How can I find a job?

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How can I find a job?

Post by taha.abtahi.anime »

hi..I am taha... a freelance animator in Moho..I do not know how to find a job..Can you guide me in finding a job.This is my example of work :
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Re: How can I find a job?

Post by dueyftw »

Join gig working sites such as fiverr.

Keep an eye on Craigslist New York Los Angeles and every major city in the world.

Look at job sites such as Monster.

Put your resume in to local animation studios. What I mean is because I normally live 90 miles north of New York City I'd be making around two companies like Titmouse.

Understand that most places use too boom for 2D animation. Just knowing mojo is not going to cut it. You need to a little bit about every thing. Know how to composite in after effects. Know how to use audio software. Etc.

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Re: How can I find a job?

Post by taha.abtahi.anime »

thans a lot...I registered in these two sites, but unfortunately there was nothing(fiverrو Monster)...
I have not worked with Toon Boom software so far...
I'm glad to see examples of my work on the Behance site:

I worked hard for animation, but unfortunately I have not been working for a month now.
I think I will have to go and learn another software.
I knew Photoshop, Illustrator, Unity, Premier and After and worked with them a lot ... but I like animation very much.
Thank you for your guidance and help .. I hope you be always healthy, successful and happy
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Re: How can I find a job?

Post by Greenlaw »

For animation, you want to produce a demo reel that features your best work. I think 2 minutes is a good length for a reel and it should not run longer than 3 minutes. Even a 1 minute reel is fine if you have really great stuff on it.

Don't put anything on your reel that you didn't enjoy doing because if you do, chances are that the kind of work you will be asked to do.

If you have an accompanying music track on your reel, don't use music with vocals. You want the viewer to pay attention to the animation, not the song. Also, don't use music that sounds obnoxious. I know that's a matter of taste but if your serious about marketing to get work, consider your audience.

The point of the demo reel is to get a prospective client or employer intrigued with your work and want to meet you. Be prepared to answer questions and if they want to see more, be prepared to show it.

If you don't immediately get a response from your reel, don't worry about it. Just keep improving your skills and creating new work to show off. A demo reel is always evolving, which is why I no longer show footage from my earliest days as an animator/fx artist.

If the work is good, your efforts will pay off eventually.

Also, if your work is marketable, don't undersell it. If you're serious about working in the industry or as a freelancer, you need to charge enough to make a living.

If a prospective client becomes too difficult about meeting your rate/fee, they're probably going to be horrible to work with. Real professional clients will respect other professionals.

When you're just starting out, I know this is all easier said than done, so if you decide to take a cut rate on a project, be sure it's something you can capitalize on in other ways. Like: is the project something you really want or need for your reel? If that's the case, be sure the client understands that your giving them a discount and that this is not your usual rate/fee.

Don't accept work on spec--which means no pay and on promises of future paying work. Some prospective clients may ask for this and tell you that after their project is sold, they will hire you and pay you well. Don't believe them; spec work almost never pays off, and working on spec devalues animation work for everyone. If you decide to accept the spec job anyway, be sure the project will result in an awesome reel piece that you can use on your reel. Otherwise, run away from this client. You can thank me later. :D

Finally, if you accept a paying project, get the terms you agreed to in writing!

Back when I was starting out as an animator in the late 90's, I had to master and duplicate my own VHS tapes as demo reels and physically mail them to every studio and ad agency I could find. Later this became DVDs. Nowadays, sending a link to my reel on Vimeo or YouTube is all that's necessary.

The downside in starting out now is that there's lot more competition in the business. Don't let that intimidate you though. While there are no guarantees for getting work in this business, being passionate about what you do and producing a good imaginative demo reel will help you rise above the rest.

If all of this sounds like a lot of work, well that's because it is. But for those crazy enough to pursue animation as a career, it can be worth it. (Note: the keyword here is 'crazy'.) :D

Good luck and I hope this advice is helpful!
Last edited by Greenlaw on Sun Jun 04, 2023 4:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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