Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by eric1223 »

For Point Colors, can there be a option to change fill and stroke colors if they are the same shape? Now, only the fill color is affected if a shape has both. There is a way to do it, but its a little more work.

Also, how about there be an option to have a Merge shapes option for scatter brushes?
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Noisefever »

For god's sake change the activation system! I'm so frustrated at the moment! If I had pirated AS I would had much less stress. And thats sad, really sad! Yes, I am using all 3 possible activations because I work on 3 computers. It is the third time I have to contact the technical support to reset my activations because I forgot to uninstall/unregister before upgrading the system (or something other at first where I even didn't what happend).

Really, the activation system of AS is the worst activation system I ever experienced. It is really not necessary to repress your customers this much! You should at least allow to reset the activations for the user himself.

At this moment I am SO angry that I am not sure if I'll buy the next update. Don't know if I'am the only one that experiences that shit, but if there more users, I would be happy if there would be more loud complains.

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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by chucky »

Activation switching is pretty hard to get used to.
I use toon boom storyboard pro a lot, with that I get only one activation and I have to deactivate every single time I go from desktop to laptop.
If you don't deactivate first then you cannot activate the second machine, it is very tedious, but I must say it becomes habitual eventually ,I just can't be spontaneous and must take those few seconds before leaving to clear the slate.

Just remember to deactivate before you switch out a c drive.
Don't rush that stuff.
Even your OS will complain if you switch c drives as you well know.
Think carefully and plan ahead before making big hardware changes.
Serial numbers are much easier , if only none of that stuff mattered.
At least it's not a hardware dongle.
I had one of those for another animation package that got stolen from a hotel room once, now that really messed things up.
Sorry to hear of your woes, Noisefever I hope it gets fixed quickly.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Greenlaw »

chucky wrote:Activation switching is pretty hard to get used to.
I use toon boom storyboard pro a lot, with that I get only one activation and I have to deactivate every single time I go from desktop to laptop.
If you don't deactivate first then you cannot activate the second machine, it is very tedious, but I must say it becomes habitual eventually ,I just can't be spontaneous and must take those few seconds before leaving to clear the slate.
It really depends on how the company has setup their activation system.

Even though I liked using Toon Boom's software, I think their licensing system is archaic and horrible, especially if you're a freelancer who wants to switch between a workstation and a laptop/tablet frequently. To make matters worse, if you switch your Storyboard Pro license between computers more than three or four times in a day, you're locked from switching again for about three days. This system really hosed me a few years ago when I was working on a storyboard between my home studio and a work location and I suddenly found my license locked to my home workstation for a few days--this meant I could no longer work 'on the road'. Another time I was completely locked out from using Storyboard Pro for a entire weekend and I was quickly coming up on a deadline. When I suggested they improve their system to make allowances for artists who need to work at home and abroad, their CS rubbed me the wrong way by telling me that nobody else has complained about their licensing system. I found that a little hard to believe but, regardless, it made me more cautious about relying on Toon Boom products for freelance work.

IMO, Adobe has much better system in place. They allow activation on up to two computers and if you need to activate your license on the different computer you can deactivate all active licenses remotely from any computer. I like that they left license management up to the user--this flexibility has worked out well for me in many freelance situations in the past few years. Now, if Adobe would just create a decent storyboard program like TB's. :)

ASP's licensing has so far worked out well for me too. Having an allowance of three activations really helps out since I need to switch between different computers often. And while we may not have the ability to remotely deactivate a license from a different computer (unless you call it in), at least we can locally deactivate and transfer licenses without hassles or severe restrictions.

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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by strider2000 »

Action Folders and Copy Action

Here's an idea I think many people would find very useful and, as a computer programmer, I think it would be easy to implement. Borrow infrastructure from the layers menu to add folders and "duplicate" (and perhaps reference) actions, just like layers.

I recall someone suggesting creating categories, but I couldn't find it in a quick search, but I think the folders would be a more powerful approach that serves the same purpose.

The idea is this: instead of thinking of actions as _just_ canned behavior, or controls, think of actions as images or poses. From the computer programmer perspective I can think of these poses as being tons of images in switch layers, except I put the folders in the action palette.

So here's the deal. I want to create a surprised look for my character looking down and left. I don't have one. I create an action and save it. Now here's the great part. The next time I want to look angry down and left, I don't have that, but I've got something close. Cool!!! I don't have to spend all the time moving 50 points of hair just to get the head to look down and left. I also don't have to create some complex rig to make all the points do just the right thing for that one angle.

Instead I think of the actions as an ability to save a character "drawing" and then I can "theoretically erase and redraw" to get exactly the pose/image I want. In other words, I'm not simply switching between different layers, I'm quickly applying settings to the bones, points and other animatable (sp?) attributes. Then I tweak it and save it as another action.

Copy allows me to quickly create a new action based on the old. You could do it by inserting a copy and then modifying it, but a simply duplicate button would help people quite a bit.

This can actually be done now, but simply adding the ability to easily organize the actions, by using folders, will make it more obvious and completely under the control of the animator. From a programmer perspective it means I don't have to create some category system that may or may not fit their workflow and they can create tons of them.

Last point: kind of like FBF was technically there with switch layers, but is much easier to use now, I think folders for actions will be a powerful tool for animators, even though it's technically there now. It's just not as obvious and organization is a powerful ally.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by strider2000 »

Support .lip files from Manga Studio

I didn't see anyone else suggest this, but it would be very helpful to have full .lip support from Manga Studio. That would be a incentive for others to use both Manga Studio and Anime Studio.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by cableon »

Hey thanks for ASP 11.2! Excellent update, 2-3 little remarks/questions/suggestions though :

- why switch the bone constraints and select bone buttons ?
- how do you apply homothetic transformations now (previously shift+transform), for both "transform layer" and "transform points" tools ?
- would it be possible to add the estimated time of an export in ASExporter please ?

Great job however!
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Víctor Paredes »

cableon wrote:Hey thanks for ASP 11.2! Excellent update, 2-3 little remarks/questions/suggestions though :

- why switch the bone constraints and select bone buttons ?
- how do you apply homothetic transformations now (previously shift+transform), for both "transform layer" and "transform points" tools ?
- would it be possible to add the estimated time of an export in ASExporter please ?

Great job however!
- In previous versions, Bone Constraints window was placed at the center of the screen. When opened, it covered an important part of the workspace, making difficult to see the artwork while editing the constraints, specially on small screens. That's why we decided to move it to the left.
- The feature is still there, but the key modifiers have changed. If you have any doubt about them, you always can find help for each tool in the Status Bar. Anyway, here's how it works in 11.2: Alt to scale to center (for points). When you drag from the side, Shift to squash and stretch. When you drag from the corner, Shift to scale irregularly.
- I'm not sure if that could be implemented in a proper way, render time can be very variable even in a single file. Anyway, I will review that.

I'm happy you like 11.2, we like it too :)
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by cableon »

Both bone constraints/select bone button's former locations seemed more logical (and convenient) to me, even though the bone constraints' one indeed took some place. Probably just a matter of habits anyway, nothing overly dramatic. :)

As for an rendering time estimation, I am well aware it must differ according to many parameters and hesitated to suggest it for some time -- just figured it might be helpful regarding one's work schedule.

Oh, and I was just about to amend my post regarding the Alt-transform option, as I found the shortcut in the meanwhile. Thanks! :)
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by DrawMonkey »

Hello ASPers,

I don't have time to actually go through all the suggestions on this thread so I'm deeply sorry if I'm just repeating another post. I know it's seen as very lazy and I apologize for it.

That being said I think there's huge potential with the Character Wizard button but as it is now it's a very basic button with only one or two uses. I see use in it for making a random character quickly and using it to learn to animate if building and rigging isn't your thing ( which would be weird cause it's so much fun ) which is fine and dandy but more could definitely be done.

If there was a possibility to save your own build, full rotation like you can get with it as it stands, it would help building secondary, tertiary, etc characters for a series. Usually ( and I'm basing this on my own experiences, others might disagree ) a show's characters will rely or be highly based off of one or two of the mains. We just finished a project where for 104 episodes, at 5-10 characters per, most had a fairly different head but a lightly modified body ( as far as actual design ).

If it were possible to save say the main character's build, being able to call it in and through the sliders make her/him a slightly to not-so-slightly varied character would speed up the process ( and speed is always a highly sought after addition when it comes to scheduling weekly shows ).

It would also allow bone structures to universally fit a show. Not every animation style needs a heavy rig. Again, being able to save one major character per series would make all successive builds work the same which is a huge advantage for animators not having to relearn the inner workings of different characters in one project.

Thanks for reading folks,
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by DrawMonkey »

After a talk with Chucky, I realized some clarification ( or maybe more narrowing down ) of my idea was.

I think the emphasis on Wiz should be less to create the whole character and more about saving a bone structure to manipulate. Being able to generate a skin does nothing for a studio since character designs tend to be a separate department then builds ( or separate process at least ). Seems to me the idea of saving a full build would be helpful cause once you drop it on your stage it's easy enough to manipulate the drawn pieces to make someone new. It's really the insides that count.

This does bring out the problem of making sure the changes you'd make on the wizzed model work on the proportions of the extra characters but maybe this could be fixed by allowing an onion skin ghost of the original to stay in the window as you're manipulating?

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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by organicgary »

I would like to see:

Chromakey capability (so I can use my green/blue screen assets)

Bones rotate along the z-axis.

Rulers/guides I can drag onto the screen and put away. And save them across documents. (Grids are very messy and hard to work with.)

Be able to 'nudge' assets around the screen with keyboard to gain more accurate/exact placement.

Expanded editing tools for image layers.

Multi camera system so I can switch between different views of the same set. Handled as a new channel maybe.

Gradient style masking. Also an invert mask capability.

Be able to save and load styles across documents.

Be able to cut/paste assets between layers so that it pastes at the SAME location it was when I cut it from the prev layer (maybe with an optional key like ctrl or alt).

A shortcut 'bone constraints' capability without having to go into the dialog each time and guess my angles. I want to set the bone into position and press a key or two and have it lock in that position as a constraint. Or maybe this could be done with a right click.

IK is great but I want to selectively/temporarily turn it off (with a key?) so I can move the single bone I've selected into position (temp locking the unselected parent bones).

I really want smart dials to quit jumping all over the screen when I use them. There should be a pref or something to anchor them. It's just plain annoying and time consuming the way they work now. Or maybe someone can suggest a technique.

Be able to right-click and lock a layer down so I can't change anything accidentally. Be able to right-click and delete a layer. Be able to right-click and create a new layer. Be able to right click and group layers or duplicate them etc, etc. A right click menu for layers in general would improve work flow.

Access the various tools through a right-click menu.

MUCH better, more complete/comprehensive manual.

And so much more ;)
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by chucky »

organicgary wrote:I would like to see:

Chromakey capability (so I can use my green/blue screen assets)

Bones rotate along the z-axis.

Rulers/guides I can drag onto the screen and put away. And save them across documents. (Grids are very messy and hard to work with.)

Be able to 'nudge' assets around the screen with keyboard to gain more accurate/exact placement.

Expanded editing tools for image layers.

Multi camera system so I can switch between different views of the same set. Handled as a new channel maybe.

Gradient style masking. Also an invert mask capability.

Be able to save and load styles across documents.

Be able to cut/paste assets between layers so that it pastes at the SAME location it was when I cut it from the prev layer (maybe with an optional key like ctrl or alt).

A shortcut 'bone constraints' capability without having to go into the dialog each time and guess my angles. I want to set the bone into position and press a key or two and have it lock in that position as a constraint. Or maybe this could be done with a right click.

IK is great but I want to selectively/temporarily turn it off (with a key?) so I can move the single bone I've selected into position (temp locking the unselected parent bones).

I really want smart dials to quit jumping all over the screen when I use them. There should be a pref or something to anchor them. It's just plain annoying and time consuming the way they work now. Or maybe someone can suggest a technique.

Be able to right-click and lock a layer down so I can't change anything accidentally. Be able to right-click and delete a layer. Be able to right-click and create a new layer. Be able to right click and group layers or duplicate them etc, etc. A right click menu for layers in general would improve work flow.

Access the various tools through a right-click menu.

MUCH better, more complete/comprehensive manual.

And so much more ;)
Hi some good suggestions there. here's some good news .

Most of these already exist either exactly or in some easy workaround,(for example multicamera can be just snap camera positions using step keys - you can import and export the camera keyframes for use in other files)
I am sure someone else will point out the others
Oh here you go just a quick checklist.
Green screen - check
Gradient masking- check
Styles across documents- check
The dials moving, here's a way, keep them off to the side of the character then split the screen display using one view as front view pointed and zoomed to those dials, ASP now remembers your split screen when you open documents so your layout will be the same next time you open...

I agree with many of those others though, I'm a bit of a right click nut too :)
Much of this would be clearer if your last request for a more detailed manual wass taken care of. On that, AS does update at a startling rate so I sympathise with the developers, maybe a different approach to the manual could make it easier to update from their end... I don't know about these things though.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Greenlaw »

If you parent the dial bones to a free standing 'dials mover' parent bone that's not part of the rig, they'll stay in place when you move the character's root. Of course, if you move the camera or move the character off camera, the Dials still get left behind.

To work around this, I parent the dials parent bone to the character root and set the constraint for this dials parent to Independent Angle. This way, the tools always stay off to the side of the character and move with the character, but they don't go spinning like crazy when the character needs to rotate. Kinda like this:


This usually works out nicely for me.

Another variation: call the 'Root' bone a 'COG' bone (for Center of Gravity) and parent this to a Root bone at ground level between the character's feet. In this case, the root is only used to slide the character along X. The Dials parent is still parented to the root on the 'ground' Now you can use the COG bone for bounce, rotation, and flipping the character without affecting the dials layout. But when the character needs to move along X, move the Root and everything, including the Dials, stays 'in frame' next to the character.

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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by organicgary »

Thanks for the bone anchoring technique. I'll try that. Not sure what was meant with the camera snap/step technique/work around.

As for chromakey, all I can find is a magic wand style tool that removes but leaves a ring or other artifact - makes it mostly pretty worthless. Movie clips don't seem to have any capability to key them. I can do it in after effects, but it sure slows down the work flow.

Gradient masking just plain doesn't seem to work. I use a black to clear ramp created in photoshop saved as a png and all it seems to do is shade the image to be masked and in an opposite way (shouldn't black reveal and clear leave hidden?). I've tried all of the variants including clear and add on the mask. When I tried creating a vector layer using AS tools to create a gradient for the mask. I just see that gradient sliding around behind the layer to be masked. Folder = hide all, to be masked is a png set to mask this layer and the mask is as described here tried with various settings. If it IS possible as was suggested, what am I missing?

OK found the styles export and import. Wow what a clunky way to do this. What if I have multiple style configurations that I want to load and unload?

Thanks for the feedback so far :)
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