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Mute channel dot in smart bone action (a warning)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:14 am
by neeters_guy
So I made a Smart Bone Action (SBA) and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working on the main timeline. After some digging, I found a little orange dot to the right of channel in the SBA. The dot is for muting and unmuting the channel, Orange meaning muted and white is unmuted. Ostensibly this for testing purposes, but I accidently clicked on that dot which started me on this investigation.

I pass this along as one possible cause why a smart bone action doesn't appear to be working.

PS. I upgraded to 14.1 after a hiatus and I'm having a blast learning all the new features. Moho has certainly come a long way since I first purchased version 5.6!

Re: Mute channel dot in smart bone action (a warning)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:36 pm
by synthsin75
Yeah, inadvertently or forgotten muted channels have been a common trip up in the past. They're harder to catch once they're hidden in a smart bone action. Seems to be less so nowadays, hopefully due to awareness of the feature.

Comparing v5 or 6 with 14.1 is such a huge leap. I know some people still use older versions, but with the latest improvements to workspace preview, I couldn't imagine going back.