stated mine.

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Post by Mikdog »

Your opinion would carry a lot more weight if it wasn't your first post on the forum. Your plug reads like a sales pitch.
Again, in my humble opinion, I think its a great program, that already has new patches coming out next month that will allow you to export in Flash! Now this is what I'm talking about !
Wow, now I'm REALLY excited - naaat. If anything I'm even more averse to CrazyTalk animator after your description of how the computer can do it all for you. And I've never really liked flash. I think it may be getting phased out. Anyway, that's different discussion. From what I've seen almost ALL animation where too much is left up tp the computer looks bad. Conversely the 'key-by-key' animation that you say you're tired of usually looks the best.
'We now have the technology to do all the work for us'.
You forgot to add 'so we can add to the online wasteland of droll animation'.

Would you care to explain why you felt moved to register a profile to resurrect a 2 month old thread? I'm calling foul.
Carl Sagan
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Post by Carl Sagan »

"So we can add to the online wasteland of droll animation'. Would you care to explain why you felt moved to register a profile to resurrect a 2 month old thread? "

Online wasteland of droll animation? You must have an elitist mindset to categorize other people's work as droll animation. I guess yours is the only good work out there. Good job.

Yeah, December looks just about the right time to register an account in order to post in February. Good job again.

I'm done with your assumptions son. =)

Over and Out,
Last edited by Carl Sagan on Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sbtamu »

As hard as this is for me to say, I have to agree with Carl on this post. When Mike said 'so we can add to the online wasteland of droll animation'.
In an instant I realized all my animations are droll.

It is stuff like this that makes me not post my animations anymore. I only post tips and samples.
Sorry for bad animation
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Post by neeters_guy »

Carl Sagan, you haven't really added anything new to the 5 or 6 pages of discussion about CT. It's an unnecessary and, as pointed out, suspicious bump. Plus the namecalling is in bad taste.

You could bolster your argument by posting something you've done. Then we might have a point of meaningful discussion.

Hey, sbtamu, I wouldn't take the "wasteland" comment too seriously. The problem with automatic animation tools is how repetitive and unoriginal the results are. Your examples might be "bad" as you claim but at least you show a sincere effort to be original.
Carl Sagan
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Post by Carl Sagan »

neeters_guy wrote:Carl Sagan, you haven't really added anything new to the 5 or 6 pages of discussion about CT.

Hey, sbtamu, I wouldn't take the "wasteland" comment too seriously. The problem with automatic animation tools is how repetitive and unoriginal the results are. Your examples might be "bad" as you claim but at least you show a sincere effort to be original.
You state that I have added nothing new to this discussion, but so far I haven't read anybody else being open-minded about this new CrazyTalk Animator thing. Most posts havent even considered that maybe CTA is on to something. All, I see is people here are too ingrained in doing things the old fashioned way and as soon as something new and different pops up people start to bash and discredit it as a novelty, or being sub-par.

Now I agree that lots of the embedded animations look a bit monotonous and repetitive, but I feel thats because people have not taken the time to adjust the parameters inside the software, which do seem to give you lots of leeway to customize your own style and swagger for each 'unoriginal result'.

I really see no reason why people should animate the old fashion way when we have the technology to make it easier and faster. This is what caught my attention with CTA, and I am very surprised to see such ferocious resistance to the idea.

You also state that I should post some of my animations to credit myself, but I'm not interested in pleasing anybody with some of my 'drollish animations' as your forum members above have so condescendingly stated. I am not a professional artist, cartoonist or even animator. And the truth is, that Im not interested in being any of those. I am simply an educator that has been lumbering over this forum since late last year, trying find something easier I could use with my class as TB and AS have drained our energies and patience with all the nitty gritty involved. I heard about CTA when it came out and I was interested to know if others feel the same enthusiasm about a product that I have been hoping for. A tool that would take care of the difficult part and just allow me to do what I need to do, which is to tell a story.

Now I am not going to apologize if my post appeared as the first one I made, as I frankly don't even care to continue this conversation with Mildog or anybody else that accuses me of that.

I guess this is not the friendly forum others pointed me to.

good luck,
Last edited by Carl Sagan on Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mikdog »

Your first post appears as a sales pitch.

I'm not averse to new ideas, however I am averse to deceptive 'main-in-the-street' sales pitches on forums.
as I frankly don't even care to continue this conversation with Mildog or anybody else that accuses me of that.
You yourself said:
But its ok, say what you will. Its your right.
I'm still suspicious.

Varied opinions on 'animation software where the computers do all the work': ... akers.html

A comment by robcat2075:
The CG app writers have been trying to make animation easy-to-use in a hundred different ways ever since the Commodore AMIGA came out 25 years ago, thinking there was a horde of creative geniuses out there just lacking for accessible tools. But there aren’t hordes of creative geniuses out there. There *are* hordes of people wanting to do something sort of like something they’ve already seen, if they don’t have to work too hard and if it won’t take long.
Another by T:
I disagree that the computer has democratized animation- you still need to learn how to animate and how to use the software, which can be quite difficult and time-consuming. I think people assume animation is easier with a computer, but it’s just different from traditional methods. The cost of a computer and software plus training via classes, dvd’s, or books can cost the same or more than traditional materials. Animation is just a laborious medium, period. These programs that do readymade templates aren’t really creating animation, and the people who use them aren’t really filmmakers.
@ sbtamu > I enjoyed your stickman animation. If you feel your work is droll, well, you're your own worst enemy.

I've used XtraNormal and it was pretty fun. I have a couple shorts uploaded on my YouTube account.

The focus of my attention, however, is directed at the first post by a new user in the form of a sales pitch on a 2 month old thread.
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Post by jahnocli »

Carl Sagan wrote:All, I see is people here are too ingrained in doing things the old fashioned way and as soon as something new and different pops up people start to bash and discredit it as a novelty, or being sub-par.
As I've said, I tried CTA, and found it wanting. And, somehow, that's my fault?
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
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Post by cribble »


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Post by neeters_guy »

Okay, that's good for a laugh. But the point is debate IS a sign of a friendly community. The opposite isn't disagreement, but indifference.
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Post by Mikdog »

Internet memes on teh LostMarble forumz ftw :woot:
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