Request for top 10 Anime Studio Pro Version 6 Features

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Post by synthsin75 »

I just have to say, I don't really care about competition, especially in the studio environment. Pipelining, collaboration, and file sharing are of mostly no concern to me.

I think AS is top dog in its own market. And that market is the one man studio environment. Nothing compares to it in this regard, period. If AS gives up this very strength, it runs a serious risk of getting lost in the crowd.

Every day I am more sure that there is nothing AS cannot do. Granted there are some tasks that it is not optimized for, and it is these that should be improved. Just my opinion.
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Post by chucky »

OK here's a real humdinger, provoked by some of the last discussions both from the positive and negative sides of debate.:D

I think the pencil tool is pretty damn good for outlines and AS could potentially be great for clean and easy frame by frame animation that could combine nicely with its other tools.
Unfortunately in it's current form AS reaches a roadblock that could maybe be easily fixed.
At the moment drawing is really quick and easy with the freehand pencil but the onion skins are only available in non switch layers,- that's when onion skinning goes awry and after a few frames you are left with one of two options- a big mess of onions and a long time turning on and off visibilities or the handy switch system but with no onions and therefore no reference and the animation process grinds to a halt.
But a couple of things could happen for this to work well.
  • Onion skins for switch layers, that don't show all layers at the same time.
    Ability to save brushes ( including their freehand options) easily to a visual library for quick access , so for example a big fill colour brush could be used and easily change back to the outline brush.

Please excuse the dodgy animation, I can't blame the tools for my own incompetence just how long my incompetency took. :wink:
I think I have mentioned these requests before but I thought it might be time to clarify.
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Post by synthsin75 »

I have been thinking about a scripting solution to the current (admittedly poor) workflow for frame-by-frame in AS. Scripting could automate the visibility of each frame while working and then could even move all of the layers into a switch layer and automatically write the switch keyframes in order.

If there were only more hours in the day... :roll:

Should be an easy enough fix on the scripting or development side though. :wink:
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Post by Rudiger »

chucky wrote:OK here's a real humdinger, provoked by some of the last discussions both from the positive and negative sides of debate.:D

I think the pencil tool is pretty damn good for outlines and AS could potentially be great for clean and easy frame by frame animation that could combine nicely with its other tools.
Unfortunately in it's current form AS reaches a roadblock that could maybe be easily fixed.
At the moment drawing is really quick and easy with the freehand pencil but the onion skins are only available in non switch layers,- that's when onion skinning goes awry and after a few frames you are left with one of two options- a big mess of onions and a long time turning on and off visibilities or the handy switch system but with no onions and therefore no reference and the animation process grinds to a halt.
But a couple of things could happen for this to work well.
  • Onion skins for switch layers, that don't show all layers at the same time.
    Ability to save brushes ( including their freehand options) easily to a visual library for quick access , so for example a big fill colour brush could be used and easily change back to the outline brush.
Cool feature request. Very simple but could provide a lot of benefit to those wanting to integrate more frame by frame animation into their work.

The other gripe I have with the current pencil tool is it always starts at zero width, unless you bash your pen into the tablet really quickly, which is not exactly ideal. A simple way to fix this would be for the tool to accept further changes for the first point provided you haven't started moving the pen. Incredibly, the pencil tool is actually scripted, so in theory I could make this change myself, but not sure how complex the code is.

Oh yeah, I think that animation is pretty cool. If you had really wanted to demonstrate the benefit of frame-by-frame animation, you could have also done a quickie 360 degree head turn or something.
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Post by chucky »

Yeah I did rather do something which would have been better with the regular AS method, me stoopid, anyway I kind of rushed the whole thing including starting with no concept. I'll blame it on the fact that I did it sitting in bed in a scary hotel.
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Post by Rudiger »

My French is not the best, but I did read bits in pieces of that pdf you posted. From what I could tell, the section that mentions Moho starts off talking about which characters were the most difficult to animate. It mentions that scenes with Zannanza and her horse were particularly difficult and Moho was used to give them a fluid look. It then goes on to say that Moho was also used on the face of the Pharaoh. However, that certainly doesn't mean that that is all Moho was used for though, as can be seen in GreyKid's reel.

To give an idea of the differences in workflow, I'll use a side-on walk sequence as an example.
A. Frame by Frame
1. Draw say 5 to 10 frames of a side-on person at different stages of the walk cycle.
2. Move the background layer behind the character to show them walking along.
B. Anime Studio
1. Draw your character from the side.
2. Create a 2d skeleton and rig your character.
3. Position the skeleton at about 5 different keyframes to create the walk cycle. You could also add point motion to tweak the look of the animation.
3. Move the background layer behind the character to show them walking along.
C. 3D app
1. Model you character in 3D space.
2. Create a 3d skeleton and rig your character.
2.a. Manipulate the viewport camera to show the character from the side.
3. Position the skeleton at about 5 different keyframes to create the walk cycle. You could also use morphs targets motion to tweak the look of the animation.
3. Move the background layer behind the character to show them walking along.

For both the frame-by-frame flow and Anime studio flow, you could overlay different facial expressions, etc, to give the walk cycle a different mood, and that's the only relevance I can think of the picture you posted.

By the way, I guessed you were from a 2D animation background, but your experience with 3D should give you some insight into what Anime Studio is about.

With regards to frame by frame animation in Anime Studio, it's already in there in the form of switch layers, so why not make a small enhancement to it to enhance efficiency. Man, I bet Chucky didn't expect this explosion of debate when he first posted his feature request.
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Post by heyvern »

I split off the discussion on "cut out" style animation in AS to this topic:


Let's keep this area focused on features.

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Post by GCharb »

Hello all

Here is my wish list, any complaints should be directed to my lawyer! :)

1: A way to edit point motion, color change etc. on any layers directlly in the camera view. The way I see it, you enter edit mode, double click a layer, regular or switched, directlly in the camera view. That layer becomes selected and becomes editable in the main view on top of all the other layers. That process would make onion skin available for all layer types and relative to all the layers in the scene.

2: An Animation Master type timeline where you can flatten curves or visualize ease etc.

3: Animation Master type pose sliders, those are the best to animate facial expressions and lipsync, I do not use phoenemes for lipsync, only a few poses. Even though this could be done with point motion, pose sliders would make the process more intuitive I believe and faster too. Here is an example of such lipsynch done with poses, not my work, rendered in Animation master. Pose sliders could be used for point motion and bones motion as well. 707kb

4: Styles Palettes. Palettes would be collections of styles for a character or a prop. A character or prop could have several palettes that could be switched, like, a tree with summer styles then you switch to fall styles.

5: Saving of Palettes and styles for reuse.

6: An Animation Master stride lenght type feature. With it you make a character walkcycle or a car tires spin and use the feature so that when you animate across the screen the feet do not slip or the tires would not spin faster or slower then they should. This should work in z-depth as well.

7: A better implementation of the 3D environment, where you could spin around an object, go on top, side or perspective view.

8: Better 2d shading for 3D objects.

9: Better file handling, where we could save favorite, last folder would be remembered, selection of a work folder in preferences for work group so several peoples can work on same project, this should work over a network or the internet, should have at least a basic password protected access.

10: A more open SDK for scripting.

This is just a wish list, most are not really new but I think those would be great additions to the software.

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Post by slowtiger »

My wish list.

Basic concept missing, wonderful to have:
1. Frame-by-frame drawing. I think this could be done as an extension of the switch layer concept, or maybe just by adding some more handles to switch layers. We'll need:

1.1 Onion skin in switch layers (to draw)

1.2 the ability to create frames inside switch layers anywhere in the timeline.
Some features like interpolation will not work here, so maybe we add:

1.3 the ability to switch interpolation on and off at any frame. Will be off by default when adding/drawing a new frame, on when duplicating a frame, off again when duplicated frame has lost or gained a point (this should be easy, just count points and compare the result).

2. References/instances/symbols, whatever you want to call it. Quite often I need an object multiplied but with the same attributes and animation. Eamples: a mouth outline once visible, once as part of a mask; the wheels of a car; several characters walking the same speed. Would be nice while duplicating a layer to have the choice if it's a duplicate or just a reference. The latter one would allow changes in the original object which are referred to in all instances. (Yes, it's like symbols in Flash.)

Interface issues to be improved:
3. Colour and Style management. Right now I'm still working on a trial-and-error base when it comes to apply a style, or use a default style. Sometimes I'm lucky, most time I'm not. The styles palette needs a complete rework! I'd like to have:

3.1 no confusion about wether there's a colour plus a style applied over it - the plain colour fill should be shown as a style as well. Fix interaction with "automatic fill".

3.2 styles need to be exported and imported separately from AS objects.

3.3 styles arranged like colours in the palette. Visual indicator to shoew they're styles, not colours.

3.4 colours to be named and re-arranged. Maybe an additional list view, good for colouring characters. Export and import of colour sets. Several sets loaded, only one visible, pulldown for the others, and a shortcut to just toggle through the list.

3.5 Line width units need to be more intuitive. Maybe a small square right in the style window could show all changes of colour etc immediately? (The same units are used in vector noise settings of layers - are they?)

4. Timeline: please see separate discussion about collapsable timeline views.

4.1 Cycle popup should show the previous setting/value when opened.

5. Select layer vs. direct select in work view: would be great to be able to select everything visible in project window. Layer palette should scroll to selected object then.

6. Missing shortcuts: Save as (very important!)

7. For those using images: nice to have a list view of all images used in a file, with the ability to manage them, change all or a selection, and maybe backup a project complete with images.

8. Layer management: ability to select multiple/all layers and change their attributes all the same at once. Maybe a default layer attribute setting in preferences.

9. Ability to export a layer/folder so it can be imported later into other scenes - better than "import AS object" and then only see the top level.

10. Store window and palette positions! (Mac in sleep modus reduces everything to smallest size)

Improved functionality:
11.1 Timeline manipulation. Shifting things in time is difficult now because it can be done only timeline by timeline. Better: shifting keys with a certain key pressed opens window, offers choices to: shift selected part of all timelines/selected timelines of this layer, or plus the same timelines in all sublayers. Could also include the rescale command. Function should include start and end keys (or ask for this), but only where needed: not in timelines without key, or only one key in frame 1, or between keys of the same value.

11.2 The "default interpolation" should be inside the timeline palette window head. Just three small icons for smooth, linear, step would be enough for fast change. The others stay where they are.

11.3 Ability to define sections of timelines as "on two's" or whatever I like. This way I could have an overall fps setting, but a controlled jerkiness where I want it. Should be able to be a default as well (with ability to change any section at any time). Could be an additional option during key interpolaton setting, visible with certain key stroke.

12. A tool for measuring strides ...
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Post by Stephen X »

The BIGGEST problem that I have currently is creating outlines for characters. I want to use the Shadow Layer function but where I have problems is when objects cross over one another. What I thought would be a good solution would be to create an outline of equal width on the fill itself that crossed over so that the outline is visible at all times. The problem with this solution is that Shadow Layer outline multiplies over the object's outline making the object's outline twice as thick than the rest of the image's outline.

I went around and around about this with the wonderful and oh so knowledgeable Vern until he gave me the best work around. Instead of using the Shadow Layer, he told me to copy and past all the objects onto new layers and then fill them as black with outlines. This works well enough but now the big problem is having so many layers and trying to keep track of point positions when they are moved.

The easiest solution for me (of course) would be a check box in the Shadow Layer menu that says something like "ignore outline." Then if that is selected, the shadow/outline is growing only off of the fill in that layer and not the outline.

Does that make sense? If there is some way you guys could fix this, the program would be bullet proof for me. The Shadow Layer function is incredible and I unfortunately because of this snag am not able to use is on any complex character which just accounts for almost all characters.

Thanks so much for listening and I can't wait for the new version!!!

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Post by GCharb »

Hello all!

Just a thought here, how about Mike opens up the whole software to scripting, then add all the fine scripts I have seen in this forum to the release, walla, instant V6 :)

Sorry, could not resist

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Re: Outlines

Post by Rudiger »

Stephen X wrote:The BIGGEST problem that I have currently is creating outlines for characters. I want to use the Shadow Layer function but where I have problems is when objects cross over one another. What I thought would be a good solution would be to create an outline of equal width on the fill itself that crossed over so that the outline is visible at all times. The problem with this solution is that Shadow Layer outline multiplies over the object's outline making the object's outline twice as thick than the rest of the image's outline.

I went around and around about this with the wonderful and oh so knowledgeable Vern until he gave me the best work around. Instead of using the Shadow Layer, he told me to copy and past all the objects onto new layers and then fill them as black with outlines. This works well enough but now the big problem is having so many layers and trying to keep track of point positions when they are moved.

The easiest solution for me (of course) would be a check box in the Shadow Layer menu that says something like "ignore outline." Then if that is selected, the shadow/outline is growing only off of the fill in that layer and not the outline.

Does that make sense? If there is some way you guys could fix this, the program would be bullet proof for me. The Shadow Layer function is incredible and I unfortunately because of this snag am not able to use is on any complex character which just accounts for almost all characters.

Thanks so much for listening and I can't wait for the new version!!!

That's a good little fix you are proposing. I would like to see a similar checkbox for masking as well.

By the way, there's a mesh_instance script floating around these forums somewhere that will automatically make the point motion of one layer follow another. This may help you out with your workaround.
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01-allot of layer video effects
02-swf export masking & Brushes
03-controlling gradient direction with timeline key for gradient
04-3d vector building system & automatic convert to group of vector layers witch i built
05-controlling bones from inside the vector layer attached
06-bitmap layer with drawing with tool tablet sensitive width line
07-morphing btween shapes have to be also with different point number shapes after deleting sum points
08-the interpolate in the switch layer have to work with deferent points for example 7 to 5 or 3 to 8 any thing
09-hd support
10-xaml animation export shapes only for Microsoft Expression blend
11-right click layer selection from the working window
12-button (set key for layer channels & the sub layer by option
13-the raise shape tool have to be animated on time line with option
14-short cut for showing or hiding the construction curves or appearing only when click on shape
15-shortcut for hiding & showing the panels
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Post by grimble67 »

1. more responsive drawing surface
2. the ability to cut and slice shapes into multiple shapes
3. the ability to rig a character without having to "explode" the limbs
4. support for scenes (multiple scenes per anme file)
5. support for external libraries (for all kinds of resources, such as actions, drawings, etc)
6. support layer groups in bone layers
7. better import of AI format (read: less points)
8. more of a windows-looking interface
9. auto-save
10. support color-sets - e.g. use a different palette for different light settings
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Post by banjar »

GCharb wrote:Hello all

Here is my wish list, any complaints should be directed to my lawyer! :)

1: A way to edit point motion, color change etc. on any layers directlly in the camera view. The way I see it, you enter edit mode, double click a layer, regular or switched, directlly in the camera view. That layer becomes selected and becomes editable in the main view on top of all the other layers. That process would make onion skin available for all layer types and relative to all the layers in the scene.
GCharb wrote: 2: An Animation Master type timeline where you can flatten curves or visualize ease etc..
GCharb wrote: 3: Animation Master type pose sliders, those are the best to animate facial expressions and lipsync, I do not use phoenemes for lipsync, only a few poses. Even though this could be done with point motion, pose sliders would make the process more intuitive I believe and faster too. Here is an example of such lipsynch done with poses, not my work, rendered in Animation master. Pose sliders could be used for point motion and bones motion as well...
OMG !!! You are reaching for heaven! For heaven! Do you understand? You fool!
GCharb wrote: 4: Styles Palettes. Palettes would be collections of styles for a character or a prop. A character or prop could have several palettes that could be switched, like, a tree with summer styles then you switch to fall styles.
That is the realm of the Cartoon Gods, you fool! You cannot tread there or you will die!
GCharb wrote: 5: Saving of Palettes and styles for reuse....
Oy Gevalt! And now you ask for the little things, Schlemiel!!!! Why now?!!
GCharb wrote: 6: An Animation Master stride lenght type feature. With it you make a character walkcycle or a car tires spin and use the feature so that when you animate across the screen the feet do not slip or the tires would not spin faster or slower then they should. This should work in z-depth as well.
No, no! You are asking too much. This is the realm of the super-natural. Mere mortal 2Ds cannot do such things and live!
GCharb wrote: 7: A better implementation of the 3D environment, where you could spin around an object, go on top, side or perspective view..
My heart! Oy! It is beating out of my chest! These ideas! This is too much. I cannot stand it. Such panoramas and vistas are opeing up before my eyes! This is heaven, I tell you! Cartoon Heaven!
GCharb wrote: 8: Better 2d shading for 3D objects.

9: Better file handling, where we could save favorite, last folder would be remembered, selection of a work folder in preferences for work group so several peoples can work on same project, this should work over a network or the internet, should have at least a basic password protected access.

10: A more open SDK for scripting.

This is just a wish list, most are not really new but I think those would be great additions to the software.

In other words. Those ideas are very nice. Can we have the next upgrade now? Please? Before I die from anticipation? What a way to go!!! Death from anticipation!!!!! Are there any good drugs that I can take for this medical emergency? Will they make me see see colors? If so, can I have some now?
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