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distortion of limbs while adjusting bones

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:43 pm
by scrat7
Does anyone know why do my figure's hand distort in the animaton timeline while using the manipulate bones function to move them around (to prepare the frames for my animation)? It looks totally destroyed, although happens only in some of the frames and not in others. After they got distorted I was unable to return them to their normal state. Does anyone know how to overcome this obstacle? Thank you!

Re: distortion of limbs while adjusting bones

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:02 pm
by will_f
Without seeing the animation, I can only give some guesses.

It sounds like you have the hand moving in relation to more than one bone at once. Check to make sure that your hand is only bound to the appropriate bone, and check the bone strengths of the nearby bones to make sure there is only one bone affecting the hand. (If that's how you wanted it) Also, perhaps you need to split the hand off from the arm and make it its own shape.

Again I'd be able to offer more suggestions if I could see the problem.

Re: distortion of limbs while adjusting bones

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 8:37 am
by scrat7
Thanks for the answer! I'd post a picture but the problem is that it's confidential material I guess (I mean I'm trying to complete an entrance task for a project, and sharing the characters might not be quite ethical, even if I'm just trying to find out the answer for this problem).
Actually the separate layers/rigging of the bones are pre-given in a Mono file, I just need to move them, so I do not know about which bone affects which (also I'm quite new to this programme, I have only worked in TvPaint before). How can I check bone strengths? Thank you again for your help!

Re: distortion of limbs while adjusting bones

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:13 pm
by dueyftw
