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Control bone delay

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:16 pm
by slowtiger
This night I dreamt about work, and a funny little idea struck me.

We all use the simple control bone feature to move one object and let lots of others follow. Works nicely, except that everything moves uniformingly. So what about adding another input field/dial into each line which determines the delay (in frames) at which the movement happens?

Imagine a blade of grass bowing, then the next, then the next, progressing quite naturally over the screen.

Technically, if in each frame a controlled bone asks for parameters by its controlling bone, it should be easy to get those from some frames earlier instead the current one.

Any ideas?

Re: Control bone delay

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:19 pm
by Víctor Paredes
I would love to see that implemented. It can be just a new box for the amount of frames for delay (including, of course, negative frames :wink: ).
Right now I'm animated seaweed and I'm using a lot of delayed cycles to give the sensation of the water generating a wave in the rotation. Having this constraint would make my life much easier (and the timeline much cleaner!).

Re: Control bone delay

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:07 pm
by hayasidist
have you considered Stan's "layer copies" script ... 12&t=33017 for this? -- IOW each blade (or group of blades) in it's own layer which is then copied and distributed in both space and along the timeline?

Re: Control bone delay

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 9:43 am
by slowtiger
No, haven't used any script at all ...

It's interesting that I see many examples of "stuff spread over space" in many programs, mostly per particle animation or, in more complex systems, as "crowd control". It would be nice to have a "spread over time" feature as well, which should also include a speed up/slow down seed animation setting. But maybe that's not for Moho.

Re: Control bone delay

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:01 am
by Víctor Paredes
I'm using Stan's script a lot. Currently I'm animating several scenes with chains. The characters are animated in TVPaint, but the chains needed to be done quicker.
So basically I created a switch layer with two pieces (front and side view of the chain) and used the script to create hundreds of references of that switch layer distributed along a path.
Doing that, I can simply animate the path (which is made normally of two or three points) and that moves all the pieces.

Anyway, that script is useful of creating different objects and delaying their animation. With a Constraint option, that delay could be applied inside of the same rig, which is something that can't be done right now.

Re: Control bone delay

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 1:40 am
by Greenlaw
That sounds crazy Victor. I hope you'll do a demonstration of the technique in the future. :)