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Driving fun

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:41 pm
by dueyftw
And I thought it only happens in NY


Re: Driving fun

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:07 am
by daniel88
he was on the road before the other one wanted to move in and on the first attempt he already got agressive, karma my arse

Re: Driving fun

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:53 am
by chucky
The guy in the 4wd is actually the jerk from whoah to go... way too aggressive and dangerous from the beginning lurching ahead to push in, he didn't plan ahead and tried to run the other guy off the road who was maintaining a constant speed.Sure it was a little ungracious of the sedan but the bully and hog was the 4wd (surprise, surprise). The 4wd was actually more concerned with causing mayhem than driving like decent human being, if the 4wd crashed during his splashing stunt, be assured the insurance and police would have taken him to task, not the sedan.
I dare say the guy filming was also no angel and waited for an accident to catch on camera rather than backing off to let him in.

The real fault probably lies with the crappy roads and markings and the fact that EVERYONE is driving on the wrong side, probably measure distance in some antiquated leftover method too. :wink: :P Actually the whole 'get out of my way' culture needs reassessment.

Everyone on that road needed a good talking to.... ( like the one I got for splitting lanes and other naughty stuff on my motorbike on new years eve- cop said he almost called a pursuit on me- he let me off though....phew)
You ride a motorbike don't you Dale? I would hate to be in traffic with any of those guys.

Re: Driving fun

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:28 am
by dueyftw
I have 3 motorcycles. One big Harley and two choppers. I put about 20 to 30k a year on them. I see this stuff all the time. The biggest problem for me is they look at my chopper and not at the road. I was in California watching guys on bikes splitting lanes and thinking to myself you don't do that in New York because they will open a door on you.


Re: Driving fun

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:10 am
by dm
I live in California. It's legal to split lanes here. I don't know why.

I've seen a few people get squashed on bikes. Usually because they're going 45 while traffic is 15, and someone NEEDS to change lanes and whacks into the poor (unexpected) guy on a bike. A couple of times, I've seen someone move over a little to make it so the bike can't fit.

I thought the splash was sort of funny in one way, but also pitifully sad. What a world we live in...

Re: Driving fun

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:49 am
by chucky
My twin brother lives in Cali too. He used to be LA but now in San Fran and he has been riding bikes for many years and is a much better rider than me in many ways, but he won't ride in the US .
He often rings from hear car (hands free) and I get a running commentary on the driving styles over there and it sounds like the wild west.
As you say there's not a great deal of speed going on , just pushiness and aggressive behaviour.
Over here people wait their turn or merge :D .
Something the people in the above you tube could have a look into. :wink:

Over here splitting lanes is illegal but then again most things are, I think many of the unnecessary laws over here are really only leverage tools and aren't normally implemented unless quotas are super low or special situation ( like say a rider is not doing it safely or just can't ride). I've never heard of anyone being booked for it and I think it's actually considered not a bad thing to do, if done correctly. I think my 'talking to' was more of a pantomime for the drivers than anything else. :)