Anime Studio - let's get together now

General Moho topics.

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What version of AS do you use?

Poll ended at Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:56 am

5.x (Professional user)
5.x (Non-professional user)
6.x (Professional user)
6.x (Non-professional user)
7.1 (Professional user)
7.1 (Non-professional user)
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Anime Studio - let's get together now

Post by cheyne »

(Disclaimer: I know there has been a lot of discussion across the forums about versions and particularly the distaste for the latest version, but I was hoping to join a poll and discussion in one topic. Also the other reason for starting this topic, is that it took me a while to stumble across some AWESOME information across the forums that aren't necessarily easy to find. I'm hoping in comments people will post valuable information and in time I can moderate the topic and list a "Contents" page of awesomeness - something akin to a SUPER sticky... ergg... work... Ha, just kidding :wink:)

And heres begins the post:

Hello to my fellow AS users and lurkers of the Lost Marble forum.

I recently purchased 7.1 (PRO) after mucking around with 5.6.

I'm still learning and spend a lot of time reading through the forums in regards to issues with 7 and in particular, issues with using scripts and general workflow issues.

I see the Professionals on the forums prefer to stick to 6.x. Honestly I'm not across all the issues as I haven't used AS 7.1 for long enough to encounter any "deal breaking" issues.

I am curious as to which version users have installed.

I've set up a poll with versions and whether you are a professioal (you work and are paid as animator/motion graphics artist) or a non-professional (basically students or hobbyists).

I didn't list particular versions, e.g. "5.6 or 7.1", considering my interest is in v6 users versus v7.x users.

Please comment about why you use that particular version, and if you have the time why you won't use a particular version. Also if you have time, discuss the version/s installed and any scripts you consider 100% stable for you work.

Peace out, looking forward to the response and discussion.

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Post by jahnocli »

I use 5.6 Pro. I'm a hobbyist, and haven't seen any compelling reason for me to upgrade. The 3D and physics just seem like toys to me. Things like morph dials look interesting, but they are not worth the upgrade price as far as I am concerned. And 5.6 is very stable.

I recently purchased Reallusion's Crazy Talk 6, (so I could take a look at Craxy Talk Animator, bundled free) but AS Pro is much better than that - at present!..
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Post by cheyne »

Hey jahnocli,

I can understand why users of earlier versions can't see the benefit in upgrading to the latest version (or maybe even 6). I simply got it because it was a gift, and logically I figured, buy the latest version right! Hah, well time will tell.

Everyone's arguments for the added 3D functionality are valid, and very good points made about it's use (particularly in regards to "professional" use - serious studios wouldn't just use a single package etc, they need typically need other tools. But 3D in AS would be good for figuring out motion on the fly, export and composite later on with 2D and 3D elements.)

I as a hobbyist like the 3D to a certain extent but hope not too much focus goes into this for the next version. I honestly don't seeing it being developed too heavily, it doesn't make sense with so many other dedicated 3D applications. in AS mostly 3D would be good for handling complex or difficult animation. Kind of like in Futurama how they use 3D for the ship and vehicles etc. THAT is why I like the 3D in Anime Studio. It may not be ideal for commercial purposes, but I guess it's all about how you make the tool work with your abilities.

Part of the reason I started this thread was because I was a little turned off about getting into AS because of users feelings towards AS latest deployment (especially the more respected and talented forum members) and after purchasing felt a little silly for not doing the research. I'm not one to jump into "bleeding edge" versions of software and because of the price I just jumped in because of my previous experience with 5.6.
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Post by jahnocli »

I've tinkered about with the version 7 trial, but my hand didn't head towards my wallet. Who knows -- maybe version 8 will rock my world? If I felt that I *had* to have it, I'd probably find a way.
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Post by slowtiger »

I use 5.6 and 6.2, but didn't buy 7 because they didn't fix what they spoilt in 6.[/list]
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Post by Vagabond »

I was given 7 as a gift because I was debating aloud about whether to upgrade from 5.6. I was working on a project in 5.6, switched over to7, and it wouldn't render the scenes I used the meshinstance script in. I had already saved the file in 7 and had to start over from scratch. :evil: I downgraded to 6.2 after seeing what the freehand tool could do in Parker's videos. And it still supports the meshinstance script. :lol: But if someone wrote a freehand tool for 7 that behaved like the freehand tool for 6 then maybe I'll play with 7 again.
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Post by cheyne »

Hey Slowtiger and Vagabond,

Yeah bugger - all the cool stuff script wise works pre-7.x without workarounds and what not. Not to mention render issues with meshinstance etc.

Well looks like I will have to save my pennies and fork out some cash for AS6. I know it's not expensive but in my financial situation at the best of times I have enough money after my wage to buy a six pack! D'oh!

It's a shame though.


So if I read correctly across the forums, there is only ONE developer for AS? Can't he (Mike??) hire someone to assist or Smith Micro can put on staff? I can understand why he might be developing himself e.g. control freak, wants more money for himself, sole glory/infamy?

One thing that I have seen trends with offer pieces of software is incremental feature and performance added instead of waiting years for a completely new version or even major updates like x.5. That would be nice to see - Mike could have a developers log and work at it one bit at a time until all the buggered stuff is SOLID. yup!

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Post by slowtiger »

I don't care much for scripts and stuff. I just insist on a consistant, working GUI. I need software which makes me faster. 6 was a backdrop from 5.6 in that respect.
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Post by cheyne »

Yeah, I was always a "purist" with all the software I ever learned. Geez, I wouldn't even use actions and plugins in Photoshop even though it would have saved time. But as a hobbyist who is inherently slack and a procrastinator I try to make life easier with things like scripts - which some work great.

I always had the principle that if you want to get something done you'll make it happen, regardless of the tool. I should probably take on that attitude and leave it to skill, patience and concentration.

Cheers for the input Tiger
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Post by Danimal »

I used 5.6 for years and was hesitent to upgrade thanks to all the whining--err, I mean legitimate issues raised here.

I'm glad I did. There are several features that I always wanted in 5.6 that I now have, even something as simple as everything being in one window instead of just a bunch of floating paletes. The only thing I've really noticed missing was the "speckled" or "spotted" texted in the fill styles. Honestly, I couldn't care less.

I've been very pleased with 7.1 and and very happy I made the switch.
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Post by cheyne »

Hey Danimal,

Cool man, I'm glad you are enjoying 7.1. I must admit I'm still learning and so a lot of what people are missing from previous versions or say are broken features, I simply haven't see them (just out of inexperience with the application) - but I guess I will in time.

Since reading SlowTigers response I spent the afternoon pretending there were no such things as "scripts" and just concentrated on learning the software and actually animating.

I have a habit of wanting to know "everything" (e.g. scripts to assist in AS) that can possibly make an application better, if it's not out of the box, so I aim to learn these features from the get-go. I slapped my hand and am just doing like I said = learning the software, concentrate on animating - deal with problems and how to's as I go.
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Post by Vagabond »

Danimal wrote: The only thing I've really noticed missing was the "speckled" or "spotted" texted in the fill styles.
I really really miss those. Now we have to import images if we want texture on our shapes. That's an extra step that slows me down. But I recently found out that I can create objects in 5.6 with the splotchy and spotted effects and open them in 6.2 and edit them!
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Post by b15fliptop »

I'm on 7.1 Pro, and recently completed a three month paid gig in ASP. I have nothing to complain about with the current version, and I've been using it since it was MOHO. I can say that Blend Morphs totally rocks if you're doing a lot of character animation, and was a HUGE time saver for me. I really don't get the lack of love for the current version.
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Post by PARKER »

Well i prefer v6, it works for what i want to do, i still havent get used to some changes made in v7 but i think i will be using it more oftenly soon.

The v7 tools i like the most for now are the image masking tool and the cartoon effect, they do something that you simply CANT do in v6.

I use it a lot for coloring comic book characters, its good to know that there is a good number of people that already has v7 becuase im thinking about making a videotutorial on painting with the image masking tool very soon.
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Post by cheyne »

@ b15Fliptop

That's cool man. The Blend Morphs are nice, but from what I can see Rudigers "Morph Dials" script has more power. I hope they up the ante for Blend Morphs in the coming versions/upgrades. Also good on ya for the job mate, nothing better than a paid job doing what you love!


Man, would LOVE to see some tuts from you on 7.x.

I noticed the Image Masking tool but for BITMAPS I would do the work in Photoshop or similar image editing program.

What exactly do you mean by the "cartoon effect"? Is that a filter or special effect?
Last edited by cheyne on Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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