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Need Animation Video for Hip Hop track(s)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 6:49 am
by yaboipro
Hey whats going on Anime Peeps! Im a hip hop artist by the name of Ya Boi Pro from Montgomery,Alabama. Im currently working on my 3rd solo mixtape called "Citizen Lame"and im really wanting to step outside the box with my visuals. Im looking for 1 to 3 anime videos to have some relation to my tracks if not exactly about the track itself. Im generating a pretty good buzz currently and would love to keep the ball rolling. Im looking for someone whos interested in working. if you have ideas or are interested please send me an email with links to some of your work and your ideas and i will gladly send you the exclusive unreleased tracks for this project.

Looking forward to making history,

Ya Boi Pro

Re: Need Animation Video for Hip Hop track(s)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 8:20 am
by slowtiger
So ... which budget do you have to spend for one video?

Re: Need Animation Video for Hip Hop track(s)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:08 pm
by yaboipro
honestly it depends on the video quality. I understand animation takes more work and more time to do then any regular video so im willing Negotiate and go from there. But i do understand you get what you pay for and every artist has bills and has to eat. If you have a set price or you go by hours please let me know what they are.

Re: Need Animation Video for Hip Hop track(s)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 3:11 pm
by slowtiger
The quality you get depends directly from the money you spend. So here's some ballpark figures:

- By "anime video", do you mean just "animation" in general, or do you want a specific style similar to a certain Anime (series or film)? The latter will cost more.

- Full animation in typical TV/film quality will cost at least 3000.- € per minute (4100 $). Other styles can be cheaper to produce. If you have a certain budget in mind, tell me and I can tell you what's possible for that.

- A typical music video is at least 3 minutes long. Doing animation for this takes time. I wouldn't plan for anything less than 3 or better 4 months production time. This equals to at least 6.000 or 8.000 € for just 1 artist. Thats 8.200 or 10.800 $.

- If you're not willing to pay 2.500 $ a month you're not looking for professionals, you're looking for hobbyists.

- Be prepared to pay 1/3 of production budget immediately before work starts.

Re: Need Animation Video for Hip Hop track(s)

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 12:25 am
by yaboipro
Yea it seems a lot more goes into animation. Way higher then I expected especially once you get into 8, 000 and above figures. Last two videos I shot where in the 2000 and 2500 range. Any suggestions for animation in the 3000 range?

Re: Need Animation Video for Hip Hop track(s)

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:08 am
by slowtiger
For 3000.- $ I can work a month and a bit. Doing 3 minutes in that short amount of time is possible, but the style has to be reduced drastically.

Instead of fully animated scenes, you could have a bunch of still images which just zip in and out - can be a great effect, too. Cut-out style is still possible, realistic characters and realistic movements are not. The more stylized and simplified, the faster it can be done. Camera movements are cheap, so I'd include a lot of them. The more polished, the more time it takes, so I'd recommend something rough. Lip-sync to music is still possible, but more in a punky, rough way (which can be a great effect).

But this is all rule-of-thumb stuff, I can provide much better ideas once I know the content of the song and what you had in mind for that video. I can promise that you'll get a nice HDTV video file in broadcast quality in the end.

If you seriously want to work with me, please send an email to slowtiger@snafu de. I assume you've had a look at some of my work at I'll come back to you on Monday, have to catch a train now.

(And thank you for staying calm and not shouting insults after learning the numbers - we had those kind of people here as well!)

Re: Need Animation Video for Hip Hop track(s)

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 12:50 pm
by yaboipro
Definitely sounds good. I do appreciate you taking the time to break it all down to me. Are there any specific examples you can direct me to of the animation you're talking about? I understand people can be frustrating. What you guys do is an art just like my music. I won't curse anyone for wanting to be paid for there job.