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Viewing: Path / Anchor Points / Curves

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 1:15 pm
by formxshape
Please can we have the 'Show Curves' tickbox above the timeline improved.

It's either all or nothing.

It's really hard to see our artwork when Show Curves is on, as then EVERYTHING is shown, all the paths over all the artwork.
And it gets worse once you add bones as now they are classed as 'Curves' and shown as well over the artwork.

It would be great if that feature has a few options.
- Show only anchor points.
- Show only paths (curves as you call them confusingly) of selected item/layer
- Show only bones and not the artwork paths
- Show only artwork paths and not the bones.

Basically copy the UI/UX of how paths/curvers/anchor points/bezier handles are done in every other vector artwork software. I'm pretty sure it's not copyrighted by Adobe.