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Dropdown menus

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:26 am
by BMchiker15
Hey, I'm a new user and just installed Anime Studio 5 on my macbook pro. While working on the tutorial, I've noticed that things arent where they tell me to look on the dropdown menus. Render isn't even there under the file menu! I've been having to export the project as a video to see what it looks like. I pushed on anyway, and now its telling me to import a premade anime studio character, but the option isn't under the dropdown. I have tried all I can think of to get these things to work, and I've checked all the dropdown menus thoroughly and several times. Help!

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:34 pm
by myles
Still image Render was originally only provided for the Pro version, but this was accidentally omitted in the manual. There was a fairly recent update that added Render back to the standard version, as well as adding Unicode support, fixing a few bugs, and updating the manual.

If you're working in Windows, try File > Import > Anime Studio Object ... and browse to look under the appropriate folder within
C:\Program Files\e frontier\Anime Studio\Tutorials
(I'm not sure of the appropriate Mac and Linux equivalents.)

Regards, Myles.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:33 am
by BMchiker15
thanks alot!