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Key Frame Glitch

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:47 am
by shift
Not sure if anyone has experienced this with Anime Studio 9. Only recently started experiencing it. I set a key frame, and then a few frames down, I set another key frame for the same vector points or bone movement and then when I scrub back through the timeline, I realize that the new key frame has affected the previous key frame. I end up having to go back to the previous key frames and resetting them to eventually get them to stay in position.

I know immediately some people might get confused because it's not supposed to be possible, and you're probably wondering if I'm describing this problem incorrectly, but I will do a video soon to show you. It is really annoying and time consuming to be setting a key frame and then the subsequent key frames affect the previous ones.

Re: Key Frame Glitch

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:31 am
by synthsin75
If I remember correctly, you couldn't disable relative keyframing in v9. So if you have any keyframe(s) selected, any new animation will effect those as well. Try to make sure you do not have keyframes selected unless you want them to be animated relative to what you are currently doing.