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Possible Source of Smartbone Crash

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:33 pm
by MrMiracle77
So I've been dealing with this since I bought Pro. I'll work on a rig for a while, test moves within the file seem to go smoothly, then all of a sudden Moho 13 quits outright. No explanation, but it seems to happen most often when I'm importing or working on a character with a lot of smartbones.

The one common factor in all these rigs is that at some point I deleted a bone sub-layer with smartbones, but didn't delete the smartbones actions first. From that point on, Moho crashes on the first frame of animation onward. It will also crash after the slightest move after importing the bad model into a new file.

Has anyone run into this and found a reliable order for removing a sub-layer with its own smartbones?

Re: Possible Source of Smartbone Crash

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:40 pm
by synthsin75
You've run across the big workflow breaking bug in v13. The only solution right now is to go back to v12.

Re: Possible Source of Smartbone Crash

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 6:34 pm
by Greenlaw
Yeah, there are a handful of showstopper issues in Moho 13. If you have a registered 13 license but don't have a 12.5 license, get in touch with Lost Marble so you can fall back.

Currently, Moho 12.5 is the most stable and reliable version of Moho. An update for 13 is expected later this year.