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Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:30 pm
by rogermate
TheChewanater wrote:Not sure if someone said this, but for some reason it plays the audio too fast or too slow sometimes.
This might help in one scenario (which is not a bug):

If anime studio can't keep up with the audio by rendering frames fast enough, it will play back slower and thus the audio is slower.

If you set Animation -> Allow Frame Skipping to be allowed, then the audio will play back normal speed. However, you will not see every frame.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:41 pm
by J. Baker
Opening "landscape.anme" from the library and playing it does nothing. But if you open "landscape.anme" from the "File, Open..." menu and play it, all is fine.

The Weld Function makes two objects the same color

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:57 pm
by Timages
The Weld Function for separate shapes, makes two objects (That are originally different colors) the same color. In the tutorials, they maintain their original color.
I followed the tutorials clearly but mine does not seem to work.
Anyone else with this issue?

masks not supports fills of gradients with varying alpha

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:31 am
by rogermate
Masks don't honor the alpha channel of a gradient fill. :(

Masks do honor the alpha channel of an image layer. :D

Re: masks not supports fills of gradients with varying alpha

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:14 am
by Genete
rogermate wrote:Masks don't honor the alpha channel of a gradient fill. :(
It is not a bug. Gradients fills never has a alpha value it always reveal the fill color of the shape. The mask should reveal the alpha of the color and not the alpha of the gradient. The gradient is already composited onto the shape's color, so not possible to mask it because it is already hidden.


Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:46 pm
by dueyftw
Blend Morph will crash program

If you have an action that is more than one frame, using blend morph will cause the program to crash. This happens when you only have actions that can not be used as blend morphs and you get a program error. 'There are no bendable morphs for this layer'


Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:57 pm
by realsnake
Here's a bug i encountered when i was making a character with spline only
this happened when i created the character with spline and tried to add Halo effect for outlines

Note: these visible lines appeared at every point after using halo effect.
example image

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:05 am
by FCSnow
Barry Baker wrote:
The translate tool doesn't remember from one session to the next that I want "shape select" switched OFF. It constantly takes me by surprise when I go to move a point, and the entire object moves instead.
I have discovered that it doesn't matter that the Select Shape button is checked or not, it is always ON. At best, this is only annoying.

Possible bug with masking layers. If you open the tutorial 2.6, and following it as written, I double click the group layer, select Masking, then Hide All. The wall does not disappear. It acts as if the Wall layer masking has already been Add To Mask. Even though I have done nothing else.

I checked this with older versions of ASP (Moho and ASP 5.6) and they work as the tutorial is written.

My OS is Windows Vista.


Mouth Switch Layer Keyframes : Lip Sync falls out of sync

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:03 am
by akgarner
I have a mouth switch layer with, probably, hundreds of keyframes.

I have done this with papagayo.

The sync slips in playback AND final render at a few points later in the timeline, at about :40 and :50 seconds. It's repeatable.

It will catch up with itself, and fail again.

The behavior is suggesting that groups of keyframes are slipped backward in the timeline, maybe the phrases. Other phrases are in sync just fine afterwards.

NOTE : So after more testing, the issue is that the audio was 96K/24bit. Works fine with 44.1KHz/16Bit. The down-sampler is faulty in AS6.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:15 am
by yukito
I have problems with version 6, button "camera" pan(tilt)camera , and BUTTON layer "rotate XY" , the images disappear when move camera or or use layer rotate :shock: :?


when use camera/tilt o rotate xy :s ball moves to the front.

this dont happend with 5.5, works fine.

(sorry, I dont speak english very well)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:10 pm
by Mikdog

When I import audio and play it back in AS6, even if I turn my Mac volume all the way down, sometimes at seemingly random points the volume of the mac will be set to loudest volume and the audio file will play back loud. Kind of irritating.

Also, I'm starting to see the 'cannot paste a key on frame 30' bug appearing. Ha ha. Possibly the weirdest AS bug. It happens not only on frame 30 but frames around that too.

EDIT - seems to depend on the keyframes before frame 30. If there are few then only frame 30 doesn't want to be pasted upon. If there's lots of keyframes it can affect frame 29, 28, maybe a few before that too and if I remember correctly even frames after frame 30, like 31, 32, 33...sometimes I have to go to frame 37 or something, paste it there and drag it back to the desired frame upon which `I originally wanted to paste upon. The frame 30 area is like the Bermuda Triangle.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:25 pm
by Genete
It happens not only on frame 30 but frames around that too.
I would love to have a recipe for that. It is very weird and AFAIK it was only frame 30...

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:01 pm
by Gen
Hi, i dont know somebody say it before, so...

Everytime i work on a big figure, with a lot of Layer, and i am import a other Anime Studio File and want to change the name from the folder, where all the layers are, Anime Studio have a break down. (i hope u can understand ^^)

i use a Mac... i dont know it is important... when u have some question to this, u can pm me.

EDIT: One more^^ Everytime a work a long time with Anime Studio and i have a audio file in my Layer-window the audio plays crazy. Sometime there is no sound or double-speed or some parts have no sound... so

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:08 am
by Mikdog
Update: Seems to be random. Sometimes I can't paste a key around frame 30 seemingly independent of how many keys are around the place. Bizarre man.

Gen> I've had the same problem with importing an AS file and then wanting to rename it and then it crashes. I've ALSO experienced the sound file playing at double-speed like a chipmunk but only experienced that once.

Also on a Mac.

UPDATE 2: Couldn't paste a key on frame 20 now! Tried pasting different keys on frame 20, still no luck. Meow.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:22 pm
by Gen

Very funny: Today i traveled with the train (5hours) and so i push "F10" so that my sound is off. But all 10-15-20 minuts anime studios make a sound and my volume is on max, so i have to push "F10" again... Its really funny the first and second time, all passengers looking around^^ but the 6th+ time's it get me on my nerves.
