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Anime Studio pro 9 and Papagayo not in sync

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 11:02 pm
by Libertycourt
I'm having some difficulties getting my .dat file created in Papagayo syncing with my audio in anime pro 9. I place the .wav file in Papagayo, type the phrase, and make sure the mouth in Papagayo looks "acceptable". I will export this .dat file out of Papagayo, create a mouth switch..and in layer settings, select the switch tab and select the .dat file created in Papagayo. The audio from which I created the .dat file is imported to the timeline, but the key switches from the .dat file do not line up with the audio and does not resemble the mouth motion I created in Papagayo. This was never a problem for me in the past with my older version of Anime and has become very frustrating. If anyone can see a problem with my workflow, that would be awesome. I have downloaded the newest version of Papagayo and I'm on a macOS High Sierra.

P.S. The funny thing is if I add the audio file first: Then create a mouth switch layer; then using the dropdown on the switch layer and selecting the .wav file(not the .dat file); this creates a better (but not great) key switch mouth movement on timeline.

Any suggestion would be awesome

Re: Anime Studio pro 9 and Papagayo not in sync

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:33 am
by synthsin75
Is your framerate the same in Papagayo and Moho?

Re: Anime Studio pro 9 and Papagayo not in sync

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 1:07 pm
by Libertycourt
Thanks! synthsin75!

I think that might be it...I set the frame rate properties to 24 F/sec and the timing was horrific. I going to try 30 F/sec today and see if that fixes the problem. I guess I never realize that in the past and tried working with 24 this time. Does Papagayo
even address this in their turorials? You would think in the industry, with many different offers for format (i.e. 24 versus 30 frames/sec), they would emphasize this as an important issue. But maybe I just didn't see this in the instruction and I
really hope "your suggestion" (which I appreciate) works and saves me "a lot" of effort creating all these .dat file!

Thanks again,