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AS 6 Download or Physical

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:30 am
by virixproductions
I'm gonna get AS Debut 6 Soon!!!
First time buying on the internet
but is it better to buy the "Download" version or "Physical Version"
I live in canada so it's preatty expencive to get it delivered

Is it possible to get the "Download" version and somehow put anime studio setup file on to a CD (NOT ordering a backup CD)

how much is AS 6 in canada money?
I have as 5 so it's 23.00 in US money but how much is it in Canada money?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:34 am
by Mikdog
You can download the ZIP file, then burn that to a CD, together with a text file of your serial number that you receive once your purchase it online. That way you have a hard copy of the program in case you delete the file or something.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:22 am
by sfb
I ordered the download to avoid delay and potential duty and taxes. Since I payed by paypal, the exchange rate was up to them. 129.99 was 148.29 for the Pro version upgrade based on that day's exchange rate ... of course it varies.

I avoided the extended download option (extra cost) and I'll just make sure I back the exe a few places to make sure it's safe. I expect the trial is still available and it's the same, so at the moment it's safe anyway.
