I think that it would be great if it was possible to create a key on every child layer by simply creating one on the Consolidated Timeline Layer.
This would make creating key poses more handy and avoid phantom interpolations on layers where you forgot to create a key for every key pose.
e.g.: I create an arm where the upper bone and the forearm bone are un two different connected layers. At first I will create an antic by rotating the upper bone a little bit to the left (frame 6). Then I lift the arm by rotating the upper bone to the right (frame 12). At the same frame I also lift the forearm bone by rotating it to the right as well. The problem is that the forearm will only have keys at frame 1 and at frame 12. That means that it will already interpolate to the right at frame 6 although the entire arm should still be doing the antic to the left.
Do you think that this could be feasable with your new tool, Rüdiger?
Thank you so much for this amazing script!... this is what Anime Studio has been crying out for for years!... it will completely revolutionise the way I work with Anime Studio so thank you!!
It seems so odd that AS has gone so many years without this functionality... cant wait to start a new project now knowing that this script is here to help me with timing of complex projects.... and the previous/next keyframe shortcuts are also an amazing function to add! so handy and logical- thank you again!
I think that it would be great if it was possible to create a key on every child layer by simply creating one on the Consolidated Timeline Layer.
This would make creating key poses more handy and avoid phantom interpolations on layers where you forgot to create a key for every key pose.
e.g.: I create an arm where the upper bone and the forearm bone are un two different connected layers. At first I will create an antic by rotating the upper bone a little bit to the left (frame 6). Then I lift the arm by rotating the upper bone to the right (frame 12). At the same frame I also lift the forearm bone by rotating it to the right as well. The problem is that the forearm will only have keys at frame 1 and at frame 12. That means that it will already interpolate to the right at frame 6 although the entire arm should still be doing the antic to the left.
Do you think that this could be feasable with your new tool, Rüdiger?
Your idea intrigues me and I do think it would be feasible. I take it you would want the inserted keys to have the same value as the previous key to sort of create a hold period. To stop keys being inserted on unused channels perhaps you could check whether a channel has any keys ahead of the insertion point. It might not make it into the upcoming version's release, but it would most likely be a separate button script anyway.
Yes, the keys should have the same value as the previous ones to create a hold.
The possibility to check if there are other keys on the channels to avoid useless keys would make this tool very efficient.
Knowing that this is feasable I am wondering if it could be possible to determine the velocity of all the child layer's keys by just modifying it for those on the Consolidated Timeline Layer.
e.g.: If on the Consolidated Timeline Layer I modified the first key to start slowly all the child keys would adopt the same velocity change.
stefman wrote:Great, this would be a really usefull thing.
Yes, the keys should have the same value as the previous ones to create a hold.
The possibility to check if there are other keys on the channels to avoid useless keys would make this tool very efficient.
Knowing that this is feasable I am wondering if it could be possible to determine the velocity of all the child layer's keys by just modifying it for those on the Consolidated Timeline Layer.
e.g.: If on the Consolidated Timeline Layer I modified the first key to start slowly all the child keys would adopt the same velocity change.
I am looking foreward to your reply.
So what you are saying is that you would like to set the interpolation mode on the consolidated timeline layer and then have all its children's keys on the same frame with the same interpolation mode. Again, you could do it with another button tool that you would use to update the children layers once you had set the interpolation mode for the consolidated layer. Thanks for the idea, I'll definitely keep it mind for the future.
Because there's no way a script can detect that you've set the interpolation mode for a key, you would add another button tool to the existing tool set that updates the children from the consolidated timeline layer. It's already got 4, what's one more? I actually quite like this approach, even though it means filling up people's tool pallets and hotkey space, because you don't have to install the full toolset if you don't want to.
Timing has always been an (weak point :oops:) interest and this seems like a really viable solution. I haven't had that much chance to test it on a project (too busy) but no probs so far.
There was mention earlier of icons...
Try these for size:
(alternative global) (alternative global)
next prev
left right
Many thanks again for this - so useful.
Do you think it might be possible to script keying in the number of frames to move? That would be the total dream come true.!.!
It is nice to be able to put something into this very generous forum. I am still the BIG Newb with AS so can't add much technically.
Time has been a 'thing' for me since back when. I may well develop the 'feel' for it as more experience acrues. In the meantime I tried a synthsin tweak of a Macton script but didn't trust it so much. I ended up writing a PHP script to splice in time blocks (VERY clumsy). This looks really promising as a time adjuster.
I wonder about a one-button model that launches a pop-up with checkboxes:
Another trick is to create a pop up that sets a preference for the amount. For example you pop up the box and set how many frames to move. Close the box and then the nudge keys will always move that much until you change it.
Or maybe a tool AND a button. The tool would have a text box to enter the amount to move. Easier than a pop up.
Your model is not bad, artfa. I can think of situations where doing it that way would be better, but others where it would still be nice to nudge using shortcuts. You could easily write, a button script that brings up the dialog then calls the other tool scripts. I read in another thread that you were looking to get into scripting, so it would be a good way for you to get started, if you were keen.
I would happily, gladly, joyously settle for the frame-number input option :)
I like Vern's suggestion of a persistant value for the 4 L&R buttons.
My thought with the pop-up was mostly was to save tool-window space.
My scripting/learning time is very limited through summer. In reality my 'brain upload' bandwidth (for the next ?year?) is mostly given over to getting to grips with AS. It is, for me, a somewhat funky, esoteric bit of soft with an interface and concept learning curve [did you ever use Kai's graphic tools?]. I love it.
So, bottom line here is that, for now, my suggestions can be seen as 'asking favours.'