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Moho 5.1.1 Illustrator Import

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:41 am
by Toontoonz
* Improved Illustrator import - better interpretation of line widths and CMYK color
I did a couple of brief tests. The line width seems improved - ecspecially finer line widths.
When I add one set of additional anchor points in Illustrator (double the number it had when I drew it) the shapes match near perfect in Moho. If I donĀ“t add the additonal anchor points in Illustrator their are issues with some curves.

Regarding color, here is a comparison between the Illustrator RGB file and the Moho colors:

Pink/Lila color:
Illustrator (RGB): 251, 174, 255
Moho (RGB): 249, 172, 255

Yellow color
Illustrator (RGB): 254, 222, 88
Moho (RGB): 246, 225, 92

Green color
Illustrator (RGB): 204, 255, 66
Moho (RGB): 203, 255, 55

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:19 pm
by Toontoonz
Colors from an Illustrator CMYK file imported into Moho:

Green color:
Illustrator (CMYK/RGB): 115, 192, 62
Moho (RGB): 114, 255, 40

Orange color:
Illustrator (CMYK/RGB): 237, 179, 41
Moho (RGB): 237, 181, 46

Pink color:
Illustrator (CMYK/RGB): 248, 89, 130
Moho (RGB): 255, 86, 193

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:23 am
by tim worsfold
Yes, I've had similar problems on the Mac version, but oddly enough the other day I imported something and all the colours were perfect! OK it was black, white and yellow but it worked! I have no idea how I did it though: it was probably a fluke.

I've also noticed that Illustrator import is much slower in version 5.1 compared to 5.0 - even a simple file takes about a minute to import.