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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:22 am
by Genete
Hi again!!
I was again wrapped by my enthusiams. I've been playing with the two eyes and the nose and there is a problem with the rig that I didn't figure it out before. There are some positions of the skeleton that the nose cannot follow. The rotation of a single portion of the face don't follow the rotation of the face perfecly. It is due to the fact that therotation that I make to axis X and Y are special as well as the Y axis rotates with the X and the X don't do the same with the Y. In extreme positions the nose cannot reach some kind of rotations. :cry:
Anyway I will continue investigating in their posibilities.

Stay connected!!


PS: If someone need some help with a particular issue of this matter, fell free to ask me.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:15 am
by Touched
Genete, what impresses me the most about this hand rig is how you create the illusion of fingers with volume in such a way as I've never seen done convincingly in a 3D program. 3D programs always have the problem of inconsistently-applied edge-finding, which always belies the 3D origin unless you trace over each frame. A system like this doesn't have that problem. Good job!

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:57 pm
by Genete
Touched wrote:Genete, what impresses me the most about this hand rig is how you create the illusion of fingers with volume in such a way as I've never seen done convincingly in a 3D program. 3D programs always have the problem of inconsistently-applied edge-finding, which always belies the 3D origin unless you trace over each frame. A system like this doesn't have that problem. Good job!
Thankyou for your observatios Touched. I'm modifying the volumen given to the palm to allow a 180º turn. With the last "false" volume, if you reverse the hand, the external rounded corners become internal to the small bones, what produces a prolem with the size of the palm and its curvature.. I've a new "fake" for the palm similar to the one for the fingers that allows a complete palm turn. It still being under development because edge hidding is not reached yet but it don't worry me because it is a easy (but tedious) task..

You can see in the example the layer ordering in some frames of the animation. It is done manually for the moment but I'm planning to do it with actions.

Also I'm organizing the fingers in its own bone layers to allow better phalanx's shape ordering. It is not finished so there is no file.

Finally I haven't found a solution for the "crossfinger" pose. It would need two fingers phalanxs layers mixed in the same bone layer. Hehe... I "cross my fingers" it would work...


Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:30 am
by rplate
I see you have been hard at work. I'm impressed as well.
Can't wait to see how it's used on a figure.
Keep up the good work.
The only thing I know about bones is...mine ache all the time. :P

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:18 am
by Touched
You know, I have a robot character, and I think this rig would be perfect almost as is for that character. I've been animating him in Flash with non-articulated hands (separate drawings for each pose), but I'd gladly switch to something like this for him, if I can modify this a bit to more closely match his design. Would it be okay for me to use this for that purpose, Genete?

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:10 am
by Genete
@rplate: Thanks!!. I only need to link the hand's layer to a bone of another "skeleton" layer. For the left hand I will make duplicate symetrical one. But it will be done later.

Last night I had a nightmare due to the amount of things that I have in my head :lol:. I think I now know how to animate a "3D human skeleton with volume". I hope it could be used for a symple cartoon character.
Touched wrote:You know, I have a robot character, and I think this rig would be perfect almost as is for that character. I've been animating him in Flash with non-articulated hands (separate drawings for each pose), but I'd gladly switch to something like this for him, if I can modify this a bit to more closely match his design. Would it be okay for me to use this for that purpose, Genete?
I post the anme file everytime I show you some new animation. The propouse is that anybody can use it for its own benefit. Only one thing: If you use the bone rig as is has been provided, please mention its origin in your credits.

My main intention posting this tech is that everyone make its own particular rig. But I sadly feel that for the moment nobody has caugtht the howto of this complex tech... :(

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:24 am
by Touched
Well, regardless of whether I use it as-is, or if I build a new rig after learning how this one works, I will be sure to credit you! I haven't yet had the time to actually investigate the .anme file to see if I can use it, but I'll attach a pic here of my character's hands. I think it may be well-suited.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:36 am
by Genete
Touched wrote:Well, regardless of whether I use it as-is, or if I build a new rig after learning how this one works, I will be sure to credit you! I haven't yet had the time to actually investigate the .anme file to see if I can use it, but I'll attach a pic here of my character's hands. I think it may be well-suited.
Wow!!! what a glad surprise!!!.
Would you post the anme file to learn some tips about that fantastic given volume?? It looks great!!

I am very excited about this tech!!!


Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:47 am
by Touched
Oops, didn't mean to cause a misunderstanding. ^^ This is the original art of the hands, not a conversion into Anime Studio yet. ^^ That'll take a little time. Just showing what I intend.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:59 am
by Genete
:lol: :oops:
I have readed your post again and it is clear: It is your artwork not mine!!! (BTW good robot hand man!!!).
Anyway, all your modifications to my files are welcome.
Best, Genete.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:13 am
by Genete
I have made a animation showing the 3D rotations that are performed with this 3D rig. the animation is done using the standard rotate layer tools.

WARNING: This rotations differs from the original tutorial . In the original tutorial the Y axes rotates withi the X axis rotation. Now the X axis rotates with the Y rotation.

In the animation you can see that Initially the X rotation gives a traslation to the red dot. Vertical translation. Once you rotate the point and the X axis thru the Y axis the projected circular rotation becomes a elliptical rotation. If I rotate the Y axis to 90º The projected rotation is a true circle.

I have putted the camera very far away and zoomed in a lot to avoid the conic perspective distorsion.
