Reference layers broken

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Reference layers broken

Post by NicoGZ »

Hello, I posted this on the Bug forum but I don't know if it's a bug or not.
I recently purchased Moho 12 after using both AS 9 and 11 for 2 years.
Let's say I have a character sitting at a table. I need the table to be in front of the character, but the character's arms must be on top of the table. In Anime Studio 11, I could make a reference layer of the character, delete all its layers except for the arms and hands, and I would get the desired results, and the reference skeleton would copy any changes made to the original from that moment on.

But in Moho 12 this doesn't happen. The reference layer works the same as "duplicate layer" worked in AS 11. If i delete the character layers that i don't want to see, the reference layer does not copy the new movements made to the original. I thought "well perhaps the link broke when i deleted some parts of it. So instead, i just turn them invisible. But the reference layer, even if I dont make any changes to it, won't copy any new movements made to the original layer.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

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Re: Reference layers broken

Post by Greenlaw »

Check the channels in your reference layers...if they were keyed, the channels might need to be re-synced to the original. (Right-click 'Sync Channel To Orginal'.) If the keys were created by the animator, intentional or not, that's normal behavior.

However, there is a random bug that can appear with references in Moho 12 where some channels will become 'Not Referenced' even if there are no keyframes on them. I'm not sure what triggers this bug, but re-syncing the affected channels solves the problem.

It can get super annoying though when many channels get triggered like this, and if it happens repeatedly. The devs are aware of the issue so hopefully, we'll see a fix before too long.
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