Blend Morphs in MOHO PRO 12 [Mac OS Sierra]

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Blend Morphs in MOHO PRO 12 [Mac OS Sierra]

Post by Mr.Pete »

I watched the Tutorial SmihMicro sold me on Blend Morphs as well as SEVERAL others ~ but it flat out DOESN"T work in MOHO PRO 12 - at least not in the way all of these earlier version tutorials AND current manual explain it :?

Manual P.371 says: After you create your new morph, click the Mainline (top) line in the Actions window. The character should return to its default state.

…except my image DOESN'T "return to it's default state"
The timeline goes back to Zero from Frame One when I click the Mainline (top) line in the Actions window but no change in the image is registered as a Blend Morph- MOHO thinks I'm still drawing or editing the original image as if I were on FRAME ZERO

Indeed a new ACTION is created however it's not a BLEND and it doesn't do anything after trying dozens of times ~ the exact same thing happens and the Dialog Alert comes up "THERE ARE NO BLENDABLE MORPHS FOR THIS LAYER"

Can someone >please< explain what's going on here? Is there a setting I need to switch?

ps: Would love to play with Victor Paredes's Blend Morph Face which the SmithMicro Tutorial Video says is in the Library, but it isn't there and I couldn't find anyplace to download
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Re: Blend Morphs in MOHO PRO 12 [Mac OS Sierra]

Post by Greenlaw »

Blend Morphs works here in 12.2. I'm on Windows but it should work on Mac the same way.

When you create a Morph and go back to the Mainline, you should not see anything change until you apply the Morph. The Morph you created is essentially a 'preset' at this stage, waiting to be applied.

There are two ways to apply it:

1. Actions Panel. Go to the frame where you with to use the Morph, select it from the Actions panel, click either insert Reference or Insert Copy. The keyframes will be inserted and you should see your morph.

2. Blend Morphs Panel. If you created Morph correctly, you should see a slider it in the panel. Go to the frame where you wish to use the Morph and drag the slider. You'll see the Morph being applied but you need to click Appy to create the keyframe.

If you don't see the Morph listed in the Actions or Blend Morph panel, is it possible that you're not on the layer for which you created the morph? Try clicking on the layer and see if the morph appears in the Actions panel.

Typically I find it easier to put my point animations in a Smart Bone Dial. This method doesn't required you to be on the layers where the morphs exist, you can access the morphs from the Bones layer--I think it's more convenient this way. I do like to use Morphs in the Actions Panel for recalling specific bone poses and bone animations though.

I'm not saying you shouldn't use Blend Morphs for point animations--it does work in 12.2 and it still has its uses, but nowadays there may be better ways to set up your point animations.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Blend Morphs in MOHO PRO 12 [Mac OS Sierra]

Post by Mr.Pete »

Thanks for the quick reply ~ I waited to see if someone else might chime in

Definitely selected the same layer ~ even deleted the rest in trials to make sure that was the case

maybe it IS a Moho 12.2 and OS Sierra conflict, unless another Mac user can confirm?
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