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Switch selection crash

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 7:14 pm
by alperocak
Hi all.
I'm working on layered bitmaps (on my character)
When i open the "switch selection" window and when I go back and forth on the timeline
Moho is crashing.

Moho 12.5 and 13 was like that too.

I switched off the GPU acceleration / smooth images / shape effects. Same issue again.

This is the video link.

Thanks şn advance

Re: Switch selection crash

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 9:42 pm
by Greenlaw
I use Switch layers all the time for lip sync and other animations, but I'm not seeing the crashing, at least not in Moho 12.5 and I've been using this version in production for years. So far, I'm not seeing such crashes in 13.5 either, but admittedly I haven't stressed 13.5 as much as I have 12.5 yet.

Just a feeling, but maybe something else is causing the crash? Like the audio file (if one has been imported) or maybe there's a distant negative keyframe? If it's the former, and it's a compressed audio file, try an uncompressed version. Uncompressed requires less processing and is less likely to cause trouble when scrubbing back and forth. (Technically, uncompressed audio should be more frame accurate too, so better for lip syncing.) If it's the latter, run Wes' Find And Delete Negative Keyframes script to clean up the file.

Also, see if disabling Auto-Save reduces or eliminates the crashing. ATM, some of us suspect Auto-Save is causing crashes and data loss problems. (The earliest release of 12.x had this problem, but this was fixed before 12.5 was released. Maybe it's creeped back in for 13.5? Unconfirmed, so just a guess.)

Re: Switch selection crash

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 2:03 am
by SimplSam
Never seen this crash before - until now! and that's probably because I don't use the selection/preview window that often.

Looks like the crash occurs across MH 12, 13, 13.5. And .. I believe that it is related to a 'feature' of Switch Layers:

A Switch layer uses the child-layer name as the reference for switching. If you delete one of the 'switched to' child-layers the Switch's references to it are not updated, but that referenced layer name also no longer exists - so the Switch layer defaults to showing the top most layer in its place (and even showing it as ticked in the right-click switch layer selection list of the layers panel - even though internally it still references the 'old' deleted/missing layer name).

And ... it looks like the Switch Selection window does not have this coping mechanism when dealing with a missing child-layer, but instead indicates that the 'current selection is not not a switch layer', and ultimately crashes when repeatedly transitioning between a valid switch selection and a defaulted one - when scrubbing along the timeline.

You can get an indication of a missing switch layer by closing the Switch Selection window and using the Switch Layer tool in the Special tool group. This will normally show you the Active Switch layer name, but will be blank when defaulting is used.

You can address/mitigate this Switch Selection crash problem by updating the Switch layer to only use the name of child-layers that exist. i.e. use the Special > Switch Layer tool to select a valid layers' name when none is shown.