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Character design tips in AS 10

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:02 pm
by zjjt
Hello guys i am beginning with anime studio and so far i find it fascinating...i have a few questions and it will help me so much if you give me advices.In anime studio 10 you have the feature called smart dials and ive seen that you can do a lot of things with it.
let's take a character who has to be seen in all views( front,back,left and right from the side) for exemple how will you create it?
with smart dials you can make a character turn left/right if for exemple he has been designed in the front view.
do i have to create all views for him or is there any other faster ways you can suggest me...

thank you :P

Re: Character design tips in AS 10

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:15 am
by steveryan2
I will try to answer you question, if I understand correctly.

The Bone Dial is merely a Control; it doesn't create anything. It is like a volume knob or a slider on your stereo; none of which create anything in an of themselves. They are just objects that you can manipulate to accomplish something else. You still have to create a character in all views yourself; the bone dial cannot help with that. A bone dial only helps you control which frame of an action gets displayed.

So for example let's say you have an Action with four frames; each containing a different view (front, left, back, right). You have previously drawn each view, each on one of these respective frames. The bone dial allows you to control which of these four frames get displayed, and by extension, which view of your character gets displayed.

Another example might be a circle that moves from left to right. You create an Action where a simple circle is translated across the screen. It starts on the left on frame zero, and by frame 10 it is on the right side of the screen. A bone dial can be used to manipulate which of these 10 frames gets displayed at any one time.

Having said all that, it is possible to create different views of a character by sliding their various body parts around rather than redrawing everything from scratch. This is easiest with very simple characters. The more complex and detailed the character, the more difficult it would be to pull this off.

Re: Character design tips in AS 10

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:43 pm
by zjjt
thank you for your answer man it really helps out.i ve been off the forum for a very long time ....I finally understand how i can use AS effectively.thank you again