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Moho and computer games

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 10:52 am
by djinni

I am planning some computer games, of which I am going to do the graphics and hopefully get somebody else to do the programming. :P I want to have the distinct vector look, since it is the style of the time and it's just plain cool! I don't know whether I am going to make a flash game or a C++ or whatever game, since I would like a vector-based "engine" instead of sprites :?

I'm not a techie person really and I can't stand complicated apps; I gave up on 3D modelling because of this :roll: I am not well suited to all this backwards cubism malarky! But neither am I good at animating by redrawing each frame, so I am interested in Moho's combination of vector and bones. I recently tried Xara X and found it easy to pick up. I was considering buying both that and Moho, but if Moho's illustrating abilities are good enough my wallet would really appreciate it. :)

So, what I am wondering is... How easy to use is Moho? Is it suitable for computer games? Could I use my models in game? (Does anybody know of any way to make a vector-based game without flash?)

I hope that makes sense :oops:


Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 4:47 pm
by Nichod
Really Flash is "the program" to make vector based games. I think Koolmoves : can also do it with some more work. As I'm not a game maker, hard for me to recommend something. If anyone else knows I'm sure they will chime in.

I'd say as far as getting Xara and Moho that its up to you. I personally like Moho's drawing tools, but there are others that don't. If you find you aren't comfortable with Moho's tools then, if you are comfortable with Xara's tools get Xara. So Demo them both and go with what you like. If you are on a tight budget you might want to try the excellent Inkscape: it has excellent drawing tools, and its free. It also has an intergrated raster to vector converter so you can convert drawings you've made.


Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 12:16 pm
by djinni
Thanks for the reply :)

Hmm, the reason I am unsure about flash because I have heard that it is not very secure :shock: I was hoping to use shareware to sell my games... though admittedly I don't know much about shareware or flash security, anyway :oops:

And would KoolMoves still be a SWF output? :? I think that's the right term :D

Thanks again

PS: After reading some information on the internet, apparently it is possible to package flash games in a .exe to add missing features and improve security :)