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Emulation:WIP: Mickey Mouse - The Nifty Nineties

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:43 am
by Rasheed
How to get the clip from DVD into Moho

First of all, I'm using Macintosh OS X Panther (10.3.9). All programs I used were freeware, except iMovie HD (that was part of the software that came with the computer, but it can also be bought separately). I have bought the DVD Mickey Mouse in Living Color, Volume Two and therefore can legally make a backup on my harddrive.

I ripped the title "The Nifty Nineties" from the DVD (disk 1), using the Mac OS X program MacTheRipper.

The resulting VOB file was split into a M2V (video) and a AIFF (sound) with MPEG Streamclip. The M2V was converted into a MOV DivX with DIVA (resolution 720 x 576 square pixels, 25 fps, aspect ratio 3:4, display resolution 720 x 526, duration 7:36).

I imported both the MOV and AIFF files into iMovie HD (part of Apple's iLife '05) and created a clip between the timecode 58:12 and 1:20:10, inclusive (approx. 22 s), which I exported using these settings,
- video codec: 3ivX D4 4.5.1, Highest Quality, 24 fps
- audio code: AAC 44.1 kHz, Stereo 128 kbps

The resulting 3.9 Mb file was imported into Moho both as film and as audio track. The presets were:
768 x 576, 527 frames, 24 fps (1 frame less than 22 s).

Now I could delete the inbetween files and use the Moho and MOV file to start my animation project.

Emulation:WIP: Mickey Mouse - The Nifty Nineties

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:42 pm
by Rasheed
Mickey Mouse cartoons are known for their particular synchronization with the musical score. So much so, that the technique is known as "Mickey-Mousing".

This particular clip is so rich in detail, that it's almost impossible to describe in full detail. (For instance, I've left out the facial expressions.) Therefore, I have limited the description below somewhat, but still, it's very detailed indeed. It's possible that I've made some errors here and there, but those will be ironed out in the storyboarding.

It's a pitty that I'm not allowed to just show you the clip with comments. The copyrights clearly states:
This DVD (including its soundtrack) is authorised for private use only. Unless expressly authorised by law or in writing by the copyright proprietor, any copying, public performance or other commercial use of this DVD or any part of it, or any export, re-supply and/or distribution by way of trade is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized reproduction, exhibition or distribution may result in severe criminal and civil penalties. Sales and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the original packaging of this DVD.
What is happening in this clip?

... During the intro of the song
-- Camera zooms out --
Mickey spreads his arms to take off his raincoat.

-- Camera now steady --
Mickey continues to take of his raincoat. First his left arm, then his right and sweeps the coat lightly into the air. He grabs it first with his left hand, then with both and throws it elegantly on the front of his car, while clearly showing with both hands open what he is doing and stretching his body towards the car on his right.

Mickey's body "unstretches" for his next action, which is taking off his driving hat. He grabs it with his left hand and throws it underhand in the cabine of the car.

Mickey reaches with his right hand low into the cabine to grab his walking hat. The hat protrudes from the right of the cabine and while Mickey's right hand reaches in, he balances on his right foot on the pavement (his stretched out left foot keeps his body in balance). Next he picks up the hat with both hands. While he puts his body into an upright position and brings the hat in both hands towards his head, he raises his left foot even higher to keep his balance. But wait, he first takes the hat into his left hand, while both arms are spreading wide, showing the inside of the hat. With a grand sway into the air and the hat still in his left hand, he puts it onto his head, while bending his knees.

Mickey stretches his knees to prepare for the next action. With his right foot Mickey reaches into the car cabine (in a kind of splits), while stretching his left arm outwards for balance (his right arm disappears behind his back). He raises his right foot really high (while his body goes left downwards and his left hand almost touches the pavement). Now his foot kicks down (both arms now behind his back) and the cane rockets upwards (handle first) with a twirl. Mickey now returns to a standing position and his left arm appears from behind his back and casually grabs the cane when it lands, bottom tip first, at the middle of the cane.

... on cue with the music intro last tune
With grandeur he reverses with his left leg to take his first step into his walk through the park with his hat and his cane, while his right arm reappears from behind his back.

... Singing starts: "I was strolling through the park one day in the merry month of May."
-- While Mickey walks, the camera trucks to the right, so he stays centered while he walks--

In the first step Mickey puts his cane from his left hand into his right hand (holding it by the handle this time). Mickey takes three jolly steps forwards using his cane in his right hand. On step 3 he almost disappears behind a tree.

-- Camera trucks approx. 45 degrees to the right up --
While behind the tree, Mickey turns to his left and takes another four steps towards the next corner.

... Musical interlude
-- Camera keeps trucking 45 degrees to the right up --

At the corner Mickey jumps into the air, with both hands together stretched in front of him, looks up and keeps looking upwards while he lands on both feet and turns his body (right foot in front, flat on the floot right knee bent, left foot in the back, only toes on the pavement, left knee stretched). His arms are still stretched in front of him.

... Musical Pause
-- Camera now stops trucking while Mickey is at the corner --

Mickey jumps up again, lands on his left foot almost flat and pointing towards his left, leans his body to his front, while his (bent) right leg is pointing towards his back and stretching both arms slightly backwards (the cane points horizontally towards the back of Mickey). Mickey now puts his right leg forwards (stretched, while he leans his body heavily forwards, his left hand almost touching the pavement). He puts his right foot down, pointing to his right, while his body is now almost upright*; Mickey grabs hold of the rim of his hat with his fingers, but keeps his index finger clear, pointing upwards (thumb is below the rim). He puts his left foot in front, now pointing the toes to his front (while he lifts his hat like he's greeting someone).

*Note: the whole movement of Mickey in this stage is that of an undulation, a kind of wave with his body.

... Humming starts
-- Camera trucks to the right --

Mickey takes the next step with his right leg, while slowly releasing the grab of his hat. He now doesn't use his cane anymore for walking, but, instead, keeps it horizontally, while he strolls along elegantly.

-- Camera keeps trucking, while the scene fades out --
Mickey takes his next step with his left leg.

Edit: The overall beat in this clip is 60 bpm (1 beat every 24 frames). And from the sounds of it the music seems to be in 4/4 measure (I'm not sure, because my musical knowledge is a bit rusty). Mickey is almost all the time going up and down in this rythm (even when he's not walking!).

The only exception is the business at the last corner. It's the focal point of this clip. The richness and density in action is so high here, that you'll have to see it several times to see it all (or study it frame-by-frame and still go through the scene several times).

I think this focal point is due to the particularity of the musical score. Anyway, both the animation and music "jump out of the scene", because they are out of the ordinary. And it's only 30 frames or so in length (the whole clip is 527 frames at 24 fps).

I already know this is going to be a very tough job. I'd be happy if I'd finished even a rough version in time.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:15 pm
by 7feet
Because this is a (except for the t-shirt) a thoroughly non-commercial venture, you might actually check with the Disney legal folks. If you get the right person and describe what you are doing they might well allow you to put up a carefully trimmed clip. Or not. But you sure don't want the Mouse on your butt. Really, I'd be a little nervous about representing recognizable Disney characters in any public setting without permission. They can get pretty persnickety at times, and if the guy who did Howard the Duck can get sued to hell and gone, it's somethin' to think about.

That said, I'm looking forward to what you come up with. And really, if you can hit that classic feel, you don't really need to see the original. Its iconic enough that anyone who has ever seen a few bits done under W.E.D. will get whether it works right or not immediately.

I'm trying to figure out something to Do. I'm leaning towards something public domain from one of the old silents. But so much of that stuff is so stretch and squash, it might be too nuts. I was thinking of writing an embedded script that would take bone scaling and adjust the points to keep the "volume" of the controlled points consistant. That would be pretty cool. Just thinking, um, "out loud".

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:25 pm
by Rasheed
7feet wrote:Really, I'd be a little nervous about representing recognizable Disney characters in any public setting without permission. They can get pretty persnickety at times, and if the guy who did Howard the Duck can get sued to hell and gone, it's somethin' to think about.
Thanks for that insightfull reply. Yes, I guess you're right, the Disney legal department is never ever going to give me persmission to use Disney's prime cartoon character for my personal projects. So I'll have to modify the scene in such a way, that the feel and look is the same, but the scene is completely different.

Oh boy, is this going to be a tough cookie!!

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:35 pm
by jorgy
7feet wrote:I was thinking of writing an embedded script that would take bone scaling and adjust the points to keep the "volume" of the controlled points consistant. That would be pretty cool. Just thinking, um, "out loud".
That would be *awesome*. Is there a "feature request" forum for just you? :-)

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:52 pm
by nobudget
To add to the the Disney discussion:
Check out Wally Wood and Ashley Holt, the second in particular is a big middle finger for the Disney corp. And also check out:
And watch the Negativland clip where Disney animator Tim Maloney did an inside plagarism job.

Thank the spineless politicians for the fact that Mickey is still under copyright while it should have been public domain by now. Show me the money!


Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 6:57 am
by 7feet
If the Mouse that Roared continues to make money (I consider the Disneyfication of 42nd st. criminal), that bugger will probably be under copyright forever.

No particular forum for me (yet), but I do most of the ones I think I would find useful anyway. For stuff I don't think I'd personally have much use for, and was complicated to develop, I'd be happy to do it that would be more of a "flow me a few bucks" kinda operation. But mostly, I like the mostly Open Source bit that seems to maintain for the scripts. You can always PM or email me if you have some ideas you don't wanna discuss in public yet, or would like held back until a production is done. This is the first program I use a lot that I've been comfortable extending, and I'm all for it.

Even though I haven't had a chance to play with the embedded scripting beyond the couple of demo scripts, I think that it will be a, in the end, as much of a jump in the capabilities as the release of Moho 5 was. Total quantum leap. There are a lot of things you might want to happen to a drawing, and not having to create a billion keyframes, and have it automatically react to changes you make, is just nuts, really brilliant. I just wish more people would get involved with the scripting process. Maybe a little Sourceforge kinda action. Whatever, I gotta sleep so I can sling lotsa rubber around again tommorow.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:48 am
by WillBellJr
jorgy wrote:
7feet wrote:I was thinking of writing an embedded script that would take bone scaling and adjust the points to keep the "volume" of the controlled points consistant. That would be pretty cool. Just thinking, um, "out loud".
That would be *awesome*. Is there a "feature request" forum for just you? :-)
I think if Lost Marble would implement a feature similar to Animation Master's Smart Skin, we'd be able to easily create stretch and squash animations based on bone rotation or scaling.

For example, rotate and/or shrink your bone and then manipulate the CPs to give the look you want for >that particular< bone scale, (and additionally set the CPs for the normal scale, and again for the stretched scale.)

Moho would then interpolate the CP positions based on the animated bone scale values - easy stretch and squash based on bone rotation/scale values. 8)


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:56 am
by Rasheed
Unfortunately, I will not finish this project in time. I have some health problems which are more important to me than the animation contest.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 7:14 pm
by nobudget
Rasheed: I just want to wish you "beterschap" and I hope you regain your "gezondheid" soon.


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 7:28 pm
by jorgy
Take care of yourself, Rasheed.