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Actions Help

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:05 am
by Jason Funderberker
Hello! Used Moho years ago when it was Anime Studio, hopped back on with Moho 14 but find myself at a complete loss.

Trying to make some pretty simple characters and add in actions so their arms and legs don't go haywire while moving them.

I watched video 24. "Rigging an Entire Character" from the MoHo YouTube channel and tried to implement some actions. They seem to look fine in the actions view.

For example, I highlight the bone in the forearm create "right elbow" action. Move to frame 96, move the elbow by the head and adjust so it looks more natural. Looks fine in action layer "right elbow." If I then click on mainline, everything I've done does not work and the arm gets distorted when I move it.

Absolutely cannot figure out how to make this work on the mainline even after the video. I'm sure it's something simple I'm overlooking but any ideas? Thanks!