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Pivot a layer in a bone layer?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:49 pm
by uncle808us
Hi I am using Animestudio Pro 11 on an older Mac Pro Laptop.
I cannot update the OS.
I am using:OSX El Capitan Ver 10.11.6 that's as high as I can go.
Without selling an organ to buy a New Mac. :roll:
Here is my question: How do I "Pivot a layer in a bone layer?"
I'm creating a DJ "Lance Trance" I would like to have him raise and lower a tone arm on his turntable.
but I cannot figure out how to pivot the Tonearm on the Tonearm Base with the movement of Lances' armbones.
Can someone help enlighten my ignorance on how this can be done. Thanks in advance for any and all help.


Re: Pivot a layer in a bone layer?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:17 pm
by VĂ­ctor Paredes
I think you can use a target bone.
The "I'd like this not to move" bone could be the target of the next bone.
You will have to break the hierarchy, though, so the target is not child of the bone pointing at it.