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Exporting to Moho Difficulties

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:05 am
by DizzyDoo
Hey, just trying out Papagayo with MoHo, but when i export to Moho, all i get in the animation is the mouth moving up then down once where there should be many mouth movements. Wierd, because i did it again and the mouth moving up and down changed position.

What have i done wrong?

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:24 am
by Rhoel
Because you have some mouth working, I can asume the audio file is loaded correctedly into the switch layer.

The probable casuse is the names of your layers are wrong. Moho looks up the names of the mouths it needs in the Papagayo data file. It uses standards names, AI, E,rest, etc., etc. If you misspell the name of your layer by calling it REST and not rest, or Rest, EtC, Moho will not see it. If you have called it Mouth 1, Mouth 2 Mouth etc, change the names to

rest, AI, E, WQ, MBP, O, U, FV etc and L.

Then it will work.

The mouth can be both a layer or a folder - I frequently make the AI, E, L a folder, with separate mouth, tongue Teeth layers inside that - use the basic Mouth shape as a mask, to reveal the tongue and teeeth.. Other shapes such as the O, MBP, FV are straight layers.

The order of the layers is un-important. AI, E, WQ is the same to Moho as WQ, E, AI.

Hope his helps


Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:11 am
by DizzyDoo
I've tried that, i'm using the example file that comes with Lip Syncing tutorial 2. I tried changing all the letters to capital, but only in Papagayo. Should i change the layers to lowercase and see what happens then?