Senile cretin needs help!

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Senile cretin needs help!

Post by davec »


Newbie to MOHO, 60 years oldie in real life and very technologically challenged.

I have worked my way through the first batch of tutorials, and am just messing, trying to get my head round what this amazing program does.

I have seen some of the demos you guys put out and am totally GOBSMACKED by what you can do with MOHO. Amazing.

I have made my first crummy movie! Lasts for 72 frames. On layer 1 is a face which rotates round the screen with lips and eyes moving. On layer 2 there is a background with a sun moving across the sky. Oh what skill!

Here's the rub, I can't see them together! Individually they looked as pathetic as they are, but I need two dollops of pathesticity at the same time. Somehow I have to link the layers and see layer 1 on the top ... don't know how. (I have managed putting things forward and backward in individual layers).

This program is brilliant, and the tutorials are very well done, but I miss a search facility terribly.

Please do not use words with more than two syllables if you answer. Pretend you are talking to a five year ... no make that two year old.

No doubt I will soon be inundating the forum with similar cries for help. Anyone out there from the UK? I would love to get some lessons using the beast.

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Post by F.M. »

#1. Layer with face is obstructing the layer with background. Is the face the only thing on this layer? #2. In the layers window can you see the the small squares with the eyes? If any of this squares doesn't show the eyes, the layer won't appear on the rendered animation. From the info you posted this what I came up as possible causes, feel free to give more details if the above is not helping.
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Post by Lost Marble »

I wish I could answer this right away, but there are a lot of possibilities for what the problem might be. If you want to email the file to, I'm sure I can figure out what's going on in a few seconds. Or, if you have a website and can post a link to the file in this forum, that would do the trick too.
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Post by Dismal_Bliss »

Since you describe them as "Layer 1 - Face" and "Layer 2 - Background", it sounds to me that the Layer with the Background (2) is on top of the Layer with the Face (1).

In the "Layers" window, click on the face layer, and drag it above the background layer. When you click to drag, you have to hold the mouse button down until you are ready to drop the item in place.

So, your layer window might have been...


... and now you want it in this order ...


In all your animations, the lowest Layer on the list is drawn first, and then each successive layer is drawn on top of the others, until the highest layer on the list is drawn above all of the rest.

Hope this helps!

- Bob
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