DrEddie's "Basic Anime Studio 2D Animation" Class

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DrEddie's "Basic Anime Studio 2D Animation" Class

Post by dreddie »

DrEddie's "Basic Anime Studio 2D Animation" Class

Why study Anime Studio? Because this program is simple, fast, and fun! A Free Demo of Anime Studio will be used in Class. It puts a Watermark on all output. But if you purchase Anime Studio later, you can output your work without the Watermark.

Formerly know as MOHO, Basic Anime Studio is now available for $50. The Pro Version is $200. My Class is only $20 for 6 weeks of Internet instruction. It is based on the Pro Version. When you see what MOHO can do, you will be amazed at the low price.

Within three weeks of owning Anime Studio, I created Pirate Ships, smoking Volcanos, Flying Birds, UFOs in space, Alien Cities, an Underwater Scenes with fish, seaweed, and a shark. You will learn how to animate your own creations! You will only be limited by your imagination! "Basic Anime Studio 2D Animation" will cover the Fundamentals of Animation. You will create Simple Scenes and learn how to animate them. You will learn all you need to create your own Animations. This will be an Adventure. It's an incredible feeling to see something you have created come to life and move!

You will take a single Frame and turn it into an Action Scene. You will learn to make Vector Objects for animation. How to color them and add special effects. I will show you how to store Elements in one project and how to retrieve them in another so you don't have to "redraw the same object" again. You will learn how to make your own Animation Library.

I will show you how to create a Character. How to add Bones for animation. How to animate the character. You will work with Key Frames so you can easily change the Timing of any element in your animation. Does it sound exciting? It is!

The skills you learn in Anime Studio will help you go on to 3D animation, if you wish. Why not just study a 3D program? Because 3D is complex, time consuming, and confusing for Beginners! Anime Studio is so much easier and faster. It gives you a great Foundation for Animation.

If you are like me, you have stories you want to tell now! You don't want to spend months or years learning a program. Tell your stories now! Anime Studio can help you do that. Any Animation Program takes time, but Anime Studio is the simplest I have found so far. It is fast and fun! I recommend at least a 1 GigaHertz computer or better for any animation work.

The next Semester begins on 9/10/07.

All Classes from the Eclectic Academy are only $20 for 6 weeks of instruction. For more about DrEddie's "Basic Anime Studio 2D Animation", click on these addresses: www.eclecticacademy.com



For more info about Anime Studio, click here: www.lostmarble.com and www.e-frontier.com

I hope to see you in the Anime Studio Class!

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Post by BonAp »

As new to animation and AS, I went and did this course in the beginning of this year, and I can recommend it, as a good way to be familiar with AS.

Here's a couple of animations I made, while attending.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 8023314984
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 3001235487

I have'nt been posted much animation here - These are my first - but thats because I during this course found out that first I had to learn some more about drawing.
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Post by JimmyC »

I did it too - but I wouldn't recommend it. I got much more out of the tutorials that come with the program.
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About my Basic Anime Studio Lessons ....

Post by dreddie »

Hello All!

I am sorry JimmyC did not like the Class. But for $20 it is not a great waste of time or money.

I am glad BonAp enjoyed it! And I really like the animations he created in the class.

I have actually had people go on to create commercials for TV after taking my Basic Class. Commercials that were Aired on TV.

My Basic Anime Studio is basic (duhh!). It teaches how to work with the tools and encourages good habits.

It is for beginners ... and perhaps for those who have had the program, but have not done much with it.

It gets you started! And that is worth the price of the course ... I think.

If you are Advanced and doing all kinds of Animations, you don't need my class.

I have had enough Positive Feedback from my Students that I know there is something worthwhile in the Lessons. Most of the Students have asked for more Lessons ... and that is a good sign to me.

Best Wishes to all & Keep on Animating!

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Post by Gnaws »

I still stand by my testimony. :D

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Post by AmazingRobie »

Gnaws wrote:I still stand by my testimony. :D

What does the class involve since it's a distance education class? I really need to take a class because as uncomplicated as "AS Pro" seems to be from the tutorials, I'm having a lot of issues that personally I can only see being handled by having someone else look at my work and tell me what I'm doing wrong or maybe explaining to me a method of getting something done more efficiently. Seriously, I can moderately draw, that's not my problem. I've been working on trying to figure this thing out for over 6 months on my own, mainly on the weekends and I'm getting nowhere. Is the class just watching tutorials and doing exercises and then submitting them? I really don't see just watching more tutorials as being a benefit to me.
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Post by slowtiger »

Robbie is right: best way to learn is to tackle specific problems. I just wonder if that kind of mentoring can be done successfully online.
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I just signed up...

Post by sfb »

Hopefully I'm not too late - this term started on the fourth. Looking forward to it.

I feel the $20 bucks is no big deal, it helps me to have the time committed to a class to spend the time I should.

I've been lurking here for a while and finally decided to post. Love the work I've seen generated by casual users and the upper tier group of professionals. Very inspiring.

I bought Anime Studio Pro with the cross-promotion deal from e-Frontier a while back. I have a quad core Intel Vista Ultimate computer with 2 GB of RAM (currently).

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