Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

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Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by Oddity »

Hi everyone, I need to be honest and share my feeling:

I really disappointed...

usually, the price of the update of anime studio (now Moho) are not expensive as much as is it now.
I understand the development of this software need money but I truely don't understand why someone buying the soft for the first now will pay 399$ (also more expensive than before) when someone already paid several update will pay now 199$.
I allow myself to make that comment, but I'm using and updating Anime Studio since 5 years now and maybe my opinion will be shared by other people on the forum.

I use to jump on the updates without any doupt about the balance price/quality/fidelisation but buy it now i need to think about it cause the " slash fidelity" seems to be put in the trash... [sad]


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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by herbert123 »

I usually never complain about the price of software - in this case I am a bit gutted as well. I do think it is worth the update costs, it is just that together with the abysmal Canadian dollar it turns out to be more than twice as expensive as last year's update. Last year I paid $118. Now the update is a rather staggering $273 (compared).

Well, complaining is always easy. I am in no hurry. I can wait, and in the meantime I am having a lot of fun in OpenTOonz and with the upcoming Grease Pencil animation tools for Blender I have enough to keep myself busy with.
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by exile »

I have to agree - $199 is too much for me at this point as well. As a person residing in Germany I have to pay an additional 18% VAT. If it was $100 for the upgrade like last time I would have gone for it. Whether a software is "worth" the price could be discussed endlessly. The point is that up to now AS/Moho has targeted people on a lower budget, now they seem to be making a sudden change. Some of their customers will have to jump ship. So I might be joining the forum member who is trying out alternatives.

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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update


I've been using Moho since Moho 5, right before it became Anime Studio... 10 Years...
Gotta say, the upgrade price is absolutely ridiculous, and the program is currently overpriced! Do you want more people to use the program or less?
I gotta say, they didn't offer enough based on what i saw to justify this 199 dollar pricing, 99 isn't nearly as bad...
I have been using Moho since i was 14 Years old, i got it on my 14th birthday, i am 23 going on 24 in October.
I use this program for all my stuff, but i cannot see why people would pay that much for an upgrade...
Lower the price, or many disgruntled people are walkin', that's a promise.
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by Kalamonkey »

I just bought AS Pro 11 in June, now a few months later I have to pay another $200. I believe in paying for software, I am a developer myself and need my customers to pay for my software so I can get paid. I don't begrudge selling the software, it is an awesome product.

When was AS Pro 11 released? I may be wrong but wasn't it in April 2016? And now a new version in August... I am a fan of the software and have encouraged many people to buy it over the years. I just feel those who bought AS Pro 11 should get a better upgrade price.
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by synthsin75 »

I think people are lacking some perspective on the price. The last two versions happened to coincide with typical Smith Micro-wide sales, so those are not typical prices. Outside of sales, upgrades have typically cost about 2/3 the full price. That means that if there was no sale for the v11 release, you'd have paid $200 to upgrade for it as well. The full price for Moho is now $400, but guess what, you are still paying $200 (half price) to upgrade, instead of 2/3 full price.

What does all this mean? It means that if you're looking for a cheaper upgrade price, you'll have to wait for those SM-wide sales.
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by synthsin75 »

Kalamonkey wrote:I just bought AS Pro 11 in June, now a few months later I have to pay another $200. I believe in paying for software, I am a developer myself and need my customers to pay for my software so I can get paid. I don't begrudge selling the software, it is an awesome product.

When was AS Pro 11 released? I may be wrong but wasn't it in April 2016? And now a new version in August... I am a fan of the software and have encouraged many people to buy it over the years. I just feel those who bought AS Pro 11 should get a better upgrade price.
AS11 was released Jun 03, 2015: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=27555

They are getting a better price (the same upgrade price for what is now more expensive software), but previous coinciding sales have colored people's memory.
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by Lychee »

Before I was disappointed by the disappearance of the French version of the program (I prepare a post on this subject), now I am also very disappointed with the new pricing of this update.

Prehaps i'm wrong but it seems to me that the last update was only $ 99 and full version $ 299, this rate still seemed to me to be reasonable.

Today the program really fits into the pro category, but not by these qualities (qualities that I recognize him for years), but by its inaccessibility to the poorest of us, and I find it sad.

I hope that you re-examine the price in the future for this wonderful program does not become a tool for the elites, as for Adobe products.
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by mattchee »

I've been hearing this:

1 - There was not early adopter sale, it was a SM wide sale.

2 - People who claim to have partaken in an earlier adopter sale are full of it because they quote an earlier date of getting the software than when it was release (supposedly June 3, 2015.)

I've looked through my email to get to the bottom of this. I am a totally unbiased party (take my word for it, I guess). I neither fault or commend the current pricing situation. However, this what I found. I hope this puts it to bed.

I received an email from SM on 5/21/15 announcing that AS11 was being released on 5/27/15. It also offered registration for a webinar on Jun 2 (I attended). The subject line is literally "Anime Studio 11 Animation Software Available May 27th".

I have two emails, and a separate save receipt in my evernote, confirming that I paid for AS11 on 5/26 (to be sure, the date from the sender was after 1am 5/27, but for me it was 5/26. I live in California.), and including active download links for the software (which I did download and install at that time). The price I paid showed that to upgrade from 7-9.5 to 11 was regularly $199, but I actually paid $133 (and some extra fees I think for download protection or some nonsense like that). I was upgrading from 9.5. I cannot confirm, but this would lead me to beleive that the upgrade from 10 would be even less. Probably $99.

Then later on 5/27/15 I have an email from SM announcing the early adopter sale for AS11. The subject line is literally "New Version Anime Studio 11 Animation Software. 33% Off Early Adopter Special." Inside it says things like "Now Available" and "Special launch week sale save 33%". Shows the (non-upgrade) price at $199 for this sale, regularly $299 retail. It says that the sale ends June 2nd (which, for those of you keeping track, is actually the day before this fabled June 3rd drop date). Why did i get this AFTER I purchased the software? Probably cause I was excited and bought it the first second it was available (refer to my note that I got the d/l links a mere hour after the drop date). There are also links for those interested in the upgrade offers (also on sale). This email says a LOT about AS11, and ZERO about any other Smith Micro product. If there was a SM wide sale going on, this email would be a good opportunity to advertise that fact. I can neither confirm nor deny that anything else was on sale at the time, just saying what I see in the email. And just so you guys don't think I'm totally full of it, here's the graphic from said email:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kx120u7h52zqf ... S.png?dl=0

(note that the sale expires June 2... this product was available before June 2)

I also have several emails around Jun 1 and 2 referring to my participation in the seminar (hey it's coming up and it's starting soon and thanks for attending type stuff). That neither confirms or denies drop dates or sales, or purchase dates. However I do notice that the first seminar for MOHO 12 is AFTER the drop date, which make sense, because they'd want people attending to already have the software.

So what have we learned?

- Full retail for AS11 at drop was $299

- The drop date was May 27, 2015

- They offered an early adopter sale of 33% off from 5/27 thru 6/2

- They offered tiered pricing depending on what version you were upgrading from, and also had early adopter discounts on those.

Why did I go through all this BS? Seriously, I don't care what SM wants to sell the product for, and what kind of promotions they want to run. In the long run, it's THEIR choice, and if people jump ship, or don't jump ship, they're the ones that have to deal with it (though I do understand that it's hard when you love a piece of software so much and the barrier to keep using it gets higher). HOWEVER, I see a lot of people telling other people they are full of beans when they are saying that there was an earlier adopter sale, and question the date that these people purchased the product. I want to defend these people and because THERE WAS AN EARLY ADOPTER SALE, AND IT WAS RELEASED MAY 27th!!! Holy smokes!!! Also, in these people's defense, based on what I've found, I'm guessing folks who upgraded from 10 likely paid something like $66 for their upgrade (if they were early adopters), now that's jumped to $199... yeah, I can see why they'd be a little disgruntled!

I don't know why some folks think it dropped June 3rd, and that there was no sale. However, I do see a correlation with people paying full price for it after that date! ;)

Anyway, this isn't meant to call anyone out, or argue with anyone really. I just want everyone to get their facts straight. Now get out there and buy or don't buy MOHO12. It does look awesome.
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by mattchee »

synthsin75 wrote: AS11 was released Jun 03, 2015: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=27555
In case my previous post was TL;DR - AS11 was release May 27, 2015: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=27499
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by harveynethyl »

I feel so sick. Smith Micro, you let me down.

I already put money aside to buy your upgrade (I even saved a little more just in case) and then SLAM BAM! my LOYALTY got poked painfully on my ass close to where I carry my wallet. In my view, Smith Micro has been talking to too many professionals and not enough novices. I don't care about project sharing or bezier curves. And you need to quit doing a halfway job on some of the new features that you've been giving us in prior upgrades. I'm usually excited about them right up until I quickly hit their limitations.

I output my animations for 50 likes on some social media. I'm not a professional. I don't get paid for my work. I like to think that I freely contribute to society, so.... sorry Smith Mircro, you have to re-think something to get MOHO dollars from me.

But HEY! look at the bright side. You still have me for CLIP STUDIO PAINT EX loyalty. What an exceptional product!

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It looks like I spoke a little too soon. I just watched a short video about the new stuff in MOHO which means, I'm leaning toward and will probably buy MOHO when I get another $50 saved up. They are making it easy to work with bezier and since it can import and export now, that is worth the extra for me.

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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by Fuzatron »

I think it's more than worth the extra price. Especially if that's what it takes for them to retain the talent and assets required for Moho to continue to grow, and not stagnate or die. Which is what happens if companies don't remain profitable... They aren't just hobbyist. They have to make a profit no matter how much they'd prefer to keep or even lower their prices.
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by mykylr »

Serif manage to do pretty well at everyday prices with Affinity that the pros are all drooling over. :roll: :)

Granted there is a bigger market perhaps with Affinity but it doesn't always need a big cost to be deemed pro.

How well the software does the job is what matters not a high cost.

(Again I still will at some point upgrade as it does finally seem to do what I have been waiting for, but not for a while.)
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by jahnocli »

When I can afford it, I *will* upgrade!
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Re: Disappointing expensive Moho 12 Update

Post by Lukas »

Compared to TVPaint or Toonboom Harmony the upgrade cost is quite cheap. In my opinion the software is worth the price. The difference between ASP 11 and Moho 12 are huge. Big improvements have been made to old features, and lots of new features have been added.
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