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Shapes Retain Original Stroke & Fill Colours Somehow

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:58 pm
by 94253
I've been running into some problems whilst colouring my latest creation. When I initially draw a shape, the original colours used seem to be retained somewhere even after recolouring. When I press Q and click the shape, for example, it will often appear to be the original colour even after I've changed it. That isn't a problem as the new colour is used for the render.

I do have a problem with hiding strokes, though. In the below example I drew the original shape with a light grey outline, then changed the shade of grey and hid some strokes between points where the shirt overlapped.

When I'm drawing in AS, it looks great. The line isn't visible at all!

When I render, however, a stroke is visible in the original shade of grey used when I drew the shape.

I need to delete the shape, change my colours, select all the points, then create a new shape in order for it to render out correctly. Not too tricky a workaround, but when you're as indecisive with colours as I am this gets to be a real pain when you start introducing new characters to your show...

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:13 pm
by Neillydubh
Hey 92453, I had the same thing happening. Look at this thread.


It's happening because you're drawing with the auto-stroke option switched on. Creating the solid object creates a duplicate line that sits over the original line. Very frustrating until you understand what's going on. Thanks to some helpful suggestions I've learnt to draw with that option switched off, do that and the problem will stop.

For objects that already have the duplicate line, you can use the Q tool to select the shape then lower it (using the menu command draw/lower shape, or the down arrow), you'll see the naughty line appearing which you can select with the Q tool and delete.


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:02 pm
by 94253
Wow; thanks! This is still very frustrating but if I use the "delete shape" tool regularly and then the make shape tool again, everything comes out clean. Thanks for the help. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:17 pm
by Neillydubh
Sounds like you're still drawing with the autostroke option switched on. If you're creating shapes out of many freehand strokes, something I do myself, the shape remembers the individual lines (to no apparent benefit that I can see) which then means if you're deleting these lines afterwards you need to select and delete each one in turn - making it very easy to miss one.

I liked being able to see the solid line while drawing so I was very reluctant to switch off autostroke, however I tried it and actually got used to it very quickly. Give it a go, I'm sure that losing the frustration of deleting (and potentially missing) these vestigial lines will make up for not seeing the line as you draw. :wink: